Monthly Archives: January 2016

Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (with Dr. Michael Shermer)…

Date: January 31, 2016

01) Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (with Dr. Michael Shermer)

02) Direct Download Link [MP3]

“Dr. Michael Shermer is the founding publisher of Skeptic Magazine and author of several books, including “The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity Toward Truth, Justice and Freedom,” and “Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition and Other Confusions of our Time.”

In this conversation with Seth Andrews, Dr. Shermer addresses some of the recent (and alarming) statements made by educated and (it would seem) very intelligent public figures, and we explore the relationship between the intelligent and the irrational brain.”

I Am a Dissident (Narrated)…


Date Written Unknown

Republished: January 29, 2016

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.

Let us get one thing perfectly clear here…

I am a dissident…a dissenter…

I am not a criminal for being such, nor do I advocate the violation of others.

I dissent and protest against the current atmosphere of skewed research and silenced conversation, regarding most issues associated with adult/child love.

I dissent and protest against today’s most prominent legal and public courses of action, aimed at adult/child love.

I dissent and protest against malicious stereotypes, forced upon minor attracted individuals.

I dissent and protest against draconian and inhumane laws, and the boldly inhumane persecution they bring with them.

I dissent and protest against this vicious movement to blot out human sexuality, and delegate it to the political status of “depravity, violation and violence”.

I dissent and protest against harmless human sexuality being deemed criminal, or a “mental illness”.

I dissent and protest against the most rabidly vicious “protectors” being allowed to hold control over such issues, or that they even should be able to define “abuse”, when they lack objectivity and harbor a vendetta.

I dissent and protest against such people even being called such things as “protectors”, “advocates” and the like. They hold a viciousness and contempt for all human things which are of child love nature. They are their own brand of monster, on a mission to destroy the lives of those who live peacefully in ways they don’t approve of.

I dissent and protest against the extreme censorship which has been undeniably executed, against any research or group which expresses a positive account of child love.

I am sure that I am leaving off a few things…but, you should get an idea of my base tenants, after reading this.

Even though I am sometimes treated and talked about as though I were a criminal, the fact is that I have no criminal past. I am not now, nor have I ever been investigated for, or charged over any accusation of criminal activity.

I am a dissident who knows the facts…They may hate me for this, but I know for a fact that what is happening today in the U.S. and around the world, with these anti-human, anti-sex, panic movements…this entire mess is wrong…and there is no honest, ethical way to defend it.

It needs to change…It must change.



To Other “Pedophiles”: Self Acceptance (Narrated)…


Date: Unknown

Reposted: January 29, 2016

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.

paedophile is more of an stereotypical umbrella term, these days. It covers a much more vast area of human sexuality, when used in conversation today, than what it actually means by its’ true definition. It is hard for most anyone to make heads or tails of this issue, while there is such a lack of good, sound, supported information out there…and even harder when we are all drowning in a sea of aggression, hate and war, while wandering through the eye of a social storm.

It’s hard to find yourself…your true self…

…but, if I may impart this one piece of advice, because it is pure gold in my opinion…

Whatever else you may do in your life, never, ever, ever define yourself by the negative dogma of this world.

A brilliant man once said, “Don’t let others define you…Don’t let others confine you”.

Those who control how others think of you, and how you think of yourself, hold enormous power over your life. When these people wield venom, the only possible outcome is poisoned minds and ill outcomes.

There is no shame in being a pedophile (or paedophile)…There is only shame in pursuing an existence which hurts others…Pedophilia and hurt, are not one and the same.

Life is what you make of it…not what everyone else dictates it to be. Beware of this, because there are a lot of parrots in this world, who are all to happy to reinforce the popular dogmas, stigmas and paradigms of current times.

…I may enjoy birds quite a lot, but I’d never base my philosophics on what one, or a whole flock of them, had to squawk about…because when you get to the root of it all…a parrot will only indiscriminately imitate that which has been repeated to it, over and over and over and over and over…

…Don’t let yourself get swept away in the momentum of this storm…It’s not worth the grief, or the other costs, to give in and start hating yourself, just because that’s the politically correct, and socially popular, thing to do.

In fact, psychologically giving in to that mindset, surrendering to the intolerance and accepting in your own mind that you are all those terrible things that some claim you to be (and others reinforce with parroting), is one of the worst things an actual pedophile could ever do.

