Age Gap Relationships Are…


Date: December 22, 2023

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“Let’s talk Twitter Drama:

I’ve seen a lot of buzz on twitter surrounding several different instances of age gap relationships. Lot’s of people have given their half baked thoughts on the matter so here’s me giving my three quarters baked thoughts. I hope you get something out of this video and I’ll see you in the next one!”

I also dislike when people start talking trash about intergenerational relationships…Largely because there is no empathetic thought put into it, they’re always looking to cast it in the worst light possible, and they’re just parroting what “everybody else” is saying.

They don’t establish that they even know what they are talking about, when they throw their words out into the world…Many are young, and have never even experienced such a relationship themselves…They just reaffirm the boogeyman stereotype.

What we find…is that a lot of people who don’t share the same attractions and impulses as ourselves, frequently attribute our choices to their own bad assumptions…which commonly defaults to whatever is socially popular at the moment…

…In other words, it’s pop culture psychology…not terribly deep…not especially accurate.

…And yes…It does strip you of your own agency…while imposing the dominance of culture over you.

I don’t disagree on the marriage issue…In fact, I think there is far to much emphasis placed on getting married.

Marriage is kind of a joke anymore, anyway…Why do it?…You’re likely to get divorced later.

Lack of experience versus experience…

Younger people can certainly benefit from the experience of an older person…They can benefit greatly, in fact…Not only that, but also from any financial stability that comes with the relationship.

I would like to point out, though…being older doesn’t necessarily mean you have a vast amount of meaningful experience and leverage, over a younger partner.

This “leverage”, though it can exist, is a cultural presumption.

The repression question is an interesting and important one, I think.

Michael Jackson having a lot of nine, ten, eleven and twelve year old [give or take a few years] boys as friends, has often been attributed to the extreme suppression forced on him as a boy. He was among the more famous cases.

I don’t believe that suppression [or repression] causes physical or psychological attractions…But I do think it can contribute to making certain life choices less intimidating.

When you’ve spent your own life being lorded over and abused by people older than yourself…being in a relationship with someone younger can be mentally liberating…dare I say, refreshing and joyful.

I like that you understand that people are being stripped of their personal autonomy, in order to allow cultures to impose their “norms”.

What people claim, often has nothing to do with what is objectively going on.

Understanding this point, is critical to any ability in understanding human connections.

“Mature Children”…I think there is to much emphasis placed on this, as well.

People have…or more accurately, find themselves in relationships for all sorts of reasons.

Why do we have to have categories that are “valid”, versus categories that are “invalid”?…Why does everything have to follow a strict social script?…Why do we all have to be clones?

…Is nobody honestly allowed to be themselves?

The heart wants what the heart wants…and it’s always been a topsy tervy kind of thing.

I think the primary problem…is that people have this illusion of a deserved, romanticized, picture perfect relationship…And humans being together long term, is not that.

…Alternatively…the flip side of this coin, is that many people believe the “horrors” of dealing with long term human relationships, is to much for young people to deal with…that it somehow injures and destroys them…

…as if equal age relationships, in a harsh “sink or swim” culture, does not do the exact same things to the young.

I think there is a lot of scapegoating going on.

Humans are just hard to deal with…especially if you have to live with them for any duration of time…It changes us all in many ways, having to regularly be around other humans.

Using these relationships to escape bad situations…

I would not call the resulting relationship “bad”, based on that…But yes, it is something that happens.

Circumstances which drive people together, are often not ideal…But does this invalidate the necessity?…Is an unfilled need “better”?

I just think that people in bad situations, are normally looking for other places they can go…regardless of their age…

“Refusing to date someone your own age”…


…Sometimes, dating younger or older people is just what comes naturally to the individual.

People date for all sorts of reasons…Sometimes those reasons are not even sexual.

Is it “better” to date someone for the purpose of fulfilling cultural expectations, as opposed to fulfilling the personal needs of the people involved in said dating?

…I would say, no.

Kind of an aside here…but being a homosexual pedophile myself…I’ve often considered social organizations like “Big Brothers of America”, to be a sort of nonsexual dating between grown men and [very young and teen] boys.

In general…there may be no sexual motive…but it is a man and a boy [child or teen] meeting up at least once a week, in order to go somewhere and spend time together…By definition, that is dating.

I don’t see dating as being a search for someone to spend the rest of your life with [In fact, I really dislike that view on dating]…Often times, it’s just being with someone to fill a personal need…There doesn’t have to be any future marriage being pursued…

…It can be an ephemeral, “here and now” sort of thing…and that is okay.

“Messaging a minor, to start dating them later”…

This is such a relatively new phenomena…and it’s clear that some people do that.

I don’t have any hard line opinion on this.

