Myself, Perverted Justice & Absolute Zero United

Myself, Perverted Justice & Absolute Zero United

Note: I really don’t like using the four letter swear words on my blog…But, I think in the context of this piece, they are warranted. If you don’t like swearing [what little there is of it, here], then don’t read this…Consider yourself forewarned.

In the not so distant past of BoyChat, I found myself being accused of having “taunted” antis and their hate groups…This accusation came on the heels of unjust actions taken against me, by…and at the hands of someone behind an unregistered [and completely unfamiliar] nickname…during a phase, where one clearly unbalanced individual was taking satisfaction, in following me around BoyChat, and repeatedly throwing what happened to me into my face [as if to mock me]…

Given the circumstances, and that I’ve been around for so long that most people at BoyChat already know my character and nature…I did not take it seriously, and dismissed it as the act of some jerk who was trying to cause trouble with me…I don’t believe I responded at all, as it’s an insult for anyone to even approach me in that manner, and throw out such a thing…My history speaks for itself…

Some miserable people may be watching like a hawk, for that one in a thousand instance, where maybe I wasn’t as kind and diplomatic as normal…because they can use these incidents, and distort them to paint a warped picture of who I am, and what I am about…

In short…because of creeps like that…I am not allowed to be human…to just speak my mind…or to have an “off” day…

…And “thank you, very much”, to the ultra perfect people out there, who cherry pick and throw stones behind anonymity, by the way…You always keep the picture clear, as to just how low people are willing to go, to get in their cheap shots and cut downs…

If you listened to some of the more unreliable and shady sources…you might be left with the impression, that I’ve been actively trying to enrage hate groups like Perverted Justice and Absolute Zero United for years…When in fact, with exception to much more recent posting, I’ve barely even mentioned any of those completely crumby jerks, over the past two or three years…and whatever I have in fact said about them in the past, was in response to their repeated vicious attacks on both myself and others…

Lest anybody believe I’ve been out here, unjustly speaking my mind about these groups…let me walk you through the factual history, as relates to myself and these groups…

Perverted Justice [PJ]…

…I’ve never had an especially high opinion of Perverted Justice…Yet, I always stayed reserved, with regards to what exactly I was going to say about them…

Perverted Justice is a group which rose to power and fame, as result of the Dateline NBC “To Catch a Predator” series…but their roots were in posing as “underage” teenagers, and playing along with older people who were in chat rooms, looking for horny and willing teens as companions…Once those people outed themselves…Perverted Justice members went on a ruthless rampage against them…exposing them to anyone they could, including employers and colleagues…friends, family…

Perverted Justice has been infiltrated a number of times…and quite a number of people can attest, that PJ was structured to cater to vindictive and malicious sociopaths, who simply want an outlet to torment other human beings.

Behind the scenes, it was not hidden that the goal of some of these individuals, was to drive their targeted victims to commit suicide…It was to destroy their lives, and make life so unlivable, that people would take their own lives…The founder of PJ, Philip John Eide [Xavier Von Erck], was well aware of this all along, and only acted to curb it several years later, when he was seeking tax exempt status as some “non-profit corporation”…[which ultimately turned out to be a stunt for the three top people of PJ, to avoid paying taxes on the money they made from NBC television]…PJ suddenly needed to appear to be “respectable”, and not the rabid hate group that it factually was.

For the most part, I wanted to see something done to combat what PJ was doing…but how?…We cant be everywhere, to thwart their traps…In addition, the naive people they were catching were breaking the law…So, what could you say?…You hate to see it, but…

Therefore…I made the occasional comment, and even warned others where I could…but I mostly ignored PJ…Even though I still contend that it was wrong what they were doing…They were targeting people who had demonstrably broken the law…

PJ has contended, that it only names and targets people who they catch in their stings…or in other words, people actively seeking to have sex with “underage” teens…Hence, in the early days, there was no altercation leading to bad blood, between myself and PJ…

Absolute Zero United [AZU]…

Many of us look upon AZU as being a sub-group of PJ, because they essentially merged together for two or three years, and partnered in the creation and hosting of a website, which was designed to intimidate, smear and provoke a wide range of people online…myself included, amongst that group…

…But my history with AZU goes back, well before that…

After going through a personal breakdown…I had a generally humble, personal blog on Blogspot, back in 2006/7…and I unwittingly found myself being targeted, and obsessively cyber stalked by members of AZU. What I came to know, is that AZU is a dogmatic hate group, made up of people with serious psychological and moral deficiencies…One of these people, spent nearly six months at my blog, telling me to kill myself almost daily…I actually tried to have a dialogue with this individual…A few of these people ran a blog, which called for the wholesale slaughter of pedophiles…a pedophile holocaust…The core group, was full of extremely nasty people, who just talked about people like me in the most inhuman ways…They decided it was their “right”, to dictate that I [and people like me] are not allowed to be on the internet…

Blogspot had an ethical problem, when it came to administration…And it is my belief, that problem was Allison Shea [“Del Harvey” of Perverted Justice], who was working at Blogspot, at the time…

There was someone…a nameless, gutless someone…who was hiding behind the scenes, and who started rampantly targeting BoyLovers and Girl-Lovers…deleting their blogs, outright…refusing to say why, or to justify the deletions…It got so bad, that you were guaranteed to suffer a deletion within days [maybe hours] if you merely opened up a new blog.