That, for a child lover, is the first step in becoming one of societies self fulfilling prophecies…the violent, abusive, murdering pedophile….

No matter who you are…you ultimately become what you think yourself to be.

All the best…




Aftermath of the Cologne New Years Eve Attacks…


Date: January 28, 2016

01) Aftermath of the Cologne New Years Eve Attacks

“Examining the events following the initial reports of the Cologne New Years Eve attacks.”

I understand the distinction, that “this” is not Islam…

…What is undeniably so damning, however…is that this kind of thing is so prevalent…often seen as “justified backlash”, against people not seen as “modest enough”…in cultures which are ruled over by heavily Islamic regimes…

…What does that say, about the fitness of Islamists to rule a state?

Islam’s social legacy, has a tremendous amount to answer for…to be held accountable for.

How is it, they produce people who think and act this way?…Who even believe it is their “right”, to come to foreign lands and do that to the native citizens?

I know there are decent Muslims out there…So, don’t take me wrong…

…It’s just that there are some very deep, dark problems, within the cultures which produced, fostered and refined Islam…

…And Islam, itself, has been powerless to bring that to an end…Heck, it’s more a product of those cultures, than they are of it.

How much faith in Islam, is this expected to create?

The cultures behind Islam, would do well to reform…Islam would do well to accept guidance, and model itself, from the perspectives, practices and ethics of modern, tolerant cultures and modern, tolerant beliefs…

…Islam would do well, to step down from it’s soapbox…to realize and identify it’s own deep, deep problems…and to pursue addressing those personal problems.

Islam has plenty enough on it’s own plate, regarding it’s own shortcomings, to take up Muslims time and resources for the foreseeable future…

…There is no justification in finger wagging, or standing in judgment of people and cultures, who are not Islamic.


Other Odyssey Islam Posts [Blog Search] |

Our Love Frontier’s 3rd Year Anniversary on!…

Date: January 28, 2016

480_WP_3_Year_Anniversary has proven to be a worthy, humane and decent host…with a lot of integrity and principle. For that, I humbly thank the wonderful people behind this service. You’ve now officially given me the most stable home I have ever had, in the blogosphere.

In many ways…that’s a very sad and sobering point of fact, given that I’ve been blogging since 2006…It underscores just how bad prejudice, fascism, intolerance, hate and censorship has become.

…But…we’ve persevered, haven’t we?…

…We have overcome, what has been placed in front of us.

Truth cannot be stopped.

That should be core in our message…today, and into the future.

To my readers…Thank you for sticking around.

Now…Let’s go charge into year four!


Are We All Sex Offenders?…

Date: January 28, 2016

01) Are We All Sex Offenders? | Galen Baughman | TEDxCUNY

“Published on Jan 25, 2016

Galen works alongside many others in reforming the criminal justice system, but his angle might surprise you. Join him as he shares his crusade for equal justice, which has led him to the courtroom, advocacy, and beyond.

Galen Baughman is an Open Society Foundations Soros Justice Fellow working to end the practice of civilly committing youth as sexually violent predators. Incarcerated for nine years, including four-and-a-half years in solitary confinement, Galen is now a campaign strategist on issues related to sex offender policy and public and trains advocates around the country to build movements against mass incarceration. He is a JustLeadershipUSA 2015 Leading with Conviction cohort member, and also serves on the Board of Directors for the Center for Sexual Justice.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


A Right Not To Be “Molested” (Narrated)…


Date: Unknown

Reposted: January 27, 2016

A Historic Note:

I don’t know the original date of publication for this essay…But it was one of my ultra rare, thread starting posts on BoyChat…It is easily older than a decade…yet I am hard pressed to even give it’s year of writing…It was years before I started blogging.

The thing which always stood out for me, and marked the posting of this essay…was the number of people who gave it a “to long, didn’t read” treatment…yet, at the same time, went into [long, in a couple cases] arguments [attacks?], based on the title of this essay.

…The message behind this essay went entirely past them, because they never cared enough to read it…And the awkwardness in all of this…is that a number of my very own BoyChat brothers, were arguing with [chastising?] me, over positions that…after all those years of my participation on BoyChat, they should have all known better than to think such things about me…or my positions…

I was effectively being confronted, over positions and views I’ve never held…because so few cared to read and understand…

In contrast…those who did read this essay, had a markedly different [and positive] reaction to it.