Of course…I don’t think anyone should be deceptively manipulating anyone in this…I don’t think anyone should be hiding it, if they’re intermingling with other people besides just the one person…

In a theoretical world where it is legal and socially accepted…if I were inclined to seek relationships through some online platform…the very first thing everybody would know about me, is that I am a male, homosexual pedophile, with a general range of attraction between seven and twelve years of age..These facts would never be hidden. This would be part of the starting point, on which people could decide to intermingle with or avoid me.

I do think it would be scummy of myself, or anybody else, to secretly build up a deeper relationship with multiple people who think this is building up to something beyond chat, just to drop everyone else once I’ve “found the right one”…I think it’s scummy to hide when you are with someone else.

We all need to be honest about “what this is”, and “where we are at” in life.

The problem with age of consent law, is that the only thing it does is impose a cultural norm…it enforces intolerance over situations where no intervention is objectively needed.

Age of consent laws exist for the purpose of forcing conformity, under threat.

There are already laws against sexual brutality [ie: rape]…Age of consent exists to target things which do not injure. It exists to strip people of their agency. It exists, so that the establishment has some framework in which to punish those who transgress.

Before age of consent law…they could not prosecute cases, where both [or all] parties involved were happy with the situation, and refused to cooperate with the prosecution.

Age of Consent law was invented, in order to side step these circumstances.

The are puritanical persecution, aimed at enforcing ideological relationships…which is why I don’t agree with them even existing.

That being said…I am a realist, and understand they will likely continue to exist…It’s just that on principle, I disagree with their existence and enforcement.

I see them as nothing more than social violence against children, youth and free spirited adults.

I am all for comprehensive sex education…I am also all for a culture open and frank about human sexuality…I don’t believe we should be hiding sex from human beings, regardless of their age.

I think the primary reason for this imposed ignorance…is that we already know from history, from diverse cultures, and even from crime statistics of the modern era…that even young children often find sex fascinating, want to try it [to one degree or another], greatly enjoy it should they do such…and naturally want to continue doing it after they’ve started…

…And this level of sexual tolerance greatly upends a whole lot of social structure, as well as defies the social power of the religious establishment.

Everyone else has a plan for us, on how we are supposed to “live the perfect life”…and that road map involves obeying them, and mirroring their strict, intolerant ideology.

I’ve always found it curious, how these “perfect lives” [or at least “respectable lives”] always tend to exclude and demonize, things and notions which merely come natural to people like me…

I’ve never thought highly of social systems and cultures, which lock people out…and yet, expect those same people to function as if they are genuinely part of that system and culture.

There is no motive left for people like us, in the face of a system that merely attacks and ostracizes us…except to tare it all down, and rebuild something else.



Elon Musk Promotes Pizza Conspiracy – Confused By Consequences…


Date: December 22, 2023

01) LINK

“Liz crokin, famed qanonner, got her beliefs reaffirmed recently when Elon musk started tweeting out the qanon conspiracies that shes been pushing since before qanon even existed: 2016. As a result, advertisers jumped ship, and Elon blamed the advertisers. Seriously. Let’s take a look at the unhinged stuff he’s been spouting off, and how the qanon world has reacted to it”


Atheist_Media_SB_ArchiveAtheist Media Links

Thallium Poisoning: A Husband Was Found With Another Woman. This Is What Was Done To His Organs…


Date: December 21, 2023

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0:00 RB is a 42 year old man ☝️ presenting to the emergency room
0:18 A history ⏰ of the history
1:05 A wild thief 🥷 appears
1:22 “I’ll take care of u bebe”
1:50 The only real way to butter 🧈 your bread
2:18 Where we are 🚑 now
3:37 “Not life threatening…” but is it really?
4:11 This rapid pace becomes 🤨 concerning
5:48 Something is very 😩 heavy
6:44 A solid foundation 🌎 of understanding nature (as seen on Earth)
9:01 An imposter 🥸 appears and the body cant discern 😳 the difference
10:15 The mitochondria is no longer 😞 the powerhouse of the cell
11:39 A connection to 😳 ancient esoteric 😳 knowledge
12:44 Can iron and cyanide 😲 be involved in the help?
13:54 Speaking of “life-threatening” and “energy” and “nerves,” it brings us here now
14:27 An incorrect assumption
15:24 Enclosed herein is a case preserved into the written record”



Dukes of Hazzard Doofus Tweets About Hanging & Killing Biden Family!…

Date: December 21, 2023

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“Jesse talks about the posted-then-deleted tweet from Dukes of Hazzard actor John Schneider in which he said, “Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung. Your son too. Your response Is..? Sincerely, John Schneider”

Looks like Bo might have to speed off in the General Lee…Maybe jump a ramp or do some stunts, to make his getaway…