AZU had this extremely smarmy and provocative practice, of swooping in right after a blog was deleted…and registering a new blog in their own accounts, using the exact same blog name [URL]…They referred to this as “hijacking” a blog…and they’d usually post something nasty and snarky on those blogs…So when the owner of these deleted blogs came back, they would find their content gone…and they could not even get their URL back…Blogspot would do nothing to stop AZU from this belligerent, taunting and viciously demeaning behavior.

I lost about five or six blogs in this manner…and it is my belief, that Allison Shea was working hand-in-hand with AZU, to accomplish this exact outcome.

For no sane reason…I was cyber stalked for several months straight, suffered the indignity of having my personal blogs maliciously deleted…and was ultimately locked out of all of my Blogspot accounts, for the “crime” of opening new blogs…Though, the completed details are still worse…the point is, the wrong people were being penalized and driven off…while AZU was allowed to remain, and gloat over what they were doing to other people…

…The AZU gloating spilled over to YouTube…where they mocked and defaced screen captures of my blogs, in videos they uploaded….

Eventually, I created what was going to be a podcast series…The Culture Shock Podcast…and uploaded the pilot episode to YouTube…

The cowardly sociopaths and habitual liars of AZU, predictably, stole this content and altered it…inserting their own lies, and re-releasing it…never even acknowledging where to find the original…They never allowed it to appear, as a response to their own video, which is how I released it in the first place…This is behavior I would discover is the norm for AZU…tightly limiting the information, which onlookers get to see…AZU’s mode of operation, is to dominate every bit of discussion and information, so that they can rampantly lie at will…and so that they never get forced to confront inconvenient things…things like truth.

During my year plus on YouTube, I created fifty five videos, which made up about thirty five unique projects [several of them were multi part, because of YouTube time limits]…What happened there, was the non-stop harassment of an expanded group of demented sociopaths…one or two of them were AZU members…the others were low lives, from the “Encyclopedia Dramatica” scene…They called themselves the “YouTube Yahweh Clan”…but at least one AZU member, remained right in the thick of it all…

These groups have no principles…they are dirty, beyond dirty…And I eventually found my YouTube account getting suspended, likely because YouTube thought it was one of many accounts, created by people who impersonate others on YouTube, with the goal of smearing their character and making it appear that the target is violating YouTubes TOS, breaking the law, etc, etc…

In short, these scumbags tried to hijack my very persona, as “Steve Diamond”…and some idiot at YouTube, simply closed down all the accounts…mine included…which I spent a lot of time and work on…Hell…All of my projects, I do.

Somewhere along the line…Philip John Eide of PJ decided that he was going to target BoyChat, and remove it from the internet…apparently, to stroke his own massive ego…He successfully got us kicked off of our host, but we moved to a new host…and actually had everything ready to switch over, within minutes of being terminated by our previous host…The change over, from the vantage point of a poster/reader…was almost seamless…It outraged Philip, that he could not get us taken off the internet…and he started looking around BoyChat, for people who he could target in revenge…

The outcome of this, was the so called “corporate sex offender registry”…a precursor to Wikisposure…I believe, I actually made it onto the “corporate sex offender” site, for some reason…Probably because I donated to the fund we were raising, to combat Philip’s attack on us…This represented an unprecedented turn for PJ, where they were no longer targeting people they caught doing illegal acts in their stings…but they were targeting people, who were merely exercising their voices…Philip and PJ decided they were not going to tolerate us, and that they were going to terrorize us, in the exact same way they have their past victims…merely on the grounds that we exist, they discovered us, and they don’t like that we have things to say…

This was the unforgivable line, which Philip John Eide and PJ crossed…And they could no longer even pretend, that they had just or good intentions…PJ is a blatant hate group, and a terrorist group…They maliciously target people, based out of pure hate and prejudice.

As just stated, this evolved into “Wikisposure”…a wiki hosted by PJ…and this is where AZU came on board…

Wikisposure editors [all entirely anonymous], made a habit of cherry picking slivers of their victims online content…and posting them on a wiki page…pages where it was painfully clear, they were intentionally smearing peoples character, and creating grossly distorted representations of people.

