Indie Creators Will Get SCREWED by Google Algorithm Changes…


Date: March 14, 2024

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“Google is changing up their search algorithm in March 2024, with the explanation is that it’s trying to filter out low quality AI content. This is DESTROYING independent news sites. HOWEVER, Google is also giving YouTubers more and more AI tools to create (and even automate) content. Then we talk about how more and more YouTubers are leaving the platform, and how Business Insider thinks that only MrBeast and AI generated spam will remain. OOF.”



Frank Zappa’s problem with David Bowie…


Date: March 14, 2024

01) LINK

“My weekly chat over coffee. It’s a good way to spend a Saturday morning, I promise.”

I’ve never done a deep dive into Frank Zappa and his music…

People say he was a genius…yet, I’ve never heard anything of his that I actually liked…

…He always struck me as a sort of “prog rock”…Which I’m not a fan of, generally speaking…

I mean…I can do Yes…and I find early Genesis to be somewhat interesting…But I’m not big on it, when it starts sounding like unskilled people, banging and strumming on musical instruments.

When it becomes an obnoxious mess of noise…it becomes a big “No” from me.

As an important side note in this instance…I am aware that the “rough and tumble” [so to speak] flow of Frank Zappas music, was an intentional aim from the start…And people consider him a genius, because he and his band could keep it all together and flowing in sync.

So…I can appreciate that…I just haven’t found his music to be to my taste…

…Maybe I haven’t searched long enough…Who knows?

