Monthly Archives: September 2010

Wonky Recidivism Statistics…


Date: September 19, 2010

“But Marina Hammond [Stitches77] Says…”

I think it is important to keep in mind, that just because some hack with a blog, and a clearly pronounced legacy of subverting and distorting, can get her hands on a few charts and cite a few quotes [from groups/agencies, which thrive upon “child sex abuse”]…we should not be quick to persuasion.

Marina, true to form, misses the fundamental question at hand…which, when it comes to recidivism, clearly has to do with people who have been prosecuted, gone through the system, and their future behavior after the fact.

Often times, these individuals are prosecuted for a string of multiple infractions of the law [and, yes, sometimes this even includes cruel assault upon other human beings].

Typically, wherever possible…everything is laid on the table, and addressed in one prosecution…Often, much is dismissed, through plea bargaining.

“Recidivism” is what it is called, when these individuals get released from state custody…and they return to doing, whatever it was they got into trouble for.

The quotes Marina is getting [and the warped, ignorant suggestions they are giving us all], are a subversion and warping of this well established, legal understanding of “recidivism”.

Marina [and the people she quotes], apparently, wants us all to believe that if someone got caught, prosecuted, put through prison, the whole business…and they did absolutely nothing to break the law, for the rest of their lives…yet, in their later years it was discovered, that years before the actions they got prosecuted over they also violated the law, but it was never discovered…that counts as “recidivism”…

…and, of course, this line of anti-reasoning, throws the entire discussion into an unsupportable abyss of the unknown…because now, we are just chasing after phantoms.

Marina Hammond just loves playing by these kinds of terms, because it allows her to spew out any kind of venom, that she pleases…entirely without any personal type of accountability.

Personally, I do not make it a habit of quoting statistics, because I understand…there are a lot of inherent problems with statistics, especially when the concerned issues are of heated, political dispute. A tremendous amount of skewing, is typical…and, of course…as acknowledged earlier, lots of people/groups enjoy muddying the water, leaving many issues hopelessly unclear, especially to the general public.

What I can tell you, is that of the statistics compiled and presented in a non-sensational manner, which I have witnessed over my lifetime [and I am open to seeing these, from any level headed source]…overwhelmingly, I have been left with the impression [from statistics alone, and not even counting personal experiences of various types], that people like myself [those attracted sexually to children] are indisputably non-violent in their behavior towards children [with extremely rare exceptions], and factually do have a very low rate of recidivism.

Amongst the problems that we face today, is the warping of concepts and speech, to where “sexual violence” is no longer thought of, as merely acts which are of a violent nature…and “sexual abuse”, is no longer just a sex act, which includes an element of true abuse. These terms and concepts, are being applied to even demonstrably harmless activities, which are guilty of nothing more than the cold, plane fact, that some people don’t want others to be doing that.

When you criminalize entire sexual minorities, and all of their benign, often even beneficial, behavior…you pretty much have a free license, to claim anything you want, about their sexual behavior.

Overwhelmingly, what gets said will all be propaganda, hate speech and terrorism, however.

If you don’t trust “me”…then just ask the gays and lesbians, who are old enough to remember what it is like, to personally experience these politically produced nightmares.

So, “26% of sex offenders recidivate”?…

Fine, Marina…You say whatever you like…It does not matter…

You destroyed all presumption of personal credibility for yourself, years ago…so, you might as well just keep digging your hole, deeper.

…but, those of us with rational, pragmatic minds already understand…that the entire “child sex abuse” field has been hijacked, for political and social reconstructionist purposes [with various motives behind them]…This is why positive behaviors, which upon closer examination cannot be defensibly attacked, are being grouped in with the most violent of sexual assault.

It really brings your “high recidivism” statistic into a sober light, when people realize that much of the behavior that is inevitably supporting such a statistic, should not even have laws against it, in the first place.