My own page, for example…

…They absolutely never linked back, to any resource which I was maintaining…Though these smarmy people did link back to my old blogs, which had long ago been deleted…

They gave a bunch of short quotes, but consistently refused to cite where those quotes came from…hence, denying the reader all context, in which the statement was made…

…On top of that, the quotes were always brief and isolated…They never quoted a wider chunk of the piece, to give at least some hint of it’s context…

Of my scads and scads of content online…they absolutely refused to quote anything, that gave a balanced perspective of me…or of my positions…They just aimed for anything, that made it look like I’m “all about sex”, or that I have extreme viewpoints…They never allowed anything to temper, the distorted caricature they were creating of me…

In at least one of the quotes they ripped from a BoyChat post…they went so far, as to literally delete two or three words, out of the quote itself…in the middle of a sentence…Which had the effect, of entirely changing the meaning of the supposed “quote”…Because of this, for years they have ascribed to me something, which I have factually never expressed…and if memory serves me right, what they are accrediting to me is in direct contradiction, to my historical and long expressed true stance on that issue.

That last example is not simple negligence…You don’t just “lose” two or three words, in the middle of a quote you are citing…They intentionally lied about me…PJ and AZU, intentionally lied about me, smeared my character and aggressively worked to intimidate and terrorize me…

Everything I am speaking of, has taken place over the past six or so years…I’ve barely done anything in response, other than speak the truth…pick up and rebuild…

Yes, these people have angered me…Yes, enough is enough…But I have mostly continued to ignore them, all this time…and taken the high road.

…Yes…I did poke a harmless bit of fun, by creating a neanderthal looking picture, along with a warning that a “Dumb anti was on the loose”…I named it “Marina”…not having a clue, what Marina Hammond factually looked like, at the time I created it…And it did not look like her…Nor was it meant too…This graphic adorned my “cork board” meta post series…and was on par, with the silly act of getting a pet pig, and naming it after someone you don’t like…

All the while, I’ve been setting on a lot of information…Including full names and addresses…even some pictures…

You see…I’ve historically responded to that type of foul behavior, with harmless humor…

…No…none of those pictures, etc. were threats against anyone…They were pure comedy, aimed at turning abusive people into the butt of a joke…Not unlike S.P.A.M., or some of the stories I’ve written in the past on BoyChat…

While I am sorry that some people might have misinterpreted any of this…I think it is important to acknowledge…if only for fairness…that in response to all of these years of vitriol and abuse, which I have been subjected too…my responses have ranged from comical, to professional, to composed but forward [about these people being abusive assholes]…and never malicious…

Some people might choose to consider the entire picture…just to turn around and fixate on one or two mild things, which I have done…and maybe even spin them entirely out of context…

To those of that mind, I say…”Have a nice life!”…Because we have no more business with each other…A person with such skewed sight and judgement, will never give another person their fair due consideration…And I don’t want to associate, with people like that…

I wont apologize, to anyone who thinks I am supposed to be a pristine pillar of the community, beyond all reproach…I never claimed to be any such thing…I just aspire to be better than most…I don’t always succeed…And sometimes, I do throw down the gauntlet…Sometimes, I call an asshole an asshole…

…Is anybody going to blame me, or think less of me for it?

You have got to go to extremes, to get on my “shit list”…

…While it is a relatively short list…Some people have gone well beyond the standard, to make it onto that list…

Philip John Eide…PJ…AZU…These are people in that category…

They’ve been taking pot shots at me, for years…

…I’ve simply said, “enough is enough”…

So…If anybody out there is of the mind to judge me…Keep in mind, I’ve not told you every single thing, regarding the way these people/groups have obsessively menaced me [and some of my friends] over the years…But what I have told you, aught to be enough for anyone with a bit of sense to see…that I have spent a very large amount of time being stalked, harassed, threatened, provoked…essentially being spat on…by these people and their groups.

In the meantime…I’ve created some pretty positive, kick ass stuff…

I don’t know where anybodies priorities have to be, to make them fixate on one or two things I did for a harmless laugh, or on the few times I’ve let lose and said what deserved to be said…But those kinds of priorities, are royally fucked up…

No Apologies

Hell…after all of this…There are a whole bunch of people, who aught to be apologizing profusely, to me.

I hope, this true account gives some sort of balanced perspective, to those unaware of my history with PJ and AZU…They waged this war, I never wanted…They wouldn’t leave me alone…

Any responses I have given to them over the years…are just typical [if reserved] things, you would find most victims of chronic long term abuse doing.

Let’s not forget who has been getting the short end of the stick, here…verses who has clearly been in the wrong, all along…

I think, my reactions have sincerely been exemplary and balanced…If I’ve had any failure in all of this…it is in remaining quiet, for so long.

– Steve Diamond

Addendum: Wikisposure was eventually dropped by PJ, abruptly, after a couple of years…Philip John Eide claimed this was because of disinterest in editors, to maintain the resource…Shortly there after, it became clear that this was a lie…Likely, Philip decided he needed to get rid of it, either to not have it stand in the way of PJ’s tax exempt status, or to avoid eventually being sued. Cynthia Dale Harvey of AZU collected the pages, and relaunched the wiki under a different name. She has had it online, for a handful of years…It has been forced to move, several times…Likely because of it’s blatant terrorism, and bullying tactics…It likely violates the terms of service, of most professional server hosts. At the time of this writing, I believe it is still offline.