Having considered this piece to be one of the best I had ever written, at the time [and still thinking such, till this day]…It was extremely depressing to have given this to BoyChat [it got published nowhere else, until now]…to have it overwhelmingly rejected and devalued, like that…

I don’t know if I was more demoralized that so many just didn’t care…or that knee jerk reactions were so strong, despite that few even understood what they were reacting too…

This was the last truly meaningful, original piece of writing I posted on BoyChat…A state of things which would last, for quite a few years…It was a personal turning point for me…It made me realize, that I needed to step out of the echo chamber…I needed some other place, where I could grow and evolve…and create…

Somewhere after this departure [and distancing] from BoyChat…during my years in “the great wilderness” of life and the internet…I transitioned from being BoyChat’s Steve-D…into being Steve Diamond…

This selection from “In Self Defense: The Life and Times of An Atheist BoyLover…Memoirs and Ethos”, has been narrated by Rocco White. Please enjoy the listen, or read along if you like…or need to.

How do we coexist with “the other camp”, in this conflict?…or, the other “camps”?

There is something which does bother me quite a lot. I don’t think it’s been largely articulated by others…though, its essence comes to the surface, every here and there, in discussions.

The ones who wage this war, have always demanded that legal procedure error only on the side of extreme caution…because, as the theory goes, all must go without, in order to spare those to weak to defend themselves…and those unable to find help.

Yes, it spares no one of anything…We all know this, as words on paper, in some law library, have no power in a bedroom closed off to the world, or in a far away place, where one who lusts for another has reached the end of his/her hesitance…or, their sexual drive has overpowered them.

We know that when no one else is there to enforce a law, or protect the vulnerable, rule of the dominant will reign. Once that decision is made, the results will likely be realized, from it.

…and so…what does this mean?

Simply, that some people are sexually brutalized…for many, it is inhumane torture…a thing they wish no one else to ever have to suffer…Others are sexually manipulated, and they cant figure out why, or how to bring what happened into balance with politics, laws and morals. Some liked it when it was happening, but cant seem to live with it in the long run….the stigma is to great of a burden to bare?

It is because of these groups, that an ultra conservative movement has sprung forth…who’s goal has been that of pitting the interests, the well being and the sufferings of at least two classes of people entirely against one another…as though both groups are polar opposites, never able to coexist in peace.

If one group, the victims, are not entirely catered to by the law, some will take up issue with this, and cry “fowl”…while at the same time, if any bit of freedom or peace of mind is afforded by law to the other group, child lovers, this is characterized as being absolutely detrimental to all victims.

I hear it over and over and over…

Don’t you understand, you self centered pedophile?…These victims have suffered tremendously…Some will be scarred for life…Don’t you respect this?…Do you feel no humanity for these people?…How can you be so selfish, in the face of this?…How do you justify turning your back on this, merely to pursue your own, selfish, pedophile sex?

They do have rights…they have the right not to be molested, in my opinion…as well as the laws opinion. They have the right to do with their own sexuality, as they, themselves please…No other has the right to take the self determination away from them.

self determination…a lost and dissolving concept….

Who can self determine?…When can they self determine?…Why can they self determine?

The government says, “no”…The psychologists say, “no”…The churches say, “no”…The celebrities say, “no”…

…”No, it is much to dangerous to gamble with”…

It’s a hard pill, and a heavy burden, for all the times I have lusted after another who is young in years, but…

…There is just no easy answer, and the truth is…the very young can not so much self determine, in the sense of understanding broader implications…They don’t know when they are five years old, what their thoughts will be on these events, when they are twenty years old.

Maybe, that uncertainty is largely the offspring, of the fact that we child lovers do not rule the world…we do not even command a substantial portion of influence. We can not paint the picture, of a culture which embraces child lovers, because we are not the master artists. It is someone else who does this…and they do not spare us child lovers of any wrath, or indignity.

I wish I had that power. I want that power…I need that power.

With it, we could emphasize the positives…We could promote sex positive messages…We could be the ones running commercials, with celebrities addressing children, telling them if…”someone is not making them feel funny enough, call our hotline (or visit our web site) for tips on better sex, sexual health and private rights”. We could be the ones publishing children’s books (“Jane likes Dick, and Dick likes Bobby”).

