About Steve Diamond

About Steve Diamond

I feel like I should scrap much of the old content on this page, as it was an introduction to myself while going solo [again], when I started Our Love Frontier [all the way back to the Baywords.com days]. I put a lot of things aside, including my actual history in the online BoyLove [Child-Love/Teen-Love] movement…This was primarily, because I wanted to start anew…and maybe “remake” myself a little, once again. I didn’t want any squabbling over what I offered as a personal legacy…So, I decided to just forget about mentioning it, all together.

I’m going to keep the old ramble which follows later, just because I’m sentimental like that…But I wanted to offer a more solid picture of where I have been, and what I have been part of…After all, this is what an “about” page is supposed to include…

Who I Am and Where I’ve Been:

I am Steve Diamond, or Steve-D of BoyChat.

I have a very long history with BoyChat. I arrived at BoyChat during the summer of 1998, where I found a wonderful community of people.

I became a webmaster early on, by creating and maintaining “Steve-D’s Midnight Zone”…which was a personal website. Eventually, I also created “The Midnight Archives”…and had a handful of other sites online.

I have served on BoyChat’s administration, this culminating in my appointment to Assistant Webmaster. I stood as acting BoyChat Webmaster, for a window of time…Though not terribly long.

I served on the administration of ClosEncounters, a chat board for dialogue between BoyLovers and people not from our community. I was with that project from early on, until it closed…and I had a loose association with CrossRoads [which was a similar endeavor, only without the etiquette rules].

I was a volunteer at LifeLine, a live chat for Child Lovers and Teen Lovers in distress…Though it also serves as a live community hub. I found that I never really became comfortable with “controlling” the room, so my status as a moderator was not terribly noteworthy…But it lasted about a year.

I have participated in various research studies on pedosexuals, including a few conducted by accredited research institutions…one of which required a literal face to face meeting…None of this was compulsory…I did it, and exposed my real self, because I believe fully in what was happening…and what we were trying to do.

During all of these years, I’ve been reading research studies, articles…essays and news stories…things dealing with child sexuality, the pedosexual minority…and really, any number of things dealing with the relentless hysteria surrounding “child sex abuse”. I’ve also made mental note, time and time again, of the grotesque degree of skewing…in media reports…in research…even in how people communicate…and how pedosexuals are shut out of this dialogue…I’ve seen censorship on so many levels, from simple webmasters, to book authors…literally to research studies, that have been derailed by hostile groups who fought so they wouldn’t come to fruition…

I spent a lot of years becoming really frustrated and angry…and watched several of my dear friends, just completely run through the meat grinder which some call a “legal system”…receiving fates, they did not at all deserve…And I, likewise, suffered a horrible mental and emotional beating everytime this happened…On top of the pain of watching this, and that of the loss…I also never knew what exactly this meant for myself, or whether I had been compromised…And I cannot even begin to tell you, the stress this causes…I lived under this stress for so long, that I had a total breakdown…and I withdrew from the BoyLove community.

Eventually I resurfaced in the Blogosphere, in 2006…Not entirely knowing what I was going to do with it, I opened up a personal blog…It became my “magnum opus”…”In Self Defense: The Life and Times of an Atheist Boylover…”. Apparently, I needed this…because I started writing, and I just could not stop…I was riding an effortless wave of powerful emotion, forcing an endless stream of essays and ideas through me, with clarity I had not experienced in years…and a frenzied pace, I had never experienced at all. I remained at this consistent high for about nine months…One of my last posts on that blog, explained that I would be slowing down considerably…Then the Blogspot purge happened, and while a lot of us tried to resist it, it ultimately displaced a lot of BoyLovers and Girl-Lovers.

My time with “In Self Defense” earned me some degree of attention…Both good and bad…I spent much of that time being stalked and hounded by a fanatical hate group…But I also got the attention of “Jim” from GameOn…Who opened up Newgon, and offered me a place to write as part of the Uncommon Sense crew…Which lasted about a year, before Newgon evolved into several resources…and Uncommon Sense became a quarterly E-Zine.

I opened up the EQ Foundation, with high hopes of building a group around it…and hosting a lot of content which has found itself censored…As it turns out, I only archived my own content from ISD…and I wanted to go back to blogging.

In 2007, I opened up a YouTube account [eqfvideo] and started producing Child-Love, Teen-Love and Intergenerational Love related media [under my EQ Media project]…This is where I introduced the “Rocky” persona…Mostly, I would just discuss issues dealing with child, teen and intergenerational love…It got suspended and terminated, a little after a year…I produced roughly 35 distinct media projects in this time.

