Up-Close Look at Captured Abrams and Leopard in Moscow…

Date: May 04, 2024

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“Russia displayed the captured American M1A1 Abrams and German 2A6 Leopard in Moscow for the first time. I managed to sneak behind the fence and take a closer look at the trophy Western equipment.”


3 thoughts on “Up-Close Look at Captured Abrams and Leopard in Moscow…

  1. furcifera

    So the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives has announced that US troops will have to be sent to Ukraine if the Ukraine front falls.

    Seeing that the front in question has been dramatically falling ever since Shoigu confirmed Russia has entered an offensive phase in its special military operation a week or so ago, I assume those US troops are well on their way.

    European troops are already in Ukraine: France and Poland. However, a high price is exacted from their home countries – Russian soldiers are incentivised and rewarded handsomely for successfully rooting non-Ukranian militia out and destroying them. US troops will fare no better.

    Nuclear armaggedon anyone?

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      Hell…knowing the irredeemable monsters infesting “our” government…troops are probably already there, or close to the vicinity.

      There is no end in who these war profiteers are willing to sacrifice…aside from themselves…maybe their own family…But then, many of them are old, and/or believe their are headed for “Happy Death Land”, hence not giving a shit what happens on this planet.

      If I were to presume anything occurs after death…I would say they are heading straight for hell…along with all the other religious extremists and exploiters.

      I wish hell did exist, for people like this.

  2. furcifera

    It is as if the military industrial complex, big pharma, regulatory authorities and governmental agencies in the collective west have assumed god-like status. It is one vast flourishing crime syndicate that profits from the destruction of human civilisation. Being gods, they have nothing to fear because they are completely shielded from prosecution and accountability by their fellow gods.


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