You are just preaching your superstition, as a member in the Cult of Crotch Politics, Marina…

In your mind, happy sex is the exact same as violent sex…just because you cant wrap your, immensely small, mind around the human fact, that we all have the propensity to seek and benefit from happy sex…and many of us, even children do…

This world is much to cruel and burdensome…

Try to find some humanity within yourself…and realize, that when two people find each other, rise above outside hate…and experience a beautiful oasis of pleasure and support, within each other…This is a good thing…It helps maintain balance, well being, and it counteracts the negativity within this world…

Leave them to it, you miserable, life stealing, joy killing, wretched hag!


Follow Honesty (Narrated)…


Date: September 19, 2010

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.

When it comes to human sexuality, follow honesty…

Let others speak, and be heard…

Don’t try to impose your own bigotries and phobias.

Where something is good to the primary participants, let it be.

Respect that people will find happiness, through venues different than what “you” might choose.

…Things need not be more complicated, than this…

So many of the “problems of pedophilia”, are not caused by pedophiles, themselves.

Instead, they are rooted within sexual superstitions, and a society which stubbornly refuses to honestly understand pedophiles, and pedophilia.

…It refuses to accept them, as a living part of itself…

Pedophiles who lash out, are reacting to this abusive hostility, psychologically abusive environment and the isolation imposed upon them.

If society were honest in its dealings with pedophiles…so, so, so much tragedy in this world, would become completely avoidable.



Wikisposure “Dedication”…


September 13, 2010

01) Yet another one…

Isn’t there an old saying, about what you do coming back around to haunt you?…

Another AZU/PJ idiot, has been exposed…primarily because of her criminal activity, terrorizing, cyberstalking and harassing others.

“Wikisposure project members are dedicated to “investigating” adults and minors, male and female, who express an erotic interest in minors or anyone defending such interest. For Wikisposure, it doesn’t matter whether anyone has committed a crime. Wikisposure’s targets are guilty until proven innocent and “outed” on the Wikisposure website in order to bring them to private, familial and public shame.”

Oh…I’ve seen plenty enough, of their kind of “dedication”…

They go well out of their way, to meticulously construct a mental picture of their victims, that is entirely distorted…

One example [of several] on the page allegedly dedicated to “me”…quotes one of my “BC Nursery Rhymes”, from way back…Yule time of 1998, or 1999…I forget which…but in internet time, it’s ancient history…

Out of forty some odd rhymes, they picked Gorts…and conveniently linked back to Gorts wikisposure page…

…which is another hatchet job…and, my my…

…aren’t I most especially evil, for writing odes to people who’ve broken the law [years, and years, after the rhyme was written]?

…”Making fun, after all that happened”…I must just be Satan himself…

Not a single reference to the original project, or anything to give a historical reference [BC N.R.s, were just something silly, I was doing well over a decade ago, here on BC, during the holiday season…which was slow on this board]…

…They were funny…and whimsical…

I thought they were funny, anyway…

It was all supposed to be good will, cheer and fun…

Now, I find that one of those hags, has sullied the memory of one of my rhymes…

You know, though…

…keeping with this understanding, and acknowledging the “Rookiee” thing…

…those bastards have a long, flagrant history online, of behaving in the most despicable, contemptuous, dishonest, grating and personally vicious manner, I’ve seen yet.

I think, much of what they do, is for some kind of sheer pleasure that “they” derive, from simply getting digs in, at other people…and preferably, making those people suffer, or at least mentally agitated.

If you ask me, that last paragraph is the perfect summary, of all that those people have ever added up to.

They are just cruel people, who are looking for someone to torment and torture…and they think they can get away with it, if their aggressive viciousness is aimed at “us”.

I’ve never mentioned this before [well, actually…I did, in one video], but during the year plus, of my active YouTube days…the idiot, known as Troy Riser, thought he had found out my vital information [name, address, profession, etc]…all because, some other idiot he was in cahoots with, thought I was that person…

First, Troy came to my channel, wanting to play games with me…a little fishing expedition…

I just kept rebuffing and banning him…and he quickly became a salivating, blathering idiot, who started threatening me, under the false assumption that he knew who I was…and he actively was attempting to torment me, at that very moment in time…literally torment me…by describing to me how [in a couple of days, so I could mentally suffer, knowing the fate ahead and unable to stop it] he was going to out me, to this list of colleagues, acquaintances and family members…Troy was belittling, contemptuous and laughing it up…

