2 thoughts on “Suicide and Stigma – Help Maps now!…

  1. furcifera

    Unsure who this short video on FST is aimed at. For those who view it, are sympathetic, and would like to help, how are they expected to do so in the absence of guidance. I see it was published twelve years ago, and nothing positive seems to have happened to ameliorate the statistcs displayed on the captions over the interim.

    Most minor-attracted individuals have been fully aware of their unenviable situation for decades. Throughout that time, MAPs have had to endure state-sponsored sexual orientation discrimination. For example, on turning to professional mental health services to discuss and deal with suicidal thoughts, those very same services have a duty to report instances of self-confessed paedophilic thoughts to the relevant authorities, which often turn out to be the police. This vicious circle only amplifies the risk of suicide in the minor-attracted individual who blindly attempt to seek help.

    As far as I can see, B4U-act is solely a place where researchers garner survey results for their thesies and doctorates. More than 50% of the 24 surveys undertaken between 2012 and 2022, listed on the B4U-act website have the status “forthcoming” against them. What steps have B4U-act taken to have the word “disorder” against the sexual orientation of paedophilia category removed from the DSM? Achieving that would be a positive move to reducing stigma, decreasing the risk of suicide, and reducing the number of parasitic psychiatrists who benefit financially from the DSM fraud and the victims it creates.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      I think it’s aimed at non-MAPs.

      “What steps have B4U-act taken to have the word “disorder” against the sexual orientation of paedophilia category removed from the DSM? Achieving that would be a positive move to reducing stigma, decreasing the risk of suicide, and reducing the number of parasitic psychiatrists who benefit financially from the DSM fraud and the victims it creates.”

      Agreed. B4U-ACT has a precarious road to tread. They get it from all directions. They can’t take a position to legalize pedophilia, because such would likely destroy them…destigmatizing could be seen as having such a goal.

      I think most of their studies and surveys are intended to educate therapists, honestly.

      I don’t see B4U-ACT as ideal…I view them as more necessary, for the current circumstances we find ourselves in.


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