Monthly Archives: February 2015

Knowing the Cause…

Date: February 25, 2015

…Do you want to know?…

…Do you want to know?…

“If there were an oracle with the ability to tell you exactly what caused the pedophilia in you and could explain it to you in simple details, would you ask it?”

I’m at a loss, as to what I would do with this information if I had it. I don’t believe I could be scared of knowing it. I just don’t see what good it would do, to know it…Plus, if in the process I were endowed with some additional knowledge on how to uncommonly manipulate myself this way…I do have concerns, others might expect me to undergo such manipulation…whatever that may be.

“What if the truth is so horrible that you loose the will to live forever? Would you risk it anyway?”

I don’t see how this could happen. I mean…I don’t wish to re-tell the story of that first moment, where my homosexuality suddenly hit me…It’s late, and I need to go to bed…I’ve told the story many times…

I did not really even understand it, the first time I experienced it…There was no physical contact, of course…but I had a sudden rush of sexual attraction, complete with arousal, when one of my friends from school came over to play…I was about six or seven years old…It was spontaneous, and there was no sexual intent in what we were doing.

I’ve never seen any distinguishable difference between my own onset of sexual awareness, and that of any other human who just naturally discovered what they are attracted to sexually.

…And I reject the notion that anyone can impregnate a sexual orientation into you…I still more sternly reject the notion, that a traumatic sexual experience could ever make you want to repeat a perpetual cycle of trauma.

So, I am at a loss…to imagine what could possibly horrify me…

Nobody raped or touched this into me…It’s just how I am.

Because my orientation didn’t evolve where some people want it to be…some people claim it to have been “arrested in development”…Which is a kind of curious admission, that children are sexual on some level…

…But I disagree with the notion, also, that my orientation was supposed to evolve towards adults. This orientation has been around throughout recorded human history…At some point we have to relent, that this is a natural part of the human makeup.

Ring of Fire, 3 Episodes: February 08, 15 and 22…

Date: February 24, 2015

I apologize for letting this get so far behind…I thought this was just going to be another double episode post…However, the most recent episode has been released on YouTube, so I might as well share it here.

At the point I am posting this…I’ve not yet watched the February 22 episode, myself.

…Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV – 02/22/2015 (FULL EPISODE)…

“Published on Feb 23, 2015

00:50 – “The Big Bank Mafia Runs America.” Peter Mougey will explain how the banking industry has become the new mafia in America, and why they are never held accountable for their crimes. #BigBankMafia

11:06 – “Supplement Industry is Scamming You.” Howard Nations will tell us about the dangers of the dietary supplement industry, and why you should be skeptical about their “miracle” products. #SupplementDangers

18:57 – “Dirty Energy Judge Saves Industry Billions.” Farron Cousins will explain how a former lawyer for the dirty energy industry became a judge and subsequently dismissed a $50 billion lawsuit against her former clients. #DirtyJudges

31:35 – News with Pap and Sam.”

…Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV – 02/15/2015 (FULL EPISODE)…

“Published on Feb 17, 2015

00:50 – “GOP Mad Scientists Create A Disaster.” Howard Nations will tell us how Republican-controlled states are becoming cesspools of corruption and incompetence. #RepublicanDisasters

09:12 – “The Progressive Solution To the Student Loan Crisis.” Progressive host David Pakman will explain President Obama’s proposal to provide two years of cost-free community college to American citizens. #CollegeForAll

17:34 – “Scott Walker Scandal Much Worse Than You Thought.” Brendan Fischer from PR Watch in Madison, Wisconsin will give us the latest details on the Scott Walker John Doe investigation. Scott Walker, Wisconsin, Pay to Play, Illegal, Crime. #WalkerInvestigation

25:59 – “Big Pharma Gone Wild – Alere.” David Haynes will tell us about the dangers of the blood monitoring system Alere Inratio, and about the overall failures of the FDA in recent years. FDA, Alere, Blood Testing, Diabetes, InRatio. #BigPharmaGoneWild

34:13 – News with Pap and Sam.”

…Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV – 02/08/2015 (FULL EPISODE)…

“Published on Feb 10, 2015

00:49 – “IRS Soft on Dark Money.” Howard Nations will tell us how Republican attacks on the IRS are preventing the agency from doing its job – and how that is benefitting the GOP. #DarkMoney

08:25 – “The Domestic Spying Program You Haven’t Heard Of.” Kevin Gosztola – editor of The Dissenter at FireDogLake – will tell us how the DEA is using your license plate number to keep tabs on you. #DomesticSpying

15:40 – “Corporate America’s Psychological Gambit.” Seth Katz will explain how corporations are using psychological tactics to win over the publics’ minds on critical issues. #CorporateBrainwashing

23:57 – “Monsanto Hiding Dangers of GMOs.” Attorney Wesley Bowden explains why chemical giant Monsanto is fighting so hard to keep Americans in the dark about the dangers of their GMO products. GMO, Monsanto, Cancer, Danger, Chemical, Food, Pesticide, Herbicide. #LabelGMOs

32:19 – News with Pap and Sam Seder.”

Before Homosexuals: The Prequel to Before Stonewall…

Date: February 24, 2015

…Before Homosexuals: The Prequel to Before Stonewall…

You know what I find so amazing here?…

…It is in the section about lesbianism, and early writings they chose to represent it…

The Love Spell: “…Listen and do everything quickly, in no way opposing me and the performance of this action. Burn, set on fire, enflame her soul. Drive her. Torment her body, night and day. She surrenders like a slave. Because this is the will and command of the great god.”

This alleged “binding spell” comes off sounding highly manipulative, dominating…overpowering…in it’s intent and nature…

Now…with a level headed understanding…I can see this as poetic…I can look upon it, as a blissful love tome…beautiful, honestly…

…but I wonder how many people will look at this, and call it “sexual objectification of women”…or an “abusive facet of ancient rape culture”…

I mean…it is fascinating in a number of ways…the content, itself…But when you consider the social and political leanings of so many women’s and minorities groups these days…It’s almost astonishing, just how boldly this type of content bucks current trends.

…Ancient lesbianism had some highly pronounced element, of dominance and manipulation [just as modern day lesbianism does]…and they acknowledge it…despite that these traits are fairly disastrous, in modern day public relations.

There is also an interesting blurb about Oscar Wilde…another very interesting choice, considering that he was dragged through the mud, for having sexual relations with teenage boys.

Obviously…John Scagliotti is not looking for support, from those with a narrow view on human sexuality.

…I am liking this direction…It seems honest…

The Cocooned Mind: “Attacked by Viewpoints”…

Date: February 23, 2015

…The progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus…

…The progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus…

“Is an academic discussion of free speech potentially traumatic?


Discussing the teaching of “Huckleberry Finn,” I questioned the use of euphemisms such as “the n-word” and, in doing so, uttered that forbidden word. I described what I thought was the obvious difference between quoting a word in the context of discussing language, literature or prejudice and hurling it as an epithet.

Two of the panelists challenged me. The audience of 300 to 400 people listened to our spirited, friendly debate — and didn’t appear angry or shocked. But back on campus, I was quickly branded a racist, and I was charged in the Huffington Post with committing “an explicit act of racial violence.” McCartney subsequently apologized that “some students and faculty were hurt” and made to “feel unsafe” by my remarks.

Unsafe? These days, when students talk about threats to their safety and demand access to “safe spaces,” they’re often talking about the threat of unwelcome speech and demanding protection from the emotional disturbances sparked by unsettling ideas. It’s not just rape that some women on campus fear: It’s discussions of rape. At Brown University, a scheduled debate between two feminists about rape culture was criticized for, as the Brown Daily Herald put it, undermining “the University’s mission to create a safe and supportive environment for survivors.” In a school-wide e-mail, Brown President Christina Paxon emphasized her belief in the existence of rape culture and invited students to an alternative lecture, to be given at the same time as the debate. And the Daily Herald reported that students who feared being “attacked by the viewpoints” offered at the debate could instead “find a safe space” among “sexual assault peer educators, women peer counselors and staff” during the same time slot. Presumably they all shared the same viewpoints and could be trusted not to “attack” anyone with their ideas.

