Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hate Speech: “The Phone of Pedophiles”?…


……………………………………| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files |


Date: September 30, 2014

…News: The Phone Of Choice For the Pedophile…

…News: The Phone Of Choice For the Pedophile…

…Police Chief Calls Apple ‘The Phone Of Choice For The Pedophile’…

…Police Chief Calls Apple ‘The Phone Of Choice For The Pedophile’…

““Apple will become the phone of choice for the pedophile,” Chicago PD chief of detectives John Escalante said in a Thursday Washington Post report. “The average pedophile at this point is probably thinking, I’ve got to get an Apple phone.”

Apple announced last week that users who update their devices to iOS 8 will now have all of their data automatically encrypted, meaning it will only be viewable with the device owner’s corresponding Apple password. Even if law enforcement were to obtain the data from Apple, they would be locked out via the new auto-encryption. Google announced similar standards for its Android mobile platform the next day.


Officials responsible for making the allegations have been accused of fearmongering in the media, as law enforcement will still be capable of obtaining traditional warrants to tap phone lines, read texts and search call records provided by service providers like Verizon, AT&T and others.

Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the changes as part of a broader Apple effort to improve user privacy and data security. Cook said he is committed to keeping Apple from becoming a “treasure trove” of private user data for the NSA.”

…Pedos Prefer iPhones, Claims FBI Director…

…Pedos Prefer iPhones, Claims FBI Director…

…FBI blasts Apple, Google for locking police out of phones…

…FBI blasts Apple, Google for locking police out of phones…

“FBI Director James B. Comey sharply criticized Apple and Google on Thursday for developing forms of smartphone encryption so secure that law enforcement officials cannot easily gain access to information stored on the devices — even when they have valid search warrants.

His comments were the most forceful yet from a top government official but echo a chorus of denunciation from law enforcement officials nationwide. Police have said that the ability to search photos, messages and Web histories on smartphones is essential to solving a range of serious crimes, including murder, child pornography and attempted terrorist attacks.


Comey added that FBI officials already have made initial contact with the two companies, which announced their new smartphone encryption initiatives last week. He said he could not understand why companies would “market something expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law.”


The new encryption initiatives by Apple and Google come after June’s Supreme Court ruling requiring police, in most circumstances, to get a search warrant before gathering data from a cellphone. The magistrate courts that typically issue search warrants, meanwhile, are more carefully scrutinizing requests amid the heightened privacy concerns that followed the NSA disclosures that began last year.

Civil liberties activists call this shift a necessary correction to the deterioration of personal privacy in the digital era — and especially since Apple’s introduction of the iPhone in 2007 inaugurated an era in which smartphones became remarkably intimate companions of people everywhere.”

I can think of a few reasons why Apple and Google would do this, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Comey’s “allow people to place themselves beyond the law.”, shameful hyperbole…

On the one hand, U.S. government agencies have habitually proven themselves to be untrustworthy, when they have these kinds of powers and options. Some people in these agencies have committed crimes, in their own right, by their invasion of the privacy of citizens. They are virtually never held accountable for this…Many, many, many, many, many U.S. citizens are fed up with this entirely unacceptable state of affairs.

On another hand…these companies [at least Google] have suffered for violating legal agreements with their customers in the past, by allowing U.S. government agencies to do what these companies promised would never happen. They are trying to atone for their trespasses, and win back the trust of their customer base…These are for profit businesses, after all…and they have to provide what the customer demands, and with loyal integrity…or their business model will fail.

To make things all the more harrowing…we are living in an age, where it is becoming a trend for major businesses to have their services hacked into by hackers…Our latest experience with this is Home Depot. Being someone who has been violated by this exact same trend more than once now [in the past couple of years]…I cannot even begin to tell you how fed up I am with it…nor how irreconcilably non-negotiable, encryption of the strongest quality possible is.

…But, the FBI and cops don’t want us having the best possible encryption…Heck, it seems they don’t like us having encryption at all, and so long as it makes their jobs [or any inhibition that comes with them] easier…they’d love us all haplessly setting out here, vulnerable to anyone with the ability to violate our privacy.


So…they’ve put out the quotable “sound bite” now…and these vindictive cretins have decided to smear Apple…dumping this idiotic nonsense about “iPhones being the choice of pedophiles”…

…Irony here, is that I, as a pedophile, would not even know anything about any of this, had these hyperventilating screwballs not soiled themselves, and thrown a tantrum in front of the nation.

