Category Archives: Archive

No More “Age Verification” Free Video Embedding…


Date: March 23, 2017

I’ve stopped using the embedding code, that sidesteps the YouTube age verification.

Potentially, you’ve noticed that a lot of the embedded videos from YouTube are all giving a playback error?

For years, I’ve used the embedding code that is supposed to let anyone watch a video outright, without worrying about logging into YouTube to verify their age…This was done as a courtesy to my visitors.

As always…YouTube has recently made changes to their website…and from the looks of it, they’ve disabled this method of embedding…whether intentional, or not.

This means for me, that I have already dropped the usage of it…To be honest, it was annoying having to deal with a few things about it, anyway…I’m glad to be done with it.

But, now a ton of embedded videos won’t play on this blog…Fortunately, this is why I’ve always included a direct link to the YouTube video page…So, there should be no real issue…Just click on the link…Watch it on YouTube.

All the best…

– Steve


Dear Saddam: The One Year Anniversary of The Execution of Saddam Hussein…


Date: December 30th, 2007

Today is the one year anniversary of the execution of Saddam Hussein. Anyone who knows me personally, or at least has been following my writings for years, knows just why this is a personal issue for me.

Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2nd, 1990, put into motion a series of events which would ultimately change the course of my life, forever. Millions of people have been effected by the actions of this person. I am one of those people. Even though he had no direct authority over “me”, I ended up being one of the countless, nameless pawns on the chessboard of his ambitions.

I have a very strong mixture of emotions about Saddam, what he did, how he lived…his execution…

…what I have had to live with, ever since the 1991 gulf war…

I should hate him, and be happy he and his cohorts are dead…and being scheduled to die…

…but, I never encouraged, or actually wanted, death for him…or anyone.

When it happened, and it was making the world news…I was merely content that Saddam was no longer able to commit monstrosities against others…

…In fact, I was actually disgusted at the way the actual execution was carried out, and consider it not only incompetent, but a prime example of gross, human indecency. What were those people thinking?…The filming?…The taunting?…People lacking the sophistication of foresight, to understand that this kind of behavior was just throwing gasoline onto the fire? Why were they even allowed to be involved, if they were going to behave like that?…That could have been the catalyst which caused a bloody backlash…and, no doubt, it has garnered more support for Saddam…The reconstructionists, and those who benefited under him, will remember him all the more fondly, and praise him as a heroic icon, because of this. That execution could have easily been a disaster.

I am against the death penalty, though…and I think that having Saddam and his men in prison for life, would have probably been sufficient.

For me, Saddam’s death remains a sad reminder of human failures…and all the terrible things which can come of them, when they occur on a grand scale…so, so many people get hurt…so many get killed.

It is a cold, bottomless pit…the place where I filed Saddam’s execution…This immense void sustained will never be filled by one million executions of Saddam, over and over and over…

…A dead Saddam wont do anything to help carry the heavy burdens, caused by his own doings.

I don’t know what else to say about it…but, I thought this was the most proper time to re-post something I wrote, within hours of Saddam’s execution…

…That piece follows…

December 30th, 2006

Dear Saddam,

I don’t wish to pretend, that you are presently anything more than a cold, human corpse…or, that you have anything resembling a consciousness left in you…Therefore, this letter is not for you, but for the living, instead…and maybe for myself, too.

You have been, one of the single most influential human beings to have lived in our time…or, to have lived ever, honestly…

With your atrocities, I believe it is safe to presume, you are in a very small minority.

Most of us human beings, would never even dream…not in our worst nightmares…about doing even a small fraction, of what you have done.

You have wiped out generations…You have tortured and murdered…You have abusively imprisoned…You have done all those things, which are synonymous, with the very worst of the human being.

One has to question, whether or not you even have been a human being, and when you chose to cease being one.

Your impact has been far and wide.

Your actions, caused chain reactions…which reached into the lives, of many people, who’d never even heard your name previously.

This, ultimately, led many unwitting individuals, into a bewildering odyssey, which would alter the course of entire lives.

…but, as all dictators and tyrants go…”you are the elite, and the rest of us are just your play things…here to meet your needs”.

As young as I was, the last thing I wanted was to die because of your stupid decisions…because of your war.