I retained a flair for having my own space, and doing things my way…So when Baywords.com opened up a free speech blogging service, I dug up an old concept of mine and created the first incarnation of “Our Love Frontier”…A place where I could continue to write ISD content, but I would spread out to many other topics…This went on for about nine months, and Baywords went down due to technical problems…staying down for months, with no word on when this outage would end…

…I moved to Blog.com in 2010, and really embraced their resources there…It allowed me to start releasing media projects again…And I went through this creative phase, where I started designing “sub-blog” themes…retaining the graphics and formats, of some of my old blogs, while making new ones for new post series. I believe I had just passed my 200th post, when I found “Our Love Frontier” suspended for no apparent reason, during the summer of 2012…The person behind this, has habitually refused to provide any reason, or justify what they did.

…And so, I find myself here, creating Our Love Frontier in the face of oppression for a third time…I probably have forgotten to mention a thing or two…I mean, I still intermittently resurface on BoyChat…But, I can also stay away for long periods.

…It is impossible to summarize everything…but suffice it to say, that for the past fifteen years…I have been extremely busy and active, in one capacity or another…With brief windows of down time, every here and there…

I’ve spent substantial amounts of time, just discussing things about human sexuality with people, at various places on the internet…Been banned from a few of them, but I’ve always picked myself back up, and pressed forward in the aftermath.

…Maybe, that is my singular truest virtue?…

I refuse to stop speaking truth, no matter how socially inconvenient the truth…I believe, we Child Lovers and Teen Lovers have relented in silence, for far too long. I believe, it is time for the rest of society, to relent something to us…It is time, we had our day…If nothing else, a day for a voice which will not be squelched out.

– Steve Diamond

On A More Laid Back Note:


My name is Steve Diamond, and I am a Boylover who has been online for about a decade and a half, discussing many issues pertaining to man/boy love, and subjects of interest to many child and teen lovers.

At times the victim of prejudice, abuse and discrimination, I have persevered and overcome many obstacles…Every time they knock me down, I come back bigger and louder…

This blog [once again] represents my return to the world of blogging, after a sour experience with BlogSpot [and Blog.com], and it’s abusive administration.

This time around, the variety of issues are a little bit wider…and a bit less focused…and I am not in the same focused frame of mind which I was in, when I wrote “In Self Defense”, or “Project C.E.L.I.B.A.T.E.”…So, “Our Love Frontier” is going to be much more laid back.

I apologise up front, if I ever get “too” sharp tongued, or stand on the soap box for “too” long…but, I’ll try to refrain from referring to people with offensive labels, at the very least. It’s never been a trend of mine, to go on long tirades, spewing forth expletives anyway.

If you are not one of us (a boylover or girl-lover), understand that there is great frustration within our groups, at a world which disenfranchises us, exploits us and maligns our character…for the gain of a minority, and at the grave expense of untold numbers.

I make no claim of being above this frustration, or immune to personal anger and outrage.

If you understand this point, then you can better understand the context, and more easily digest those instances where I call someone an idiot, or something of similar quality.

On a personal level, the majority of people who’ve gotten to know me over the years, seem to think I’m a really nice, very cool person…and I have many wonderful friends out there, who I have gained over the past decade plus.

I am just as human as everyone else…and I react to social pressures, much in the same way as other humans do…Though usually, my outward response is subdued, in order to put forward a more pleasant tone…

…But, not always…

…and I encounter a lot of abuse, lies and just garbage…at times I get sick of it…

…So, be human and give me some leeway here…Okay?


I think, once you understand these ground rules, we will get along just fine.

All the best…
Steve Diamond

Update: May 24th, 2010

My journeys of migration continue, as I am breaking ground with new projects at blog.com…

“Our Love Frontier” is making this move, and remains my primary blog. My other blogs, are primarily archival projects…and not intended for frequent activity…but, they should be worthwhile projects.

Quite unfortunately, I have lost trust in my previous blog host…and during an extended service outage, I made the decision to cut ties with baywords.com…I am picking up and moving forward, at blog.com…

Update: March 13, 2013

At this time, I am currently in the process of rebuilding “Our Love Frontier” on WordPress.com. This will be the third incarnation of this blog, it’s history spanning over Baywords.com, Blog.com and now WordPress.com.

It saddens me deeply, to report the blindsiding I’ve been dealt by someone at Blog.com. All I can say is…Some blogging services have incredibly unprofessional and abusive staff, who are a discredit to the internet and the human species.

…All the same, I am excited to get underway here at WordPress.com…Especially in light of their pro free speech ethics…May there be a much better relationship between Our Love Frontier and WordPress.com, long into the foreseeable future.

As always…
Steve Diamond