MAGA Supporters Have Idiotic Plan B If Trump Is Banned From Ballots…

Date: September 07, 2023

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“Supporters of Donald Trump aren’t too scared about the thought of having their cult leader removed from 2024 ballots using the 14th Amendment because they have come up with a “brilliant” plan to circumvent that little issue. If Trump is banned from the ballot, they are planning on just writing him in as their presidential choice, because apparently they don’t understand what the 14th Amendment actually says. Farron Cousins provides these MAGA morons with some knowledge about how the Constitution works.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Well, folks, the attempts to keep Donald Trump off of the 2024 presidential ballot are actually heating up in states across the nation with liberal activists trying to get Trump removed from the ballot using section three of the 14th amendment, which I assume at this point everybody is familiar with that, and we don’t have to get in. But basically, if you’re an insurrectionist or if you supported insurrectionist, either material or materially or vocally, you’re barred from ever holding office again in the United States. That’s the section three in a nutshell. Uh, so you’ve got these groups out there. You’ve got lawyers that are filing legal challenges using that section three of the 14th Amendment to try to keep Trump off the ballot. But one thing these leftists didn’t take into consideration is the brain power of all those MAGA supporters out there who are not so happy that Donald Trump could be removed from the ballot.

So they putting their collective minds together have come up with a brilliant plan. And that brilliant plan, according to new reports, is that these Trump supporters are simply going to write Trump in anyway. So you can ban him from the ballot if you like. They’re just gonna write his name in and boom, then he gets to be president again. Ha ha. Take that United States constitution. Here’s what some of them said. A lot of Americans will write in Trump if he is illegally removed off the ballot. That being said, it’s more likely than not SCOTUS will block efforts to kick Trump off the ballot in America. The people, not the deep state, choose the president. Another Trump supporter wrote on Twitter quote, if Trump is removed from the ballot, I will write him in. And of course, you have other Trump supporters trying to have this movement gain momentum to where, Hey, even if they block him from the ballot, we’ll just write him in because apparently that’s how the 14th Amendment works.

Nope, no. You see, the 14th Amendment isn’t about ballot access, okay? That’s what these idiots don’t seem to understand. The 14th Amendment is about being barred from holding public office. So even if, let’s, let’s, let’s make a lot of assumptions for a moment here. So let’s assume first and foremost that these ballot challenges are successful and that it does go all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court says, yep, you supported an insurrection. You are no longer allowed to hold office in the United States. So let’s assume that that happens first. And again, we won’t even get that far, but let’s assume that that happens. And they say, yes, 14th Amendment applies. Trump can’t hold office in the United States. So then let’s assume that there is this massive

Movement from Trump supporters, millions and tens, tens of millions of them that write Trump in, and somehow he gets enough votes to actually win. Guess what happens? Then? He’s barred from holding office onto the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment, as I said, is not about ballot access. It’s about literally being barred under US law from holding office in the first place. So these idiots don’t understand that even if you write him in, he would still be legally ineligible to serve as the President of the United States. Hell, if he’s barred under the 14th Amendment, he’s legally barred from even being elected as a dog catcher. That’s what the 14th Amendment is. But these people are so dumb they don’t realize that Now, as I said, getting it to the Supreme Court, uh, first and foremost is gonna be a Herculean task, and we got a six three conservative majority with three of those conservative justices being appointed by Donald Trump.

Do you honestly think that that Supreme Court is going to bar Donald Trump from holding office? No, they’re not. So this is all wishful thinking. You know, not to downplay the significance of the 14th Amendment, I do personally believe that Trump should be barred under the 14th Amendment. I think it’s kind of crystal clear, but I also know that this Supreme Court doesn’t care about what the law actually says. So it doesn’t matter what I think or what I feel, ’cause I’m not on that court. I don’t get to make that decisions.”


Matt Walsh UNLEASHES Firestorm After TAUNTING 29-Yr-Old TikToker For Celebrating Her Childless Life…

Date: September 07, 2023

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to conservative commentator Matt Walsh taunting a woman who posted a TikTok of what her child-free Saturday morning routines look like. #mattwalsh #Tiktok”

Why do so many people not seem to realize…when they’re following and listening to assholes, who don’t deserve the time of day?

It’s insane that someone like a Matt Walsh could grow such a large audience…

…There’s a lot of hate and intolerance in this world…It’s extremely ugly.

There are many valid reasons for not making babies…A lot of those reasons are out of our control…

There is nothing wrong with “being childless”…You don’t need to make more of them…Reality is they’re all over the place and tend to stroll through your life, regardless.

Just tell people like Matt Walsh to Fuck Off!


Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False…

Date: September 07, 2023

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Will Earth change and kill us all?…It may very well…eventually…

I think there is a lot of fatigue going around, as relates to the relentless exposure to “doomsday” messages.

As this video illustrates…most of us have been subjected to this “soul destroying” message all of our lives…

…If you internalize and allow this assault to overtake you…you just go insane.


How the Media Creates Delusional Tribes – Tim Urban…


Date: September 06, 2023

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“Tim Urban is a blogger who writes about a wide range of topics, from science and technology to psychology and philosophy. He is known for creating minimalist stick-figure illustrations to help explain complex concepts in a simple way.”

If SchemeOn Bluff “cares about social media”…then why the hell did he leave the crippling problems with twitter completely in place?!

The net nannies are still in charge there. These gatekeepers are barring people from the platform, based on ideological differences, and immutable character traits…not based on any established behavior.

…That is just wrong…

…And SchemeOn just stands there, watching it all happen.