And I remember thinking to myself…”This is how, anyone behaves and what they decide to do…when they actually believe, that they hold another human beings life and fate, in their own hands?“…

That is totally fucked up…

Troy Riser, is a mentally ill, vicious sociopath…

…and to make things more sickening, it has been my impression [not that I’ve done “a lot” of looking into Troy, but he doesn’t hide his own tracks, as well as he thinks he does], that this scumbag has a professional history, in the mental health [or counseling] industry…

If somebody that fucked up, can ever find themselves in mental [or any kind of] authority over others…I don’t even know what to say to that.

A lot of these sacks of shit [and yes, they are sacks of shit], maintain an outward front which feigns respectability, when they are offline and in the real world [where their kind of mentally deranged bull shit, will not fly, and they can be criminally prosecuted for it]…but, when they think that nobody sees, or is watching…that’s when the truly predatory, fucked up, psychotic terrorist violator comes out.

In all truth, they are the worst that the human species has to offer.

They are a disgrace, to our species…


Dreams [Strings]…


Date: September 13, 2010

I really like the way this turned out.

The midi pattern is not mine, but I ran it through a few filters [via MAGIX]…

…and it came out, absolutely beautiful…Sounds like it could be part of a movie sound track.

I will release a brass version of this, which sounds very majestic and beautiful, a bit later…



Three things you (probably) don’t know about islam…

Date: Sep 4, 2010

01) Three things you (probably) don’t know about islam

“Islam (Arabic: ???????? al-‘isl?m, pronounced [?islæ?m] is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur’an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of the one, incomparable God (Arabic: ?????, All?h), and by the Prophet of Islam Muhammad’s teachings and normative example (in Arabic called the Sunnah, demonstrated in collections of Hadith). Islam literally means “submission (to God).” Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb of which Isl?m is the infinitive.

Muslims regard their religion as the completed and universal version of a primordial, monotheistic faith revealed at many times and places before, including, notably, to the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Islamic tradition holds that previous messages and revelations have been changed and distorted over time. Religious practices include the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five obligatory acts of worship. Islamic law (Arabic: ????? Šar??ah) touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, encompassing everything from banking and warfare to welfare and the environment.

The majority of Muslims belong to one of two denominations, the Sunni and the Shi’a. Islam is the predominant religion in the Middle East, North Africa, and large parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Sizable communities are also found in China and Russia, and parts of the Caribbean. About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country, 31% in the Indian Subcontinent, and 20% in Arab countries. Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world. With approximately 1.57 billion Muslims comprising about 23% of the world’s population, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world and arguably the fastest growing religion in the world.

LGBT vs. Pedophiles, Hebephiles, and Child Abusers…

Date: September 02, 2010

01) LGBT vs. Pedophiles, Hebephiles, and Child Abusers

“Why do anti-LGBT persons and groups generalize all homosexuals as pedophiles, hebephiles, and/or child molesters?

Absolute bullsh*t!

For the record gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons oppose NAMBLA and its f*cked up purpose (which is support sexual relationships between adult men and male minors under 18 and abolish age of consent laws)”


[Raw Links]

Note: This response was written in 2016. This post is backdated, because the video is only of moderate quality.

While I agree with much of what BrownBrother27 is saying [though the disparaging comment on NAMBLA is uncalled for]…I have to point out at least one thing here…

…Being a Minor Attracted Person [MAP], is not exactly the same thing as being base variety “gay”…and being a child molester is not the same thing as being a pedophile [or a MAP]…

…All true.

There is, however, an awful lot of commonality and overlap, in the quality of life experience [social and personal], shared and experienced by both gays [and lesbians] and MAPs.

As a homosexual, pedosexual MAP…I would never suggest that other men are an appropriate replacement, for who I am attracted to…Likewise, I would not suggest gays who are into fully grown men, could all make do with children as companions.

There is a qualitative difference, between our orientations…Plus, there are social variables, which deeply complicate the lives of MAPs, which common gays no longer have to suffer under to such an extent.

