Monthly Archives: February 2008



Date: February 14, 2008

I hate coming here and posting about movies…

…because, it just tells you all how uneventful, boring and “going nowhere” my life is…when all I have to post about is a damned movie…

…but, this damned movie is special…

It contains Alex Etel’s nipples (BOTH of them!!!), and a very drool inducing, lusciously bare chest…

If you can get past the fact that he is soon to start drowning (in an imaginary daydream…his character is terrified of the water)…this early movie moment of bliss, is worth every penny of the admission.

For those unaware, Alex Etel is the younger boy from the 2004 movie, “Millions”.

He may not be an amazing actor…but, he does have an amazing body… 🙂

…and, he is very cute. He could easily become the next internationally popular, English boy movie star…I think, anyway (I give my boylove blessing to this).

The movie is “Water Horse”. The previously mentioned scene is brief, but quite long enough to savor…It will seer a beautiful portrait into your mind.

The movie itself, is not bad…Not stellar, but very cute and fun, for the most part…all the stuff you expect to be rolled up into a “family” movie.

The acting is good, though nobody is likely to win an oscar.

Basically, this is the fictional story of the Loc Ness monster. There is some funny and cute stuff that happens…it’s not “rip roaring” laughter material…but, it is enjoyable.

The movie centers around Alex’s character…so, you get to see him in nearly every scene…and the ones where you don’t, only last a short bit.

Of course, there’s the danger elements to make everyone feel sad and afraid…and there’s the required feel good moments…

I would not call it a great movie…but, it is a good movie…one which might be of interest, to movie patrons of the boylove persuasion…

My only gripe, is that it seems a sad sign of the times…when a lifeless and “drown”, child character can be brought ashore…yet the adult character wont perform CPR to revive him…I guess, CPR is to “out of place” in a family movie…

Instead, the adult has the amazing ability to put his hands on the child’s back, and with a consistent, angst riddled nudging, he can magically talk the child back to consciousness…and force air to his lungs, getting the boy to vomit up the water…

I’m being to critical here, I know…It’s a “family” movie, and geared more towards kids, but kept plenty interesting enough for adults…

I just cant help but see this as a sign of the time, though…

If that scene had happened in the seventies…on the television or the movie screen…that man would have locked lips with that boy, and nearly slid him some tongue…

…but, we cant have that, anymore…and besides, the man called upon the magic of the water horse…which was a convenient excuse, not to “kiss” the boy…(damned water horse!)…

Come to think of it…CPR might not have been invented and/or taught, at that point in history (second world war)…hmmmm…

Really, though, it was a good movie, and I hope Alex only gets bigger and better roles…This one was a fine catch for him.

…The monster is pretty cool, too…

All the best…

[…I’d have performed the mock CPR…even if the director had protested!]

