Monthly Archives: August 2022



Date: August 31, 2022

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“Create your avatar from scratch, matching every element of its appearance and personality, and then start your new life in AlterLife. Choose from hundreds of different hairstyles, shapes of nose, mouth, eyes and other physical features. The most comprehensive character editor on the market will even let you recreate yourself and your friends in a virtual environment. Then use the money you’ve given on start, to buy an apartment or a house in the suburbs and lead your life the way you’ve always dreamed of it!”

Looks like we have yet another alternative to The Sims on the horizon.

I’m kinda wondering what in the heck happened to Paralives.

AlterLife could be a scam, as there’s not much information out there on it…but, The Sims demands serious competition…EA is greedy and lazy…and they release game breaking Expansions and DLC.

I never would have thought fifteen years ago, that EA could fall so far from grace.

ALTERLIFE Trailer 4K (New Realistic Life Simulator Game):


Visibly Defeated Mike Lindell Admits His Recent Election Fraud Event Was A Failure…

Date: August 31, 2022

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“A defeated Mike Lindell admitted that his recent election fraud cyber event was a complete failure, but he swears that it wasn’t his fault. Instead, he claims that every search engine and social media platform somehow colluded to keep people away from his event, which definitely isn’t a thing that happened. Farron Cousins explains why Lindell is having such a hard time attracting people to his freak show.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Well folks, it seems like Mike Linde, CEO of MyPillow has finally come to the realization that he is a failure. Not just is he a failure by the way, but his most recent little cyber symposium on election fraud was a complete and total failure. And recently this week, you know, week and a half after, of course the actual thing took place. A defeated. Mike Linde got on video and explained that yep, his latest event was a failure, but don’t worry. He’s not taking the blame for the failure. Of course, it’s on literally everybody else as to why Mike Linde can’t get more people to buy into his conspiracy theory. So here he is, again, the very defeated and sad Mike Linde explaining why he’s a complete and total failure. Take a look.

It’s the aftermath that one of the most important events in our country’s history, I will tell you this, what I have learned since then this weekend, we had Google Yahoo, Bing, duck, duck, all the search engines worked against us there. I bought AdWords on every single one of them platforms so that if you put in moment of true summit or Mike Glendale’s event and ad would’ve came up, so it would’ve been the first one telling you where to go there and all the, and all these things. This happened back when I did absolute proof, the movie Google and all them took away my ability to buy those ads. I expected to come in this morning, I’d have $200,000 in bills from all them AdWord, everybody talking about it and spreading the word less than a hundred dollars. Everybody. What they did is totally suppressed these events in this AdWord. Um, they I’ve I’m, I’m here live on Facebook. There’s only 300 people there that they’ve suppressed Facebook, um, all the media, including, uh, um, Salem, media news, max Fox, all the media, nobody has reached out to me, everybody, nobody. Remember I told you all the only way this last weekend fails is if we don’t get the word out

One that’s right folks, the biggest conspiracy this country has ever seen. You got Google, you got Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, duck do go, uh, Fox news news, max, uh, ask JS geo cities, MySpace, every fricking website that’s ever existed. Somehow banded together to make Mike Linde look like an idiot because yeah, it would really take all of those massive billion dollar entities to come together to make the pillow man look stupid, right? If he didn’t have all those pieces in place, he would’ve seen be seen as, you know, whatever the hell it is. He thinks he’s being seen as the guy’s a kook. He is an absolute Nutter. And uh, at least he knows he failed, right? I mean, at that point we have to see, okay, there’s a little bit, there’s a little bit of introspection there because he knows it failed. So we give him credit for that.

We just gotta push him over to the edge and make him realize why it failed. Why is nobody buying your conspiracy theory? But you can’t launch new conspiracy theories about why nobody’s buying your conspiracy theories. The reason nobody watched your stupid little cyber symposium is because the few people who did believe it to begin with had been strung along by you so many different times, they had sat there and watched so many other little cyber symposiums from you and never once. Did they get any actual evidence that you promised them repeatedly you would give, even before this most recent one, Linde put out a video saying that nobody would be even be able to deny that the 2020 election was stolen after that weekend. And then what did he do during that symposium? He didn’t present any evidence to back up any of his claims.

And he spent the whole time attacking the media. You know, at one point it turned into a campaign rally for Marjorie Taylor green. He’s putting pillow coupon codes on the screen the whole time. So you go and buy his products. It was an infomercial for the worst products and people that this country has to offer, but there was no election fraud proven. I don’t even know at this point, if they even talked about election fraud. So don’t get mad at Google and Yahoo and Fox and Newsmax because your thing failed, it didn’t fail because they conspired against you. It failed because more and more people are waking up to the fact that you’re a complete wacko.”