Perhaps, in a world where loving a child is valued, where extending that love into intimate acts of passion, exploration, and sexual growth is a respected and hailed quality…perhaps in that world, “I’m a pedophile who loves your little boy…I only have his best interests in mind…Trust me!”, will hold any weight at all.

…Today?…”You’ll have to trust me…Take my word for it…the word of a pedophile homosexual”…This wont work…Not with most peoples eight year old boys…not with most peoples twelve year old boys…and certainly not with most peoples five year old boys. A mind that open, scarcely exists.

Yet, it is what we all desperately need, right now…every single one of us, no matter who you may be.

We have needs in this sub culture of child love…so many of which have been neglected, discounted, dismissed, ridiculed by outsiders. We suffer, and have many serious issues, resulting from the lot in life, to which we have been delegated…yet, outsiders don’t see this. Perhaps, they don’t wish to see it this way?…

I broke a rule of mine the other day…it’s an unofficial rule, but, I follow it anyway, because, I try to cut the negatives in my life down to a minimum.

I’ve found, that they are at it again…the television commercials…

I’m thinking, some conservative group was heartened by this, “Bush, abstinence only” atmosphere…and since the waters were left undisturbed so long, that they actually were calming…it is time to start the fire…rile up the angered mobs…Must not let the anger and paranoia, fade to far from the mind…else it becomes lost…harder to re-establish.

…”One in four girls molested by age 18…one in six boys”…”My pedophile grandfather molested me”…”come visit our site”…another abuse survivors web site…There for the victims…there to help them cope with the aftermath…there to help prevent this sort of thing from happening to others…

…There to tow the party line, quote the same ultra conservative sources and research, and reinforce the same social bigotries…

…To be yet another beacon of light, telling all of us child lovers, what a social scourge we all are…how bad we are…how we’ve hurt all these children and young adults.

I guess, that’s not totally fair…Some of those children and young adults were attacked, raped, abused by people who don’t even know what “child lover” means.

Message is all the same, though…”all forms of sexual contact, between these people and those people, is sexual molestation…No wiggle room…no distinctions…no representations of anything outside the box in which we are all demanded to imprison our thoughts, emotions and deeds.

So…I explored…I read…

Did you know?…sexually abused children have a much higher rate of PTSD, and suicide?

…How can anyone turn their back on that, or argue in anyway, that does not fully cater to the needs of these children?

We simply can not.

We can not…we must not be callous or insensitive to their plight. We cant just look away, or disregard their suffering…as so many have looked away, and disregarded ours.

Both of our plights are interconnected….and, simple humanity makes us come to the aid of those in need…those who have been broken…those who have been stripped of their dignity…their essence?

Despite good efforts of noteworthy people…our culture of child lovers can not seem to get any officially compiled data…No professionally conducted research, to represent the full spectrum of us. As a culture, we legally don’t exist as anything more than fodder for the latest “save our children” campaign. In the papers, on the television screens, through the radio waves…by the research papers, we child lovers don’t get to have real emotions. We don’t get to be fleshed out, human characters.

…Nobody sees the devastation caused, by the way in which the issues of child love are badly mishandled.

…PTSD, and high rates of suicide…yes, tell me all about it…

Maladjustments abound on both sides of this equation…I think, because it is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Because some portion of children and young adults suffer…so it is demanded of us child lovers, that we suffer right along side of them, and take the brunt of blame for the wrong done to them.

You beat this into the minds of the public…the individual pedophile…the child lover..If they are unable to resist…they will in time break, and become what you demand of them to become.

You’re a child lover?…It’s your fault that Sally’s daddy raped her repeatedly, from age six to age sixteen…It’s your fault that Bobby’s uncle took abusive sexual liberties with him, from the age of eight to ten…It’s your fault that Sammy’s mother used him as a substitute, sexual companion during his teen years, after his father abandoned the family…

…So much guilt…So much responsibility…So much self hate…So much anger…So much hopelessness…So much despair…So much confusion…

The child love culture has it’s problems…problems which we are not allowed to address…problems which are irritated, enflamed…made infinitely worse, by the lack of an understanding culture, that will see…that will hear.

PTSD and high suicide rates are things which haunt the child love culture…just as they haunt victims of sex abuse.