How did we get here? How did a verbal defense of free speech become tantamount to a hate crime and offensive words become the equivalent of physical assaults?”

I first have to start by pointing out, the behaviors cited in this opinion article are not genuinely progressive. In fact I would say they are the opposite of progressive, as they inhibit discourse and understanding [both of which are fundamental, to a progressive culture]…hence, building a wall which keeps people separate and at odds with each other. It is not progressive, to shackle people’s ability to say and express things…Nor is it progressive to taint or alienate others, for what they say or believe…And the people who do that cannot be taken seriously, when they refer to themselves as “progressive”…They don’t understand what it means to be progressive.

Being progressive is about bringing people together, and getting beyond social conflict…It is not about censorship, or placing a proverbial Band-Aid on top of social conflict, so that those with the dominant social narrative of the day can emotionally feel better.

This behavior cited is a problem which has latched onto the progressive movement, using it as a stepping stone towards it’s own, anti-progressive goals…and I think it is important to note this distinction.

…It honestly needs to be rooted out, and ejected from the movement…It will only serve ill, for progressives to tolerate it.


…This article really captures something I’ve been talking about for years, which has me creeped out about the direction social discourse is going in…and especially, amongst the supposedly educated and “elite” in our society [a society, we are all forced to co-exist in].

In my opinion…young people are being conditioned, to be offended when encountering the simple expression of controversial ideas or words…to the point where simple discussing of a stigmatized issue, might very well get you accused of something bad…banned from some venue…censored…discriminated against…attacked…and even threatened in a wide range of ways, by the supposedly “upstanding and progressive” people.

In short…if you’ve got something in your life that is “a bit too far south” of the perceived norm…then you are equated with some sort of “social problem”, and looked upon as someone who can be safely dismissed, denied a voice at the social table…even abused and threatened.

This whole mess, is just a rehash of “the good ol boys club”…only today, it gets a pass, because it is sold [and propagated through] people who have been raised to be emotionally and psychologically weak minded, on a dogmatic level.

How on earth they have managed to take the simple discussion of ideas, and utterance of words, equating them with real world violence…and how people have been conditioned to accept this dogma…

…I can only suggest, that a dangerous percentage of our people have been deprived developing things like critical thinking, and how to reach out too and have meaningful dialogue with other groups of people [or individuals, for that matter].

Instead…there is this internally reaffirming process, which incorporates them into a dogmatic world view…and makes them fear ever stepping out of it, or challenging it.

Maybe it’s just the same old, rotten “us versus them” mentality, which human culture has stubbornly refused to move past?…Maybe, progressiveness as a movement is rotting from within…because that’s what happens to all movements, in a world where few people honestly understand what it takes to get along in peace?

What I do know…is that these people who are being raised to be critically and emotionally crippled, are not likely to be capable leaders of the future…This limited scope of perspective imposed upon them, can only serve to amplify social problems…even create worse social problems.

…A lot of our young people being fed this, will eventually gain enough real world experience…to where they grow out of this conditioning…and see it for what it is…But this will still wreak much social havoc.

You know…this issue…what is going on today…it reminds me of the big city in “The Hunger Games”…where everything was really just a socially engineered illusion…and grave social problems were being completely ignored…and “Look!…We have the confident, exciting, pretty faces on the television, soothing you and keeping you entertained and occupied…So, obviously, all is well.”…

…I sometimes wonder how much of a precursor what goes on today is, for a future which imitates “The Hunger Games”.

That is really what I think of, when I read articles like the one linked above.

Now, let’s look at something…

“At Brown University, a scheduled debate between two feminists about rape culture was criticized for, as the Brown Daily Herald put it, undermining “the University’s mission to create a safe and supportive environment for survivors.”