Trump DEMANDS He Either Be Reinstated As President Or Get A New Election…

Date: August 31, 2022

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“In a completely demented Truth Social rant, Donald Trump stretched reality in order to demand that he either be declared the rightful winner of the 2020 election, or that he be given another election. This came after he falsely claimed that the FBI and social media companies interfered with the 2020 election, but if that’s the case, couldn’t we demand a new 2016 election? Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump is throwing the meltdown of all meltdowns right now over the alleged FBI whistleblower, who says that the FBI kind of put the breaks a little bit on the hunter Biden story before the 2020 election. Because of course, as they said, the FBI didn’t want to interfere with another presidential election. Um, and Donald Trump takes that to mean, of course, that the FBI did interfere by not interfering and therefore we should hold a new election immediately, or just go ahead and declare him the president of the United States, whichever works best for us, I guess. So here’s what Trump posted on truth social Monday evening. It is this. So now it comes out conclusively that the FBI buried the hunter Biden laptop story before the election, knowing that if they didn’t Trump would’ve easily won the 20, 20 presidential election, which he put in quotes as if it’s a direct quote from somebody, but it wasn’t a direct quote from anybody. He, he made it up and put it in quotes as if somebody had said that there is massive fraud and election interference at a level never seen before in our country remedy declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution declare the 20, 20 election irreparably compromised and have a new election immediately.

All right. I, I guess that’s it folks gotta head back to the polls later this week, re vote for president willing to bet Trump would still lose that, but more importantly, there’s literally no remedy whatsoever in United States, law or constitution. Um, that allows for that to even happen. So even if what he was saying was accurate, which it is not, and I’ll get more to that in a second. There’s still, literally nothing could be done about it. I mean, technically if president Biden came out today and said, Hey, guess what? Democrats stole the election. I here’s how we did it. Here’s all of our documents. What are you gonna do? Like legally speaking, we don’t have a remedy for that in this country. that would be unprecedented. So we couldn’t just be like, all right, well, we’ll just have a new election next Tuesday, if that’s cool with everybody. Right. Okay. We’re good. No, like we would be thrust into absolute chaos because there’s no legal remedy on the books for what Donald Trump wants to happen. So again, can’t even happen, but more importantly, this hunter Biden bull crap than all these Republicans are jumping on. And of course it got kick started last week when they decided to cherry pick what mark Zuckerberg said during an interview with Joe Rogan, where he said that he thinks some people from Facebook may have been contacted by the FBI about

Misinformation on the platform. Joe Rogan said, was that about the hunter Biden story and Zuckerberg just like he told Congress a year ago said no, so, okay, there, you have it. He didn’t say what they said. He said, and then of course you have this FBI whistleblower who says that, yep. The FBI decided right before the 2020 election, they weren’t gonna push it with the hunter Biden investigation at that time because they didn’t want to be seen as interfering with another presidential election, which of course is a callback to James Comey in 2016, who came out with the October surprise saying we’re investigating Hillary again, except they weren’t actually investigating Hillary again. They were investigating somebody else associated with her. So Comey came out and made this completely false declaration and then had to walk it back, I think two or three days later. But the damage had been done at that point.

That was the first time her poll numbers took a significant enough dip for Donald Trump to overtake her and win the election. Two weeks later, go back and look at the polling data. Even when WikiLeaks released all those DNC emails, her poll numbers didn’t drop. They only dropped to the point where Trump could beat her in the electoral vote. Clearly not the popular vote after Comey made that announcement that caused irreparable harm and gave Trump the election. So using Trump’s own logic, if the FBI interfered in an election, then we get to do a do over.”


Lindsey Graham Threatens ‘Riots In The Street’ If Trump Is Indicted…

Date: August 31, 2022

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“Republican Senator Lindsey Graham issued an ominous warning (or threat, depending on how you interpret it) on Fox News over the weekend by saying that there would be “riots in the streets” if Donald Trump gets indicted. While there will certainly be palpable anger coming from Trump’s cult followers as we’ve already seen with just the investigation, the comments from Graham could easily be taken as a dog whistle to the group about what to do if indictments happen. Farron Cousins discusses these remarks.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham appeared on Fox news weekend program on Sunday evening, where he said that we can expect quote riots in the street. If Donald Trump gets indicted. Now on Monday, of course, everybody was talking about Lindsay Graham warns of riots in the street. If Trump is indicted. But to me, based on the clip, which I’ll show in just a second here, but based on the clip, I didn’t take that as a warning. In my opinion, it came across as an absolute threat about what will happen if Trump is indicted. So here is Lindsay Graham pay attention, not just to his words, folks, but to the inflection that he uses and the tone that he uses, cuz that’s how we decipher the meaning. So I’ll get more to that. But anyway, here’s the clip, Lindsay Graham Riot’s in the street, take it away.

