Monthly Archives: July 2012

“Children/Teens Viewing Any Style of Pornography = Brain Damage”…


Date: July 19, 2012

01) Pornography Causing Teen Rape of Children

“June 5, 2012, Sun News Networks’ Michael Coren interviews Judith Reisman on The Arena.”

…And people cannot make “sober” decisions, until they’ve reached twenty five years of age…

I wonder…how much of the population is “brain damaged”, from having seen pornography, prior to the age of twenty five?

But don’t worry!…All that plasticity “brain damage”, can still be reversed just fine!…

…Which begs the question…how is this a genuine problem at all?


Boy-love: Part 1: and “Listmania!” Entry…

Date: July 10, 2012

01) Boy-love: Part 1

I don’t feel too well, about encouraging people to buy through…but it is interesting, given their BoyLove Books Holocaust, that a number of fictional titles dealing with this subject matter, still remain available.

…Guess they just wanted to whitewash the scientifically sound research, and the politically incorrect real life experiences.

I recommend trying to find/buy these titles elsewhere, but the list itself may be of interest to you.

Legalize Love?: When the speech is eminently safe…

Date: July 8, 2012

01) Legalize Love… Your views…

02) Google to Launch Global Legalize Love Campaign

…I am left quite underwhelmed…

It would be wrong of me to ever suggest that no circumstances exist, where it might be dangerous to talk about “gay rights”, etc…

…but when it comes to the politically correct perverts [the socially privileged ones]…this whole parade of support and love, which seems to be the embodiment of a tipping point…it feels so…

…It’s like, all the people who would never dream of taking any stand on anything that matters, or is truly on the cutting edge of controversy vs tolerance…Those people come flooding in like lemmings, because today…it no longer honestly costs them anything, to “make this stand”.

…and they all feel, and deem themselves, good…and righteous…and morally superior…for giving lip service, to a path which is today well paved…having been first ventured, traveled, beaten down and eventually improved, by the people who actually started it, stuck by it and paid for it [with everything from their lives, to their blood and sweat, and more]…

So many people are now vocal…and they’ve never walked in these shoes…They don’t even know what it is like, nor understand first hand…why things must change…They are out there, because it is the “feel good” thing to be doing.

I am pleased to see wide support, for people trying to make gains on their human freedoms [and the security afforded to them]…It just frustrates me, how trite it feels…now that “gay rights” have been institutionalized.

To my mind, “gay rights” today is summed up by two second sound bites, and an endless onslaught of mindless parrots…people who’ve latched onto this concept, that all everyone needs to do is say the exact same agreed upon slogan, and create a wall of impenetrable refusal to even discuss…let alone, think. It’s about locking out honest enquiry, and shouting down [drowning out] different voices.

That is one thing I will never accept about the “gay rights” movement…It’s extremely smarmy, and it flushed it’s integrity down the toilet years ago…Anymore, much of what they do has managed to become little more than mind control.

Of course…I needn’t point out the selfish outlook of “gay rights”, at a place like this…nor it’s snake tongue…A little bit of power to wield, and they’ve proven themselves not to mind turning on other people, nor denying others the exact same things they so passionately argue “they” deserve…while parading “their” sad stories, and showing how bad oppression of this sort is for “them”…[apparently, nobody else suffers this fate, or if they do…they just “deserve it”]…

I hate google…

…I have a personal hatred, towards google…and it’s a justified hate, that so many others have come to know…I’ve seen them buy out and destroy, too many previously great services just to shut them down, or turn them into garbage…and I’ve personally been effected by it very negatively, too many times in the past.

It makes me want to vomit, when thinking that a predatory, pro-censorship company/cancer like google…gets to pass itself off like some kind of “white knight”…

They are going to end up with a lot of accolades showered upon them, which they absolutely do not deserve.