Where have we heard this model of thought, before?…

Oh yes…Her name escapes me…but during the buildup, leading to the United Kingdom’s criminalization of “speech promoting pedophilia”…there was this doctor, who wrote a thesis arguing that “speech promoting pedophilia” would challenge [or threaten] the current, dominant social concept of what it means to “be a child”…And if this concept is not fiercely enforced and adhered too, even to the extent of considering it unchangeable…then people will conceive of liberties with children, which the current social concept of “what a child is” does not allow for…and children will be raped, abused…etc…

…Therefor, “speech promoting pedophilia” poses an alleged threat towards children…because it causes people to think about children and their sexuality, in a different light from the social narrative they approve of.

…Of course, the “rape, abuse, etc.” which is alleged to follow, is bound to be of the current “cannot legally consent” variety, to no small degree…Which has always smacked of some type of “catch 22”, in my mind. Sure, that sort of stuff might be called “rape and abuse” by legal definition, and I’m sure they’d milk “the explosion of rape and abuse”, should the legal status of these activities ever be reversed…But when certain things should not be criminalized in the first place…I find it impossible to have sympathy, for this type of social manipulation.

This whole idea…that you are threatening to change the way we think about some issue, and therefore posing a possibility that our social practices might change…and because of this, you must be silenced [even locked away in prison, if you are a pedophile in the UK]…it’s been floating around out there, at least since 2007…and it has gained popular, political traction…

…and it is an outright abomination…and a recipe for totalitarianism.

This model of political argument and thought, is the new darling of those who embrace a classist world, and a social hierarchy which alienates people different from themselves…Or in other words, this caters to people who want to live as though they are elite, and have the right to lord over others.

Last word…This is a rather great, insightful article…I recommend reading it.

RadioLab: Dead Reckoning…

Date: February 16, 2015

…Dead Reckoning…

…Direct Download Link [MP3]…

“From a duel with the world’s deadliest disease to a surprising peek into the way doctors think about death, in this hour Radiolab tries to reckon with the grim reaper. And, in the end, we confront the question at the heart of it all — when the time comes to finally leave, how do we want to go?”

An episode of Radio Lab I found, if not useful, at least relevant. What caught my ear most, was the middle section…the part about leaving one’s body back to the natural elements.

It’s always seemed to me the most correct and natural thing, to allow what makes up your body to absorb back into the planet. That other forms of life can take the elemental particles of our bodies and turn them into new, sustained life…I think, this is the only true way we can go on in any meaningful way…And I think it is selfish…even a shame, to assert “ownership” over these elements, even long after we are dead and no longer using them.

They should be released, back into the biosphere which gave us life…because ultimately, they were never anything more than a loan, made by chance and nature.

Related and interesting…important, even…

…Reckoning With End of Life Care…

“We turn to doctors to save our lives — to heal us, repair us, and keep us healthy. But when it comes to the critical question of what to do when death is at hand, there seems to be a gap between what we want doctors to do for us, and what doctors want done for themselves.”



The Ratings System Explained

Date: February 16, 2015

01) YouTube Link

Don’t bother watching this…But if you do, here…so you don’t have to waste your time, looking it up.

“Evilenko is a 2004 Italian drama-thriller film very loosely based on the Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. The film was directed and written by David Grieco. It stars Malcolm McDowell, Marton Csokas and Ronald Pickup.”

Oh no they didn’t!…Oh dear lord…somebody actually did!…

This has got to be, hands down, the single worst piece of anti-pedophile propaganda in “entertainment” movie form, which I have ever watched…

It’s just all around outrageous and horrible…Badly crafted, and everything.

I almost feel bad for Malcolm McDowell, for having agreed to have anything to do with this insanity…It could not have done anything good for his career.