…but, some pain and suffering is more equal than others…

Our pain, our suffering, our sorrow is considered to be nothing, if not little more than an arrogant, contemptuous affront to the suffering and pain of sex abuse survivors.

…which is why those of us who strive for something better, and hold a sense of pride, are reviled all the more, than those child lovers who live a broken life of shame, isolation and total surrender.

….but, I wonder if anyone will ever figure it out…

…Maybe, much of this PTSD and high suicide rates from both groups, springs from the exact same source?…cultural bigotry, which neither lets the abuse victim get past the abuse, nor allows the child lover to move past the stigma and character assassination?…

I am sick of our two neglected and abused groups being manipulated and faced off against one another. This is an absolute travesty, which has crippled both groups…and for what?…Who has gained here?

…Haven’t we each suffered far long enough?…For how long must we all keep getting dragged through this losing battle, before someone with the means wakes up and says, “This is not working”…”Enough is enough”…?

I feel so badly, that we live in a world, where reality is not what the individual makes of it…but what some moralist on high demands that it be.

I feel so badly, that so much venom, pain and blame is thrown at the feet, of those who were never deserving of it.

I feel so badly, that people who I would embrace and support, by the nature of my character, would in turn hate, ridicule, lash out at and attack me…because, I am reduced to nothing more than the embodiment of those who hurt and devastated them.

Is there any answer to this quandary?…Can we ever force the moralists on high, to stop playing political chess, with our two, grossly exploited groups?

Abuse is abuse…It does not matter the type, nor the source…Those who do not abuse, are not abusers…Human suffering, is human suffering, no matter who the target is…Are these things not the truth?

…Then why do we all suffer the indignity of a culture, where this is not reality?…

Must we child lovers lose, in order that the abuse victims gain? Must we be forever poised off against one another as enemy combatants?…each being a dark cloud, overhead the other?

…and is it worth it, to sacrifice all, in order that the victims may have peace, or as much so as possible?…

…Can nothing good ever be allowed to come out of, and exist through, the child love culture?…Is it imperative that we, our YFs, and so many other things/people associated with us, become the sacrificial lambs, to this sacred cow cause?

I look around and consider all that I know of child love, and child lovers…I can not even answer to myself…”Why have we even been pushed to this point, where we urgently have to rise up and fight back for ourselves?…for our very existence?”…What on earth was seen as so bad in all of this, that it has led us to this dire state of social peril?

I don’t know how any boy could be anything other than conflicted, at best, after having intimate relationships with me, and having to deal with a lifetime of bigotry over the stigma of it, in this kind of a cultural atmosphere…

…Another self fulfilling prophecy?….

…I think it is…

I also think it is high time that each and every one of the manipulators and power abusers involved in this social crisis be exposed and removed from power.

Sexual abuse victims are not my enemy, and I am not theirs…One day, we will expose our mutual enemies, put them aside and heal together.

We all deserve to remain unabused, and unmolested.



M.A. Voice: Issue 04 – January 26, 2016…


Articles and content from Minor Attracted People [MAPs], presented in no particular order and without preference or discrimination. These are diverse viewpoints.

Date: January 26, 2016

01) I Am Daywalker. I Am A Pedophile. Here Is My Story

02) Ender Wiggin: Of Pedophilia and Child Molestation

03) Todd Nickerson : Fear government overreach? Your hatred of pedophiles only makes things worse

04) : Todd Nickerson interview

05) leonard sisyphus mann: Rationalization – Can Paedophiles Argue For Children’s Sexual Rights?

06) Tom O’Carroll: Humble or haughty, nasty is naughty

07) Tom O’Carroll: Down and dirty in the VP basement

1) I think the exchanges between Tom and VP members, is a positive thing…as is the very discussion Tom is undertaking.

2) I like and support the “Kind Community” mentioned, as an identity…and I may adopt some signs and references to it, in the future.

3) I think “pro choice”, or “pro self determination”, is the most dignified and fair way to describe my own positions.

4) Like Tom, I’m not really comfortable with members of the MAP community, casting other MAPs in a bad light, on account of them being “pro choice” and “pro self determination”. All the same, I have no intentions of excluding MAPs from this project, based upon their viewpoints.

If you’re a Minor Attracted Person [MAP] who would like your content featured in the next issue, please use the form below to pass along the necessary information.

