[page] Our Love Frontier Memorial Page


OLF Blog



We often cross paths with people, who have made a personal connection with us. Some we have held intimately dear…Some have touched us from a distance…Some we have revered…Some, the great tragedy of their death has moved us…leaving us feeling a pain, upon their mortal loss…

…This place is for remembrance…It is for appreciation and thanks, to those who have shared in our lives, who have died…It is for the expression of sympathies…It is for mourning…It is for human compassion…

Please click on the , to visit it’s corresponding post.

Archive of Inductions:

– August 08, 2012: The Sikh Temple Shooting Victims

– August 06, 2015: Paul Christiano

– 2015: Robin Sharpe

The place where memorial and tribute posts are indexed, can be found Here.

Submit a Memorial:

The following form is offered, for those who would like to submit their own, personal memorials.

This memorial is not exclusively for Child-Lovers, Teen-Lovers, children and teens who have died…Though it’s first focus is to give a dignified tribute to deceased Child-Lovers and Teen-Lovers, all respectful memorials and tributes will be accepted and included.

Others are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings, joyful or sad, and anywhere between…about someone dear to them, who they have lost…or someone who’s death impacted them.

It is requested that all submissions provide no real names of the deceased, unless they were a well known public figure. A nickname, or the initials of their name, would be appropriate. Exceptions to this may be someone who’s death made national or world news, and is common knowledge.

Memorials sharing sympathy for victims [individuals or groups] of tragic deadly events, are also welcome here.

If you wish to submit a memorial, please fill out the form below.

Make sure to choose all options appropriately.

Write what you feel is appropriate in the “Memorial Content” box, and click the “submit” button.

You are granting irrevocable permission to this blog [and any future incarnation of it], to republish and host the content of your memorial, by the act of completing this form and clicking on “submit”.

Your submission will be re-posted on the main blog, as it’s own post. Anyone wishing to add their own comments may do so, by using the comment box within your memorial post. A link to this post will be provided on this archive page.

If you are using this form for any other purpose [ie: submitting corrections], please put an “N/A” in all appropriate fields.

Please do not use this form, for any purpose other than those pertaining to the stated function of this memorial. Thank you.

You Agree, Your Submission May Be Republished on "Our Love Frontier", and Listed in This Archive?

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