Starfield BURNS Gaming Journos! Bethesda DENIED Them Review Codes?!…


Date: September 03, 2023

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“Starfield is out, and many video game review sites were left out in the cold. It seems like Bethesda didn’t dole out Starfield review codes freely, and gaming journos are big mad. This, after Hogwarts Legacy, is another blow to the necessity of video game journos… and everyone is starting to catch on.”

Karma is a bitch…

…And there are way to many a-holes in “game journalism”.



Senate Republicans Demand Special Meeting To Talk About Dying Mitch McConnell…

Date: September 03, 2023

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“Republicans in the Senate are terrified that their leader for the last few decades, Mitch McConnell, might be moving closer to the light, and they are demanding that Republicans hold secret special meetings to discuss how to address his growing health problems. McConnell is tied to the fundraising success and electoral and legislative success of all Republicans, so they don’t know how to handle the situation without hurting themselves before the election. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Mitch McConnell’s health episode, we’ll call it from this past week, where he once again froze up. Actually in the most ironic part when reporters were asking him if he was gonna run again for office. And just like last month, his, his whole body just shut down. He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move. He was just standing there like a robot that had run out of batteries until, of course they had to shuffle him away the next day. By the way, the capitol’s attending physician said, Nope, Mitch McConnell’s all clear, totally fine. He can go back to work. I didn’t see any problems. So that’s that. Right. Well, apparently that answer is actually not good enough for Republicans in the Senate. And according to new reports, these Senate Republicans want to hold a special meeting when they return next week or actually this week, uh, to talk about Mitch McConnell’s failing health like this guy is clearly not well.

’cause not only was he freezing up in that video, but you could see that his skin was as pasty white as humanly possible. He also looks like he’s lost about 50 pounds. Something is wrong with him in a very bad way. Medical experts on tv, uh, including one on Fox News. Granted they haven’t physically examined him, but they all talked about the fact that this is, you know, you see this in Parkinson’s patients, so that is a possibility. It could be something far worse. ’cause the weight loss thing is definitely, uh, you know, cause for concern. Any medical expert will tell you, sudden rapid weight loss is never good. But that’s what we’re seeing with him. So Republicans in the Senate are like, look, we gotta do something. And hey, kudos to Republicans for finally admitting that the problem they have is that they’re not gonna do anything because they can’t, even with Mitch McConnell appearing to be on death’s doorstep, those Republicans cannot function without him.

This man has been their leader in that body for decades. You look back over the last 20 years at every horrific piece of Republican legislation that has been passed, and you will see Mitch McConnell’s fingerprints all over it. When you look at the judges that Republicans have appointed to the federal bench, and of course to the US Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell’s, the guy behind all of it. I mean, let’s not forget, he’s the guy who held up Scalia’s vacancy so that Barack Obama couldn’t appoint a judge every like the worst things of the last 20 years. Mitch McConnell has been the guy spearheading that for Republicans. All the tax cuts, all of it, that’s Mitch McConnell, but more importantly for Republicans. And Mitch McConnell, by the way, is actually good at making deals. He gets Democrats to back down on certain issues. He gets Democrats to go along with his horrific judicial picks. So yeah, he knows how to play the

Game and he knows how to win the game. That’s what makes him so dangerous. There’s no other Republican in that body that can do that, and that’s good for Democrats. It’s terrible for Republicans, especially when you consider the fact that Mitch McConnell happens to be the top fundraiser for Republicans in the Senate, and they’re leading Super pac, which is the Senate Leadership Fund, is tied directly to him. Now, the Republican party is already having trouble raising money. The R N C only has a little under $12 million in the bank. They can’t raise crap right now. And if Mitch McConnell cannot go out there and raise money for these Senate Republicans, then they’re gonna lose their last best shot to take back the Senate in next year’s election. Steve Daines, who’s running the fundraising op for the Senate right now, has already been on record saying, if we don’t win back the Senate next year, we won’t even have a chance to do it again till the year 2030. So these Republicans, they can have the meetings all they want, but it’s not gonna be about ousting. Mitch McConnell from leadership, they’re gonna be talking about how they can prop him up weekend at Bernie style and make it seem like, Hey, he’s still good to go. We’re just kind of moving his arms and making him go to fundraisers so we can have the money they can’t afford.”


Handlers STILL Pretending Nothing’s Wrong With McConnell!…

Date: September 03, 2023

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“Someone somewhere again pushed the “pause” button on octogenarian Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, causing him to stare blankly into space for an extended period of time before he could answer a question about his plans for seeking another term. This is the second such recent “episode” McConnell has suffered, leading to widespread speculation about his continued fitness for office and whether the Senate should find a way to shuffle him off stage so someone else can come in and perform the role of high-ranking corporate tool.

Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the sad duty of trying to rouse McConnell from his trances that has fallen to a series of handlers.”