They are making this up…It is hyperbole, of a shameful and despicable nature…Many of us pedophiles don’t give a flying flip, about getting an iPhone…I, for one, use a cell phone that does not even have a built in camera…I doubt this new revelation is going to change anything, as my current service meets both my budget and my current needs.

…Besides, aren’t the majority of these “child porn”, cell phone cases teenagers sexting each other?…as in, most are not pedophiles, at all?

These FBI [etc.] cretins, are trying to bully Apple and Google, by “naming and shaming” them…and trying to link those two companies with the social “pedophile” stigma.

…Real classy…

One last thing…

…I would like all onlookers to understand [and especially the FBI, and other LEO, even if they are less likely to be looking on]…that as a pedophile, I have every bit as much legitimate, legal activity as anybody else, which requires solid, strong encryption. Just because I am a pedophile, does not mean that I am unentitled to the best encryption available.

Every bit as importantly…just because I am a pedophile, does not make it right or acceptable for any of you to suspect me, discriminate against me, or invade my privacy in any way…Nor does it make it acceptable, for you to use people like me as the butt of your bully pulpit.

…And this “choice of pedophiles” comment…it deserves to be classed amongst the ranks of the most vile, racist and phobic hate speech ever spoken.



If relationships are real…

Date: September 29, 2014

01) Response to this

If relationships are real…

…we cannot help but impart upon each other, some amount of personal growth, discovery and knowledge.

When it comes to the man and the boy [the adult and the child, etc.]…neither is more relevant than the other…both bring something, and likely a lot of somethings…

However…based upon age and experience, the elder is more likely to have attained more in their life to share.

…The younger shares other things, including energy, vibrancy, joy, desire…capacity to learn…a chance to give greater meaning, to an elders life.

Of course, the younger knows some things, the elder does not……and they will teach the elder, in various ways…but on average…it is the elder, who will teach the younger how to tend a garden…how to grill a steak…where to pour oil into the engine…any number of useful things [some mundane and ordinary, others specialized] , which are likely to enrich the youngers future life…

This type of knowledge may not be equivalent to teaching someone an entire trade, for which they can sustain themselves…but I would argue, it is still a form of mentorship.

Two people cant really be in each others lives for a prolonged amount of time, without intermingling their own life’s knowledge and imparting it on each other…not unless the situation was straight up abusive, and would not end.

Last…I cant let this pass without saying something…because I have no idea, how anyone can equate mentorship with “ageist bigotry”…

It might be plausible, that the assumption young people don’t know specific things is “ageist bigotry”…but there is an insane amount of stuff out there, to learn and know…

As an older human…there are times in my life, where I could use and appreciate a mentor in my life, and one of any age [so long as they are competent]…I don’t see this as an ageist matter. It’s more a plain fact that I lack something, but someone else out there “knows how too…”.

…We aren’t completely self sufficient islands, all on our own…

…And the younger or less experienced we are, the more we lack…

Besides…it is fairly common human nature, for us to teach each other…

…I’d be much more worried and alarmed, if we just did not care…and if we thought it was “okay”, to leave children, kids, teens and young adults adrift, to fend all for themselves.


Date: September 29, 2014

01) In response to this post

“I harbour doubts about the emphasis that’s placed on mentoring and I can’t help thinking that we are ‘romanticising’ the idea in order to justify and reassure ourselves. Having said that, I still believe that many are sincere in their good intentions and embrace the mentoring obligation, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with two people mutually agreeing to sex unless they respect each other. They may consider each other not very nice people but still be sexually attracted to each other, so mentoring doesn’t have to be the basis for a relationship for it to be acceptable.”

While I think there might be an unintended phrasing in there, I have to say that this is a good direction for discussion.

The “mentoring” angle, I think, is more about marketing a social context, in which these kinds of relationships could exist…It is socially designing one place for us, where others can hail us as good members of the community.

…That said, I’ve never strongly pushed the idea of “mentorship” being intertwined with man/boy love relationships…except that by their own nature, they are typically a form of sexual mentorship [at least in the beginning].

Sex is primarily biological in nature and need…like breathing and eating…Nobody chooses what they want to find attractive…It is just there, in their own makeup. What we choose, is how to go about dealing with it, and [provided they agree] with whom.

Mentorship has never needed to be a factor of these forms of relationship…Realistically, some of us are not terribly good mentors…And maybe we don’t have a lot to offer, beyond a physical relationship [or just being someone to lean on]…

…And in my book of ethics, it is still moral to be there for someone else, to love and support them…even if only in this one, physical aspect…so long as it is still filling a real need, for both of you.