You may also submit content created by other MAPs. Any form of legal content [written, audio, video, artistic, academic, personal expression, etc.] will be considered for inclusion.

All submissions made via this form are private.


Other Issues

Planned Parenthood Cleared, Two Indicted Over Doctored Tapes…

Date: January 26, 2016

01) Planned Parenthood Cleared, Two Indicted Over Doctored Tapes

“The state of Texas did numerous investigations into Planned Parenthood clinics to see if there was any wrongdoing, and to see if their was any legitimacy to the edited smear videos. They discovered Planned Parenthood was innocent, but the creators of the propaganda weren’t. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have been indicted by the grand jury for tampering with a governmental record, said prosecutors for the county in which Houston is located.

The two were involved in covert videos last year in which a discussion was held with a Planned Parenthood official on the procurement of fetal tissue.

Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress that released the videos, was also charged with violating a prohibition on the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, the Harris County District Attorney said.

The videos purported to show Planned Parenthood officials trying to negotiate prices for aborted fetal tissue. Under federal law, donated human fetal tissue may be used for research, but profiting from its sale is prohibited.”

Flint Children [and Residents] Poisoned for a Year…

Date: January 25, 2016

01) Do not drink: The water crisis in Flint, Michigan

“The economically depressed city of Flint, Michigan, is making headlines across the country because there’s something in its water that shouldn’t be there.

You may have heard about the problems in Flint: about how the tap water can be brownish, stinky, funny-tasting. After denying there was a problem for more than a year, state and city officials finally admitted it – there was too much lead in the water.

On this hour of Reveal, you’re going to hear the whole story of how people in Flint went from trusting their tap water to fearing it. And thanks to Michigan Radio’s Lindsey Smith, who produced an incredible documentary called “Not Safe to Drink,” we dive right in.”

02) One mother’s quest to put a cap on toxic tap water

“What do you do when the water’s not safe to drink, bathe in or even swim in?

Lee Anne Walters, a mother of four who lived on the south side of Flint, Michigan, turned to bottled water. That’s right – store-bought bottles and jugs of water used for everything from cooking to brushing teeth.

She took those extreme measures after her kids started getting sick.

After a bout of rashes found on her twin boys, Lee Anne went on a mission to find out what was behind the eruption of spots. Doctor’s visits weren’t helpful, and it wasn’t until Lee Anne noticed that the breakouts were occurring after bath time or swimming in the pool that she made the connection. Eventual water tests revealed extremely high lead levels.

This worried mother went into action and ended up changing everything about how the water crisis in Flint was handled.”

03) How cheap water led to a state of emergency

“People in Flint, Michigan, started complaining about their tap water in the summer of 2014, not long after the city stopped pumping its drinking water from Detroit.

It had started pumping water from the Flint River – it was the cheapest option at the time.

But there were problems right off the bat: Residents said the water was brown or reddish; it stank; it tasted weird. On top of all that, four months after the switch, the city detected E. coli in the water.

“How does this happen in the United States?” Flint resident and mother Lee Anne Walters asked. “I mean, you hear about it in Third World countries, but how does this happen, specifically in a state that is surrounded by the Great Lakes?”

It’s a good question.

Michigan Radio reporter Lindsey Smith continues her investigation into Flint’s water crisis by looking back to 2013 for answers.”

04) Michigan forced to face the poisonous problem in Flint

“As state officials continued to downplay the lead risk to Flint’s children, last August, research scientists from Virginia Tech got involved. They warned people in the Michigan city to stop drinking the tap water.

Tests showed high levels of lead in that water – and lead is especially harmful to young children. It can lead to conditions such as a lower IQ and attention problems. And once that lead gets into a kid’s blood, the damage is done. You can’t reverse it.

In this story, we’ll hear from the researchers and meet a Flint pediatrician who risked her reputation to change the city’s course.”

Do anything under the sun, to cause a kid to get horny…and you can count on a prison cell waiting for you…

…Get a state governor with hokey notions of “city emergency managers”, who are unaccountable to the people and bouncing around, like playing musical chairs…mix in the financial crisis, this was supposed to be a solution for…and suddenly, poisoning the children of Flint, Michigan is “a okay”!

…They even get to lie about it, for a year…until someone of integrity has stepped in…an outsider.

Isn’t government so lovely…how it protects children from harm?