…but, that’s just what people like you do…isn’t it?…

…make damn sure, you are the biggest catalyst of human death, misery and suffering, imaginable…

Thank you Saddam…you taught me a valuable lesson…

…and there is not a day, in which I do not wake up carrying this burden…I expect to die with it.

For that matter, I expected to die because of it, years ago.

I had a bright future, before the war.

…After the war…after your war…I desperately needed release, and I waited to die…considering often, if it should be at my own hands…nature was not fast enough…it forced me to linger in a living nightmare.

My life spiraled out of control, and crashed into devastation…because of you…

I experienced the humiliation, of being called crazy…of being told it’s all in my mind…of having my manhood and courage questioned…of accusations that my claims are willful fraud…of living for well over a decade, with an illness brought back from your war, before being taken seriously…

I must thank you profoundly…You’ve taught me tremendously, about the human species…Things I wish I’d never needed to know…deep dark things about myself, even…but, it’s been quite the education.

I know what it means, to experience a living death…all thanks to you.

I know what it is like, to have a damaged future…all thanks to you.

I know by this point in time, things will never go back to normal…I am sentenced to live like this, til I am dead…all thanks to you.

…and so, Saddam…If there is but one piece of this story, which gives me great satisfaction, it is this…

At one point in time, I never expected to see this day…

…but right now, as of only hours ago…you are a dead, cold corpse…while I am still standing, breathing, communicating…living…


This lowly nobody, which is me…one of the living dead you have created…towers over you, in the end.

I do not support the death penalty, but I am very comfortable with your execution…I am glad to see this day…and feel entirely vindicated in saying so much.

May worms quickly turn your remains to dung…It is tragic they could not have done so, before you had the chance to end and destroy so many countless lives.

Most sincerely,
Steve Diamond



About the Author (Narrated)…


Date: October 23, 2007

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.


In the summer of 1998, Steve Diamond (better known as “Steve-D”) arrived in the online, boylove scene.

Quickly taking to the existing community, which resided at a web chat board named “BoyChat”, Steve spent several years writing and contributing, as a supportive member of that community.

Steve branched off into his own projects, including such web sites as, “Steve-D’s Midnight Zone” and “The Midnight Archives”. Several other, personal projects existed (some remain online, till this day), as well.

He also branched off into different types of writing. One earlier phase, found him writing several erotic stories, some of which were featured at a well known, online, “alternative” website that archives written erotica.

In 2001, Steve was invited to join the BoyChat admin, as a moderator, also known as a “Cog”. He remained in this post, and served in a few others, over the following two to three years.

During this time, he also served as an admin member, on a discussion board named, “Close Encounters” (the offshoot of this board, would become known as “Crossroads”, or “The Crossroads Debate Forum”).

For a brief period, Steve was appointed to the position, of “assistant BoyChat webmaster”, which was a newly created, and undefined position at that time. In short, he was the back up person, to step in and be a public figurehead, when the current, serving webmaster was unavailable. Having been in a transition phase, the new, “webmaster” position, would not evolve into what it is today, until a few years after Steve’s departure.

Steve also served for the period of about one year, as a volunteer at the live, community chat room, “Lifeline”. This is a place for people to come, to give and receive moral support. It is a place, where those in crisis can turn to.

After this point, with burn out plaguing him, Steve retired from the public eye, and took several months away, disassociating himself with the troubles and stress of the pro child love cause.

On June 22nd, 2006, Steve returned to active status on the internet, with an entirely new project, which would be much deeper and personal, than anything he had done in the past. This was his first blog entitled, “In Self Defense…The Life and Times of an Atheist Boylover…”. Steve would continue to write solidly and consistently, for nearly a year, on this and several other blogs.

In early 2007, acting upon an old idea, Steve created “The EQ. Foundation”. The charter for this resource, was to collect, preserve, archive and make available, “alternative” viewpoints, which are commonly stereotyped, stigmatized and refused a voice in the larger culture. It was Steve’s firm belief, that taboos and stigmas were only working to harm social unity and public safety, at grave consequence to many, and that it was time to break the deafening silence.

Steve continues to write, today, and has been expanding into other areas.

This book, is a simple return to the basics, on his own terms.


A Forward (Narrated)…


Date: October 22, 2007

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.