So, yes…I fully agree [as I always have], that being a pedosexual BoyLover has always made me different, and somewhat alien, to mainstream gay culture.

That doesn’t mean that we don’t share many core experiences, social discriminations, abuses and cultural themes.

There should be a much deeper understanding and empathy, amongst our various groups.

We know all too painfully well, how outsiders lie about and malign us.

This may be a foreign concept for many to wrap their minds around…but the more you learn and know about MAPs, the more you realize that we don’t deserve being saddled with those stereotypes anymore than gays and lesbians do.

Beyond that…”Age appropriate” is a social construct.

…Being considered a homosexual, does not require being attracted to guys eighteen years or older…That is a politically correct, yet utterly false, definition. Real human sexuality, is not that rigid. Lots of homosexuals are attracted to people their own age and younger, prior to turning eighteen years of age…In fact, I believe that’s the norm…They don’t magically lose those attractions, just because they’ve suddenly aged into a different legally defined social status.

The abnormal alien here, is the imposing law and social pressure…which splits and keeps apart, people who would otherwise be together.

Anyone who believes otherwise, is just brainwashed.

I mean no disrespect to him…but it’s painful watching this person dance around the obvious…and act like he’s right, just because he’s presumably following the strict social script.

…And telling people to “look for someone closer to your own age”, even when they’re just a few years younger?…

…I realize a lot has happened since this video was made, with “Romeo and Juliet” laws…So I won’t dwell on that…But it still is a really sad testament, to the disgraceful state of our culture…where love and association remains a crime…and people just roll along with it, parroting the party line…Thinking nothing of the fact, that it is so very, very wrong.

Love and affection should never be punished…It should be cherished and celebrated.

NAMBLA “fucked up”?…

…NAMBLA has more honest integrity, more modern day heroes amongst it’s ranks, and more natural right and need to exist, than the majority of organizations out there today.

NAMBLA spent most of a decade, fighting a very dangerous lawsuit, which could have had wide ranging negative consequences for all of us…every single one of us, including the guy in this video.

NAMBLA should be held in high reverence…If there were any justice in this world, they would be.

There is never anything wrong with fighting social and legal oppression, fighting ignorance and hate…and standing up for love.

The promotion of love, is the highest calling available to us as human beings.

It is down right ugly and abusive, to attack an organization like NAMBLA.

The professionals shun NAMBLA, because they lack integrity…and they are spineless…and blind…and creepy, in their obsession to inflict absolute control over other people’s genitals.

Of course they distance themselves…They’re not willing to stand up and take a blow, for what is right in this world. They’d rather stand in the safety, of the majority voice…where they cant be hurt.

The person making that video, is no better than the people of NAMBLA, nor any other MAP…neither are the professionals who shun us.

Many MAPs are far better human beings, than those who attack us ever will be.

By the way…NAMBLA repeatedly refused to ostracize it’s pedophile members, despite being under great pressure to do so…Which is another heroic part of their legacy. They did not compromise their ethics and principles, nor betray people they represented, in the interest of political expediency.

This world could use one hell of a lot more organizations like NAMBLA, today…Because they actually represent something, stand for it and stand behind it.

This person badmouthing NAMBLA, is such a privileged hypocrite…NAMBLA was right there, along with all the other sexual minority groups, fighting while it was still dangerous to fight for “gay” rights…NAMBLA fought for and won, this person’s rights as a gay person, which he enjoys today…

…Yet we see this grotesque ignorance on display…By someone who imagines NAMBLA has “kept him down”…Truly unbelievable, what people will say.

He has no more right to his own sexuality, than any other human being…And has no right to look down upon, others inclined towards mutual and non-compulsory relationships…If the participants choose it freely, then it is every bit as valid as any relationship he could ever have.

I cant take watching anymore of this video…So, I’m just going to drop it here.

He even admits [in another video] to checking out school classmates in the changing room, and masturbating over it…Which says a lot about his own cognitive dissonance, I would suggest.

Apparently, this guy is autistic…which I did not know, while writing the above…Maybe it’s why I didn’t make any response, when I originally saved a link to this video…I don’t know…It’s been a long time, since I found it…There was just a lot there, which deserved a response.