Say this. If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle, which you presided over and did a hell of a good job, there’ll be riots in the streets.

So of course he has to throw in the whole Hillary Clinton thing, which as we all know was thoroughly investigated for years and years and years and wasted tons of taxpayer money, but she was thoroughly investigated, sat for 11 straight hours, testifying in front of the house of representatives. They couldn’t find anything to pin on her. So as much as I don’t like Hillary Clinton, this is apples to oranges at this point because she did go through the process. She sat for the depositions. She sat for the interviews. Trump isn’t willing to do any of that as far as we know. So don’t even attempt to compare it to that debacle.

But of course it is the phrase. There will be riots in the straits. Lindsay Grahams, uh, is telling us, so again, is that a warning or is it a threat? In my opinion at that was a threat the way he said it, his inflections, the words he emphasized, his tone, all of that to me, indicates that he is telling us this is gonna happen because we’re gonna be. He wasn’t saying it as a cautionary tale. And let me just point out differences in how things come across. If I were to tell you guys, look, if this happens, there’s gonna be riots in the streets.

Or if I tell you this, if this happens, there’ll be riots in the streets. One of those, the first one of course was a warning. The second was a threat and yes, it does have everything to do with how you say those words with the tone that you use. And Lindsay Graham knows this better than anybody because he’s trying to avoid testifying in the state of Georgia where Donald Trump’s tone and inflection is going to determine whether or not he gets indicted for telling Brian Kemp and, uh, Brad Berger to go find the votes. You know, I’ve talked about that a hundred times. There’s a world of difference between go find those votes and go find the votes, exact same sentences to completely different meanings. And that’s what we’re dealing with with Lindsay Graham’s statement right here. He is not warning us that there will be riots in the street.

I firmly believe he is threatening us with riots in the street because that’s how crazy Donald Trump’s supporters are. And I don’t doubt it, but maybe it’s not a warning and maybe it’s not a threat maybe in a dog wily kind of way. Maybe it’s a call to action. Maybe that’s Lindsay Graham’s way of letting these people know what he expects them to do. So I guess there’s three different ways to interpret it. But personally, I don’t think it was a warning at all. I think it was either a threat or a call to action from Lindsay Graham.”

I’m not sure that spineless old duffer is making threats…I think he’s more akin to a scared animal, trying to find a safe space to hide in…trying to latch onto whatever will sustain him.


Trump’s Legal Team Has No Idea What They’re Doing…

Date: August 31, 2022

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“Donald Trump is still struggling to assemble a proper legal team for his many defense needs, and so far the lawyers that he has on hand have no idea how to properly defend his behavior. Even their court filings are being ridiculed and ripped apart by judges for not being actual complaints or requests, and several have been sent back because they weren’t even in the correct format. Trump is in trouble, and his lawyers are actually making things worse, as Farron Cousins explains.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Well, it’s no secret anybody who’s been following the legal saga of Donald Trump for any bit of time at this point, understands that Donald Trump is suffering from having some of the worst lawyers in the country. And there’s a reason for that. And that’s because of course, as we’ve talked about several times now, no reputable lawyer is willing to take on Donald Trump as a client, because one, they’re not even sure they’d get paid by him, but more importantly, he can’t be controlled and he is completely unpredictable. And it is that last point that is causing his legal team today. So many headaches, according to a new report from the New York times, Donald Trump’s legal team is struggling to come up with a unified message that they can use of course, to defend him not only publicly, but also in court. And the reason for that is because the story keeps changing and Donald Trump’s version of events continues to change.

And all of those things are changing in a way that of course is not flattering to Donald Trump himself. On top of that, several of the legal filings that Trump’s attorneys have put forward have been sent back because their incorrectly formatted. And in many times as the New York times points out, they’re worded like they’re essentially campaign rallies, right? Like the speeches Trump would give it a campaign rally. That’s kind of what is being put into these legal filings, which of course leads everybody to believe that Trump himself is dictating them to his legal team. And because they’re too cowardly to push back and say, you know what, maybe let’s not throw in the words, witch hunt, and let’s not talk about the 2020 election in a court filing that has nothing to do with the 2020 election. They don’t do that instead. They’re just like, oh yes, sir.