His character is a communist pedophile, who begins early on by getting fired from his teaching job…for attempting to rape an eleven year old girl…a pupil of his…

…Then things really start getting strange, as he gets inexplicably hired by…some agency, or something, that has him traveling all over the place…for inspections, or spying on people, or something…This movie isn’t terribly good at explaining what’s going on…

…But, he decides to start raping and murdering young people, while on his trips…then, inexplicably, he decides to start dismembering their bodies, also…Then, he gets stumbled upon, while chewing on a bloody mouthful of one of his dismembered victims…

…Then nobody can remember or identify him, because he has this mysterious power to hypnotize people with his gaze…

The acting in this movie is barely passable…and one of the “high points”, is an interrogation where the officer fakes being hypnotized, and allows himself to be ordered [by Malcolm’s character] to get naked, and masturbate him [Malcolm’s character]…

…And the “gotcha!” moment, is when the officer lets on, he’s not really hypnotized, but was just playing along…to get him to let his guard down, and do something insane…like what is going on, right that very minute…Oh, and to prove he is lying about being sexually impotent…

Oh dear, this movie is horrible…

Malcolm McDowell spends, like…two minutes approaching and leering at the camera, while the end credits roll…

I am guessing, nobody suggested that he be able to fart demons out of his butt, or suck victims brains out through their nose…or that he be endowed, with a steel jawed penis that devours his victims from the inside…

…Otherwise, these “gems” surely would have made it into the movie…Wouldn’t they?


02) Serial Killers – Andrei Chikatilo (Butcher of Rostov) – Documentary

“Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer, nicknamed The Butcher of Rostov, The Red Ripper, and The Rostov Ripper, who committed the sexual assault, murder and mutilation of a minimum of 52 women and children between 1978 and 1990 in the Russian SFSR. Chikatilo confessed to a total of 56 murders and was tried for 53 of these killings in April 1992.”

This is the guy, that movie is supposedly based upon.



‘Posting on BoyChat is a Privilage’…

Date: February 15, 2015

I should clarify a thing or two, about the atmosphere on BoyChat in which I made the following post…I will never speak ill of Melf [aka Maintenance Elf], and consider him a friend…But it has also been torturously clear, that for the last couple of years especially, nobody has really stepped up and enforced the rules of BoyChat [except in the most extreme and dangerous cases]. It is as if the Cogs [the administration and moderators] have been a non-existent group.

A hands off approach to moderating, in my opinion, has led to a state of anarchy on BoyChat…and if you know anything about BoyChat’s history, then you know there are some individuals who will absolutely refuse to reign in their own behavior…Some will relentlessly push the envelope and run rampant, until someone with the ability stops them.

The last few years in particular, have been an absolute heyday, for certain malcontents on BoyChat. Watching this relentless [and I would suggest, malicious] degradation of BoyChat, has been very hard and frustrating, especially given how much our collective community has poured into this resource over the decades…and given how much it means to us.

We have been unjustly dragged through some absolutely bat shit insane behavior and antics, of outrageous span and nature, over the last several years at BoyChat…And it is almost always caused, by this small group of a relentless few, who are perpetually and mercilessly importing unrest, bile and endless problems onto BoyChat and it’s community.

For some…their obvious reason for being at BoyChat, is to habitually attack the people there, and by extension, the resource itself.

…A lot of us older community members are war weary, and extremely fed up with this…to the point where we are outraged, that these purveyors of vulgar abuse and constant trouble, have been allowed to turn BoyChat [our virtual home, online] into such a disgraceful place, with such a dark cloud constantly hanging over it…warding off those who might otherwise be inclined to offer something good.

These people who have been hanging around for years upon years, who are obviously unhappy with BoyChat, but they wont just peacefully leave…instead choosing to poison the board endlessly…Someone needs to step up, and do something about them…You know…Like things used to be, way back. If someone was relentlessly causing problems on BoyChat, they would eventually be shown the door…Until recently, I was beginning to wonder if we would ever see even a glimmer of that era return.

…BoyChat desperately needs it, now more than ever.

I have found myself greatly encouraged, by the obvious presence of at least two Cogs…who are actually enforcing rules now…This has me genuinely excited, and optimistic about the future of BoyChat.

For reasons I am not going to repeat…It has been on my mind quite a bit as of late, that some kind of change in the stewardship of BoyChat is inevitable…And I had made the logical leap, that because of this change in policy…some sort of change in stewardship was taking place.