What is a pedophile?…

What is an atheist?…

…a humanist?…a boylover?…

Are they the typical stereotype you see on the news, read about in the papers and see on the movie screens?

Hello, I’m Steve Diamond.

In June of 2006, I began a personal project which I entitled, “In Self Defense…The life and times of an atheist boylover”.

My intention was simple…

…to provide a refreshingly clear look into the mind and heart of an actual pedophile, atheist and humanist.

…Clearing away the stereotypes, and banishing the stigmas, this work in progress aims to paint a picture of one man…a pedophile…an atheist…a boylover…an outcast…as he actually is.

The reader is left to experience, and come to terms with, what is presented here in.

These are “snap shots” of my life…of my ethics…my joys…my fears…my heartbreaks and anguish…my triumphs…of the way I relate to, and survive in, a hostile environment.

Much of this material is raw and full of emotion…and while I do refrain from using “vulgar language” most of the time, this is not always the case…Some issues call for such evocative words.

…You will experience the emotion and genuine care, flood through many of these passages.

There is no “road map” here…and since this project started out as a blog, that lended itself well towards allowing me to simply choose and expand on issues, as I felt prepared to talk about them.

Some parts are very short…others are very long…They include ethical concepts and definitions which are important to me…They are what I base my ethical codes upon, and influence how I live my life…Also included, are true stories from my own life…and glimpses into my life’s journey…and, of course, there are many passages, delving directly into issues of social conflict, which effect myself, as a pedophile and an atheist.

Presented is an outlook and a vision, as only some one of my particular set of circumstances and life experiences can express.

These works were never intended to attack anyone, in specific…though, several do attack certain types of behavior.

Portions of this work have been called, “thought provoking”, and “powerful”.

I hope you can find it within yourself, to approach this project with an open and clear mind…in order to discover, just why they have been called such.

I am not a stereotype…I am not a monster…I don’t want to hurt even one single child…

…I am a human being…I am a child lover…

Thank you for your interest…All thoughtful, respectful feedback is welcome.



The Dedication…


Date: October 22, 2007

When I think back across the years, certain names come to mind…

…names like, FatherGoose and boybuddy…

…names like, Enchidna and Mr. Sanders…

…names like, Bucky and Buffalo47…

…names like, Gandolfgrey and Big Daddy…

…names like, Weyland and Goodguy…

…names like, D.Y. and Varkilo…

…names like, Little Bro and Tyler P…

…names like, Innocent Child and Shinji Chan…

…names like, Cactus and Beachguy…

…names like, Eagle and midnite…

…names like, Jux and DK….

…names like, Johny Fever and JeffAB…

…names like, jm and Cub Cuddler…

…names like, Joel17 and Gort…

I could go on and on…and, indeed…I’ve made a mistake in even starting to list names at all…

…in that there is no way I will remember, every name chosen, by every fellow boylover, who has ever been important to me…or at least just been a really cool someone, who I liked “being around”.

Some of the people named above (and a few others), have been friends to me in ways, and at a personal level, I am not sure even they are aware of.

My friends…my inner circle, has selflessly given me so much, over the years…making me happy to be alive, and wanting to continue living. The strength, joy and friendship I was allowed to partake in from these bonds, is something I will hold onto dearly, until the day I die.

Some of you listened to my complaining and moaning, over and over about personal things which I would never speak of, openly on the boards where others could read them…when you never had to…

…You are my family…

The unprecedented acceptance and support you have shown me, is something which has changed my life…

…I thank each and every single one of you, who played a role in my journey, through this world of the boylover…

…and I dedicate what is my largest…most profound…and most personal project, to you…



You Are Not Alone: A Review…


TEF003_You Are Not Alone [A Review]

Date: November 10, 2006

Du er ikke alene (1978)

I recently had the chance to purchase a copy of the movie, “You Are Not Alone”, newly released on DVD.

This movie takes us through the story of Bo and Kim, two young boys who fall in love, while at an all male boarding school.

This movie has received mixed reviews, even in the boylove community…and, truth be told, this movie shines in one or two regards, while it is sub-standard in other areas.

True, it is not an American movie (I believe this one is Dutch), and hence, social differences will be obvious, in what you see on the screen, and how it is presented…but, much about the plot just seems thrown together, in a sloppy manner.

