Monthly Archives: May 2022

Western Media Admits Ukraine Is Losing War…

Date: May 31, 2022

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“After devoting so many column inches and minutes of air time to the stunning successes of the Ukrainian military in rebuffing the Russian invasion, the mainstream media can be forgiven for only reluctantly now acknowledging that the tide has decidedly turned, and Ukrainian forces are steadily being pushed back as Russia takes control over ever more territory in the Donbas region. But that’s precisely what’s happening, and that’s why you’re seeing the narrative slowly shift.”


More Ukrainian Soldiers Refuse To Fight…

Date: May 31, 2022

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“Throughout the Ukraine War we’ve been inundated with news about disaffected, underpaid and deserting Russian troops, but now those same types of stories are emerging about Ukrainian soldiers. Many Ukrainians on the front lines are expressing their outrage at being abandoned by the Zelensky government, short of supplies, fed just a potato per day and without even radios to communicate with commanders.

Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the morale problem hitting Ukrainian forces as their battlefield fortunes decline.”


Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren’s latest plan to make herself more powerful…

Date: May 31, 2022

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“Fox News host provides insight on price controls, inflation, the rising cost of gas, and Democrats’ power play on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.'”

I strongly support natural energy…Hence, I even have a small solar energy panel setting in one of my windows…with a small, micro power generator connected to it…

…It’s mostly for free light…but it can also charge small, electric devices…Aside from the small price of the kit, I pay nothing for this energy.

What’s featured here, is a largely dysfunctional implementation of renewable energy…and the strangling of traditional energy suppliers.


Tucker: There is something really wrong…

Date: May 31, 2022

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“Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to the politicization of the Texas school shooting in Ulvade, reflects on mental illness and stopping violence in America.”

This touches on so many issues it’s hard to summarize…

I have my ideas about the depression epidemic [of which I have suffered from, personally], placing swaths of the population on drugs…the breakdown of social connections…the normalcy of guns, and types of guns I’m harder pressed to justify private individuals owning…insane views on “righteous” violence…the freedom of harmless people pitted against those who wreak violence…

I think a lot of the depression has to do with chemical imbalance, brought on by the way we grow and produce food…probably soil depletion…We aren’t getting nutrient rich foods anymore…Not enough…This drags you down, often causing depression and exhaustion.

Pharmaceuticals are their own can of worms…Maybe they work…but they carry side effects…often really debilitating side effects, and possible long term consequence…It’s why staying on them long term is a bad idea.

Social connections…If we keep driving people apart, then we keep isolating people…Isolated people don’t commonly thrive…In fact, it’s a recipe for social disaster…We need our immediate support structures…When we don’t have them, we are left adrift…and we often don’t know where to go or what to do with ourselves…When this becomes a personal peril, is when things can go really wrong.

We’ve had guns in U.S. society all along…It’s not been the epidemic of gun violence all along, that exists today. There’s a toxic mixture going on today…where people cannot deal with their circumstances…so they grab a gun…But that’s not most people…Do people who never would do that, have a right to own more effective killing guns?…Should they forfeit their right, to keep such guns out of the hands of some, who would otherwise mass murder?…Is there a valid argument for such guns being in the hands of the public?…

I think…given the corruption of the U.S. government…there actually is a compelling argument for the public to be armed with effective guns…However sad that is. I am in no way laboring under the delusion, that the U.S. government could never be overthrown…But it’s going to devastate the country, if/when it is…I don’t believe anything trumps this issue, where it comes to “the guns question”…You give up the ability to fight fire with fire, against an establishment willing to use lethal violence against its own citizens…then trying to bring that establishment back under control will be next to impossible. Where this whole issue is even more shit…is in understanding the people left holding the guns and power, may be every bit as monstrous as the people they deposed.

Getting guns out of the U.S. public, is ultimately a bad idea…primarily because of what is coming, and peoples literal need to defend themselves…That is its own issue…It cannot be fairly weighed against psychotic rampages…They’re two distinct issues…and one is being used to impoverish the other.

Yes…It’s still true…certain people who’ve shown their intent on murder, should not have their hands on a gun…I’ve seen to many of these damn religious [generally “christian” and nationalist] cults, outwardly threatening to go on murderous rampages, against anyone they don’t like…the moment they believe “the war” has broken out…There are a lot of psychopaths [like the “Army of God”] out there…These are the worst people to have armed…

If you would never commit random violence…do you have a right to arm yourself, to ward off the random violence of others?…If without guns, you’re just an easy setting target for these violent people…are you better off for not having a fighting chance to escape their attack?

I don’t believe that removing all guns is going to solve gun violence…Remember…there are still violent, racist, psychotic cops and government agents [who are ultimately still human], who will still be carrying guns…Guns will still be a factor.

Tucker gets plenty wrong…but he also gets plenty right…

…I think he’s in the right, here.


Is Pelosi BLOCKING Stock Trading Ban For Congress?…

Date: May 31, 2022

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“Krystal and Saagar update viewers on the stock ban negotiations in Congress that have stalled behind the scenes in large part due to Nancy Pelosi’s opposition to the bill”

Most of the people in the Senate and Congress should not even be there.

They’re the absolute worst type of people, to be in such trusted positions…They will abuse it…They will betray the public.

They will exploit and plunder, in order to become personally wealthy.

They don’t care about well being of the public…They are there because they want the super elite good life for themselves…and they don’t care what they have to do to get it.