…I mistakenly associated midnite with this change, thinking they might have managed to arm twist him into a figurehead “webmaster” position…due to his dramatic change in posting style…the maturity he was bringing back into it…He also called the Cogs “My Cogs”, in a recent post…

I will own this misconception, and not edit anything out of the original post…But I am explaining it, so that you can understand it.

While it is clear that Cogs are willing to stand up to bullies and put their foot down…It is unclear how far they are willing to go, to confront the root problem of bullies and unbridled sociopaths on BoyChat. I hope to see far more of this…We need Cogs with some moxie, who aren’t going to take any shit.

…BoyChat Response…

…BoyChat Response…

After years of unbridled anarchy on these forums [of the worst kind, existing at the detriment of Free Spirits]…this wind of change [what looks to be a changing of stewardship] is giving me hope for the future of FS and it’s resources.

A resource like BoyChat is like a living garden…Of course, if you leave it unattended, things will still grow…But if you want a useful and productive resource…you need to weed, prune and sometimes tare a whole plant up, casting it out…Otherwise, you wont have a place where people actually want to come.

…Thorn bushes may have their place in this world…but they have to be heavily tended…If they take over an entire place, then they alienate those who would otherwise be there.

“That the cogs should not feel the slightest obligation to account for their actions to a coward who would attack unsuspecting posters…ambushing them and devouring their happiness like a greedy wolverine….as he did yesterday.

Such a person obviously does not have the welfare of the people of this board in mind when he makes demands of OUR cogs to justify themselves.

Would any of you justify yourselves to a coward scoundrel who picks on, what he percieves, the weakest among you?….I doubt it…you would tell him to take a hike…even IF he was right.”

…I am pleased that someone with standing responsibility around here, has finally made a public statement like this.

This persons behavior, has been an ongoing, relentless trauma on these boards, for years…collectively, perhaps spanning as much as a decade. Nothing of true substance has resulted from this. It has been personally sickening, watching how they freely attack people here…and how they have imposed a cruel siege on BoyChat, over a relentlessly vast portion of the boards entire existence.

This board has shown that poster staggering degrees of tolerance, forgiveness and grace…just for them to habitually go back to their tired bag of tricks, and vile abuse.

…I can scarcely name another poster in BoyChat’s history, who rivals the reign of abuse [and intimidation, harassment…] this poster has successfully waged against the people here.

Many of us remember a day…when the phrase “posting on BoyChat is a privilege, not a right”, actually meant something…

…Maybe it is finally time, now that we have competent stewards of BoyChat who are willing to take their responsibility serious…that the weight of this phrase be given much more consideration?

The difference between Lies and Bullshit…


Date: February 14, 2015

01) I am reminded of Harry Franfurt’s essay On Bullshit

“Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority and refuses to meet its demands. The bullshitter ignores these demands altogether. He does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.


It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. A person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.


Consider a Fourth of July orator, who goes on bombastically about “our great and blessed country, whose Founding-Fathers under divine guidance created a new beginning for mankind.” This is surely humbug. As Black’s account suggests, the orator is not lying. He would be lying only if it were his intention to bring about in his audience beliefs which he himself regards as false, concerning such matters as whether our country is great, whether it is blessed, whether the Founders had divine guidance, and whether what they did was in fact to create a new beginning for mankind. But the orator does not really care what his audience thinks about the Founding Fathers, or about the role of the deity in our country’s history, or the like. At least, it is not an interest in what anyone thinks about these matters that motivates his speech. It is clear that what makes Fourth of July oration humbug is not fundamentally that the speaker regards his statements as false. Rather, just as Black’s account suggests, the orator intends these statements to convey a certain impression of himself. He is not trying to deceive anyone concerning American history. What he cares about is what people think of him. He wants them to think of him as a patriot, as someone who has deep thoughts and feelings about the origins and the mission of our country, who appreciates the importance of religion, who is sensitive to the greatness of our history, whose pride in that history is combined with humility before God, and so on.”

Whenever anyone writes and publishes their thoughts, they are telling us equally as much about themselves, as they are about any topic. In some cases they are conveying far more about themselves, than they are actually sharing information of something…or anything tangible.

Wonderful insight.