Well put it right in. Here we go. We’re gonna file it. And then of course, inevitably these things get sent back or either outright dismissed because the lawyers didn’t present an actual legal argument. You know, that’s actually what happened last week, by the way, in the filing attempting to get the special master, which of course is now a moot point because the DOJ has already had their independent people go through all the documents and determine which ones were attorney client privilege. So the special master thing doesn’t even matter anymore, but Trump’s legal team files the motion with the judge and the judge comes back and says, Hey, um, there’s no argument also, by the way, for the record, you formatted it incorrectly. So I can’t even accept it. But more importantly, this Trump appointed judge said, you, you didn’t make a case. Like you haven’t explained anything. You kind of put forth an incorrectly formatted document that is, you know, as New York

Times says a campaign rally speech, which, Hey, that’s, that’s great for you. But, uh, here in court, we actually have to have things a certain way. And if you can’t point out your standing, if you can’t talk about your grievances that are legitimate in the eyes of the law, I can’t accept this. So that of course is the problem Trump is having today and it doesn’t help anything that he’s constantly out there changing his story. His lawyers going out there on TV saying some of the dumbest things imaginable. If this thing actually does end up with Trump getting indicted and going to trial. If these are the lawyers he’s moving forward with the dude is screwed and he’s screwed because he’s basically, um, I don’t wanna say blacklisted, but he’s shut out all the good lawyers in this country because of his behavior. And again, his refusal to frequently pay people, whether it’s lawyers, contractors, the people running truth, social, whatever it is, he’s not paying bills. So no good lawyer is gonna take it. And of course, we also had the recent reports about Jim trustee. That’s actually a pretty good name for a lawyer, by the way, um, little too on the nose, but either way he picked him out cuz he saw him on TV and thought, I like the way he looks and sounds. You can now work for me.”


Why Do Evangelicals Fall For Conspiracy Theories?…


Date: August 31, 2022

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“You may have noticed your evangelical family and friends buying into conspiracy theories. Why is that?

Hosted by Trevor Poelman”

Again…it’s because we are talking about naturally gullible people.

These types fall for anything, based on the cheapest, most ridiculous excuse for “proof”.

They don’t want what is objectively true…They want whatever increases their own power and control…whatever makes them feel good.

…And, yes…They do try to raise their children, to lack critical thinking skills…From personal experience, that is true…They also instill a fear and distrust of other groups of people…and an overarching social paranoia…

…They teach you there are invisible, interdenominational beings, that can take over your body…making it do violent and creepy things against your will…

…They tell you all sorts of things “invite” such creatures to invade your body…

They teach you all sorts of things as historically, and objectively “true”, despite complete incapability to substantiate any of it.

Atheist_Media_SB_ArchiveAtheist Media Links

TV Host Hates How He Raised His Baby Boomer Children…


Date: August 31, 2022

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“The speaker is Steve Allen, actor, comic, writer, musician, creator of The Tonight Show and so much more. The dialogue with him was recorded in 1989. He was a prolific talent on radio, TV, composed thousands of songs, acted in movies, wrote books, was a well-known science skeptic, and the all-around good guy. He is a cofounder of the Tonight Show where he had as guests many of the most famous folks of his time including Elvis Presley and Jerry Lewis. His second marriage was to Jayne Meadows. He died in 2000 after being bumped by another car which broke three of his ribs and caused internal bleeding at 78 years old. I was fortunate to have interviewed him for my TV series on the 1960s. He knew the depression era and the 1950s and was uniquely articulate in presenting his point of view. Search his name on my YouTube channel to find other clips from his interview.

As my subscribers and others know, I have gotten a huge amount of comments on the issue of the baby boomers. Some commentators see the baby boomers as the generation that destroyed the planet, wrecked the economy, destroyed America, was the last generation and everything after it, caused by it, got worse. Baby boomers commenting often feel that they are incorrectly judged by millennials and were in fact just like any other generation although if you admit to having more money than most teens did before or have today. Others feel that the parental generation that raised the baby boomers spoiled them, babied them, made them think that life was easy. Others commented that in fact for them, growing up at this time, life wasn’t easy at all with violent parents who were violent in the home and girls/women being constantly positioned to be submissive and all of the other parental behaviors that restricted children growing up at that time. Others feel that those restrictions are needed again in order to control young people/teenagers and even people in their early 20s.

Steve Allen is considered brave by many commentators because he took responsibility for how badly he felt he had raised his children doing part to the time in which they lived and impart to his own time commitment to his career which often took precedence over his time spent with his family. That was true for a lot of working men at all income levels at that time.”

I’m not convinced that heterosexual marriage to one partner is “the way things were meant to be”…

…It is one way things can be, that works for many…but certainly not all.

Each individual has to find what works for them.