We aren’t everything to everyone, in every circumstance…Sometimes, our place in the life of another, is very limited and compartmentalized.

…Ideally, we do have more to offer those others…and we are allowed the freedom, to offer it.

Ring of Fire 09/21/2014 (FULL EPISODE)…

Date: September 28, 2014

…Ring of Fire 09/21/2014 (FULL EPISODE)…

“Published on Sep 22, 2014
00:43 – “The Party of Voter Suppression.” Attorney David Haynes will run down the latest GOP voter suppression efforts. #VoterSuppression

10:13 – “Democrats Can Win on Social Security.” Richard Eskow, host of The Zero Hour in Los Angeles, will tell us how Democrats can win in November by increasing funding to our social safety net programs. #ProtectSocialSecurity

19:58 – “The Dixieland Dilemma.” Attorney Howard Nations will tell us how the Right has destroyed everything in the South – from the environment to economic mobility. #DixielandDilemma

29:21 – “Californians Fight Malpractice Caps.” Attorney Anne Marie Murphy discusses California’s Prop 46, which turns tort reform on its head by addressing the REAL cause of malpractice. #YesonProp46

38:38 – “Labor Can Save The Middle Class.” Attorney Mike Burg will explain how a resurgent labor movement can help save the American middle class. Middle Class, Wages, Minimum Wage, Pay, Gap, Union, Worker. #SaveLabor

48:17 – “The Pap Attack: Democrats – Leave The South NOW!””

This American Life: The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra…

Date: September 28, 2014

…536: The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra…

“An unprecedented look inside one of the most powerful, secretive institutions in the country. The NY Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor big banks. But when Carmen Segarra was hired, what she witnessed inside the Fed was so alarming that she got a tiny recorder and started secretly taping.”

Album: The Black List…


Date: September 27, 2014

01) New Day

02) Weird Piano

03) CultureShock [V4]

04) Mindbender

05) Ballad of the Bigot [V2]

06) The Beginning [acoustic guitar]

07) Fly On The Horizon

As promised, this is the official release of my first collection. These are the old, “classic” tracks. If these had been compiled into a collection when they were new, this probably would have been released back in 2008.

The total run time of this collection is 18:42.

This is a sampling of different things going on, back around 2008-2009.

New Day is bumper music…

Weird Piano has its roots in Steve-D’s Midnight Zone…

CultureShock [Version 4] was made for “The Culture Shock Podcast”…

Mindbender is really more bumper music…but it sounds cool…

Ballad of the Bigot was never meant to see publication, as it was only a test to see what I could do, while trying to infuse some synthesized vocals into my tracks. But it was cool enough, that I decided to eventually publish it. Had I set out for that end, I’d have put much more effort into the lyrics.

The Beginning is a track I put together, for a YouTube project titled “The Practical Pedosexual”…It also has roots in “The Midnight Archives”.

Fly on the Horizon was the first composition I put together, just for the sheer sake of having a listenable track of music…And it turned out to be a highlight.



Emma Watson Delivers Stirring Speech at U.N…

Date: September 22, 2014

…Emma Watson Delivers Stirring Speech at U.N…

I can get behind a lot of what Emma is saying, here…but it is also necessary, to understand that there is a lot of history to get beyond…and considerable house cleaning, that needs to take place.

Feminism should not be synonymous with man hating…

…The problem as I have seen it for many years, now…is that various, extreme male haters, have been using feminism [the movement, itself] as their vehicle.

What a lot of us see getting shoved down our throats as “feminism”, in reality, is the ugly consequences of loud, burdensome people…who have consistently failed to grasp the concepts, and importance of, true equality…of mutual respect…and, frankly, of humanist values.

What many of us are left so revolted by in the feminism of today…is that too much of it behaves like an abusive threat towards us…in tangible ways.

Personally…I think it is high time to put away all “equality” movements, that even care to ask at all, what gender anyone is.

I have never been a feminist…and I never will be…

That is not to say, I do not share some core principle values, with many feminists…But I am a humanist…meaning, that I am not concerned with what sex you are, nor how you identify yourself…

…I am more concerned with true equality in access, and true equality in need resolution, no matter who we are talking about.

…So let women make the same income as men…of course…

…But we should never be seduced into believing, that many people in the feminist movement are “pure as snow”…

For as long as any movement is around, favoring and taking it’s namesake from one sex…there must be other movements, to counterbalance it.

I just wish we would stop being obsessed, with dragging our cultures all over insanity with “feminism” and “men’s rights”…and start focusing on what is most important…making certain that everybody has what they need, in order to live a meaningful, good life.

