“You Can’t Talk About Your Research”: Prof. Jo Phoenix Talks About Her Fight for Academic Freedom…


Date: April 08, 2024

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“Prof. Jo Phoenix talks to the Committee for Academic Freedom (CAF) about the campaign of censorship and abuse that led to her resignation from the Open University.

In this interview, Jo Phoenix explores the conflict between gender critical research and academic freedom in UK higher education. Dr. Jo Phoenix, a sociologist, shares her experience facing bullying and harassment for her research, raising questions about free speech and the responsibilities of universities. This video is relevant for anyone interested in gender identity, academic freedom, and the future of free speech in universities.

To learn more about CAF’s activity, please visit: https://afcomm.org.uk/

I don’t know what her research, politics and beliefs are…But this is clearly an important issue she is talking about.



Hollywood is AFRAID of YouTube, Media Says?!…


Date: April 08, 2024

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“Hollywood rightly should be afraid of YouTube, as it’s a bigger platform than Netflix, and it’s not controlled by the powers that be in Tinseltown. Well, that’s the official story anyway. We talk about how Hollywood’s FEAR of YouTube might explain WHY Hollywood freaks out on YouTubers when they’re negative about new shows or movies. They know that YouTube might have the ability to sway people for or against a project.

“And we would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you pesky YouTubers!”



Sucked into a Thunderstorm – Paraglider Carried Up to the Death Zone…


Date: April 07, 2024

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“Ewa Wiśnierska is a German paraglider who was one of the world’s top-ranked pilots. Wiśnierska set her sights on winning the World Championships in Manila, Australia. She participated in a warm-up event before the main event. The initially promising conditions took a turn as storm clouds started to form. Ewa is sent hurtling upwards. Despite her years of experience, she can’t control the parachute. The horrifying realization hits her – she’s being sucked right into the clouds.

0:00 Introduction
0:44 Paragliding
2:40 Who is Ewa Wiśnierska?
4:56 Preparation for the World Championships
9:00 Into The Storm
18:06 33,000ft/10,000m in the Sky
23:08 The Descent and Saftey
25:32 The Aftermath
28:39 Conclusion/Saftey Tips”



How Christians Use Nitpicking to Cope with Atheism…


Date: April 07, 2024

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“Do we as atheists believe God does not exist? Or do we just lack belief? These kinds of questions really don’t matter, and I don’t care to split hairs over definitions. However, I DO care when Christians get pedantic about terminology to make us account for our exact level of disbelief, usually for the sake of reversing the burden of proof. So today I’m going to respond to a Christian who does just that. He has a very small channel, but his video is one of the best one-stop examples of all the ways Christians nitpick the terms of atheism.”

“X” works for me…”Y” works for you…Why don’t people just leave it at that?

It should not matter to a believer, nor an unbeliever, that everybody else thinks just as they do.

The important things…are that people are in a place of personal mental peace…and that nobody is being a menace towards anybody else.

When people get so enthusiastic and aggressive in converting others, as the guy in that video…they are exposing things about themselves…

Are they trying to convince us?…or are they trying to convince themselves?…

As I see it…this is clearly another theist, who really, really, really wants a whole lot more people to join him in his belief…so that more people [the majority?] reaffirm his beliefs [or claims]…Because, apparently, it is not sufficient enough in his own life, that only he [and those who think like him] is out there making these claims…

…Does he need an endless reservoir of moral support, in order to maintain his own faith in a rather…let’s say…logically doubtful proposition?

I am thinking…that is mainly what it boils down to on a gut level, with these sorts of people endlessly nagging people of a different mind, who just wont let it go.

It’s not that they have “the answers”…It’s that they psychologically need you to tell them, “Yes, you are correct…You have the answers”.

Whether or not they are on logically solid ground, is an entirely different matter…and frankly, it does not matter to them.

They don’t care whether they are right or wrong…They just want more people in their group.


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Shane Vaughn Has Stopped Being Funny…


Date: April 07, 2024

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“Shane Vaughn has hit a new low. He used to be a silly Trump prophet who we could all count on for a laugh. Now he’s spreading deeply deeply racist ideas. He went on a rant about supreme court justice Ketanji Brown Jackson… and he called her an ape. Let’s just watch.”


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Date: April 07, 2024

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“Stream starts at 4:02

There is a countdown to Iran’s response to Israel after the IDF bombing of the Islamic Republic’s embassy in Syria has the world on red alert. This stream provides an update on what’s next and provides a geopolitical update from West Asia to Ukraine.”