For example, the culminating end of the movie, however unique and wonderful it may be, literally comes out of nowhere, story wise…They don’t discuss and plot out what they are going to do, they just surprise everyone (including the viewers) with it…and there is nothing to show, what the aftermath of this revelation was.

There are several, loose side stories, which are going on around the two main characters, but nothing that is unforgettable (with exception to the, “Sex is wonderful!”, humping, little boy…who was a little hottie!).

The acting is not great, but is passable…They come off genuine, at the very least.

This movie was produced in the 70’s, so it is dated…but, frankly, this might be one of it’s biggest strengths…since this was well before the moral panic over kids and sexuality took off. They really got away with a lot more, than most people would dare to do today.

The times were different…the culture was not American…and this becomes very clear, while watching this movie.

The true gems which make this movie shine, are the several intimate scenes between Bo and Kim. These are so beautifully natural and genuine…a few of them may leave you speechless, even.

If you watched this movie for nothing more than the scenes with these two boys in them, it would still be a worthwhile way to spend your time. It is beautiful to watch what is going on, even if you never understand a word of the dialog.

This is a wonderful movie, about boys discovering love and sexuality…and there are several, really cute boys in this movie.

Some highlights:

The new DVD has improved subtitles, which are a major plus. The story makes better sense, because of this, even if some of the side plots feel sloppy.

If you travel in boylove circles, then you might have herd of the fabled “shower scene” in this movie…Yes, it is a nice watch…It is honest…and I think any boylover will appreciate it.

This is a different time, and a different culture…so, homophobia and “personal space violations”, are blissfully absent (with exception to a scene or two), which leaves the actors free to do a lot of intimate touching, and interaction.

This may be the only movie you ever see, where two young boys (one pre-pubescent, the other post pubescent) embrace in a very passionate kiss, which lasts for several seconds.

Ultimately, this is a movie not to be missed.

Don’t expect a solid storyline…but, do expect plenty enough to please.

Addendum: While I think I was mostly fair in this review, in hindsight I can see that I should probably admit that it effects a viewers perception, when they are forced to juggle watching the live action on a screen, with reading dialogue that quickly changes.

It can get frustrating (and I used to hate subtitles in movies), especially when you consider how much you miss…You have to watch the movie several times over, before you really start getting to know it well.

This, along with cultural differences…and they probably speak a bit faster than I am accustomed to reading…It all contributed, to how I wrote this review.

Truth be told, however, “You Are Not Alone” is a true classic, and a very sweet movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you ever get the chance, you should see it.



American Arrogance?…No, Couldn’t Be…

Date: July 21, 2006

Sometimes, you just wonder what people are thinking, when they do this…

…but, a short while ago, I had the displeasure of watching programming, on one of the conservative, 24 hour news channels….which, will go un-named…

“Financial News”…the talking heads appear…a panel of four, along with the host…

The topic?…”oil prices, stocks, and how the mid east turmoil is playing a part in it”.

Quite intriguing…how on the left side of the screen, you have the talking heads, grinning ear to ear, as they are introduced, while on the right side of the screen, you are “treated” to a horrible, video parade, of foreigners who’ve been shot, or blown half to pieces, being rushed away for medical help, as people scream and cry….

“The middle east has little to do with oil prices…it is China’s amazing growth, which is causing oil to skyrocket in price”, says one expert….as the rubble of former buildings, are shown…

“Trader speculation, means that a lot of people will pull out, every time a scare from the middle east happens….which makes this a great time to pick up on undervalued stocks…This is where the real money is made”, says another…as an unconscious, human being is being carried off, in a rush…onlookers crying and screaming…

“Sorry you died [or at least had your leg or arm blown off] Ali Habubu”…wouldn’t that have been a little appropriate?…I guess not…

…”but, damn this makes good programming!”

Faceless people, from the other side of the planet, suffering inhumanities…and it is all fodder for financial wealth gain speculation…

I wonder how many of the several people shown, are dead….

I would not appreciate having my own, brutal death, broadcast around the world, and then reduced to…that!…

American arrogance….Yeah, I think I can see it…

Note: The quoted comments in this post were paraphrased, and are not word for word quotes. They do represent the mood, sentiment and message of the conversation accurately, however.