…I don’t see feminism as being a magical answer to anything, anymore than I see men’s rights solving all problems…If anything, they are just vehicles for new social monsters to come into power…

On top of this…I am mighty tired and wary, of the self selected amongst us…who seem to believe that they are going to dictate the place of the rest of us, and that they are going to hand down to us something…some social status, which they expect us to be thankful for, but which all too often alienates us…often for which, we have had no voice or choice…

…People fall through the cracks in these movements, all the time…New outcasts are created…demonized…

…No thank you!…I don’t want that, anymore!

I think, we need an entirely different social model…a new social paradigm.

This American Life: 533: It’s Not the Product, It’s the Person…

Date: September 20, 2014

…533: It’s Not the Product, It’s the Person…

“Starting a business is not for the self-doubting. Or even usually the self-deprecating. The first thing you have to sell is yourself — like dating, but with a greater chance of landing in debt. Alex Blumberg tells the incredible, sweat-stains-and-all saga of a man fumbling through starting a new business, and the man is: himself. Plus, new stories from Mike Birbiglia and Love + Radio.”

This episode is not about starting or running a business, but selling yourself…Which is why I am choosing to share it here. All sections may not be of equal value, but there is something of relevance here. – Steve

Survey: An OLF Swearing Policy?

Date: September 19, 2014

I’d love some feedback on this, from my actual readers [preferably, those who care about this resource]…

Swearing has never been a big part of my own life, hence it has not been hard for me to employ it very sparingly, over my years online. This in no way implies, that I think it is never appropriate to employ the use of a swear word. In fact, I think they can be powerful accentuations, which really drive home emotion and passion behind words.

Mostly, I’ve moved away from even linking to content with swearing in it, for the simple fact that I do not want to alienate this resource, from those who take issue with swearing…Mind you, I have also evolved back into more of a “less edgy, more presentable” persona, in recent years…So, I am more interested in how people respond to me…and the perceived quality of my own image.

I want this to be a friendly, inviting place…

…Thing is…I don’t feel right about it being sterile, or politically correct…and I really don’t like alienating, or turning my back on people who swear…many of whom are decent, sensible and kind people…they just swear sometimes [some of whom do such to “reclaim” these words, “demote” them to the status of “just a word”, and strip them of their taboo/shock status by employing them without special relevance, just like any other word].

I’ve wanted to highlight a number of things, published by others…but I’ve held back, because of swearing in the content…though I think the message was worth hearing…And walking this fence bothers me.

Personally, I am not offended by swearing…so long as it is not used for belittling or injuring someone…

I am a pragmatist…and it makes no sense to me, that while having dozens of words we can speak which mean the exact same thing…these tiny few alternatives are isolated as offensive stand outs…or somehow “bad”, while the others are acceptable.

As a society, we have to condition ourselves to believe that individual words, alone, are offensive…And I am squarely in the George Carlin camp here, because this just does not make any sense at all.

In addition…I lean more towards the artistic…and I find liberal expression, to be part of the raw, real world…sometimes it is necessary…sometimes, it is even art. It is not something we can call ourselves “in the right”, for ignoring…or for sanitizing out of our lives. We are not superior, for looking down on those who merely speak this way…In fact, I think that would make us inferior in some regards.

…At the same time, I do recognize that swearing is sometimes made into a sad, nasty spectacle…by people who really aren’t up to much good…They just want the cheap shock value, or to really hurt someone with their words…It’s never really much occurred to me to link to that sort of content, though.

…Maybe, it is a question of class?…and expectations on what people in “our” class are supposed to say, or how they are supposed to act? Maybe, I just don’t fit into “a class”?…Or, maybe I just tend to look for what is most exceptional, about every “class” of human?

I’d like to broaden the focus of what I feature here, just a tad…I no longer wish to shun content, just because of a bit of swearing.

What are your thoughts?…Please share…I will take this feedback into account.

Ring of Fire 09/07/2014 (FULL EPISODE)…

Date: September 18, 2014

…Ring of Fire 09/07/2014 (FULL EPISODE)…

“Published on Sep 9, 2014

04:22 – “The Next Foreclosure Nightmare is Here.” Michael Burg tells us what states are doing to prevent the foreclosure nightmare that is right around the corner. #ForeclosureNightmare

14:11 – Can Liberalism Replace Secularism?” Journalist CJ Werleman explains the connection between the prosperity of liberalism and secularism. #FreedomFromReligion

23:02 – “Far Right Groups Pose Serious Security Threats.” Howard Nations tells us why the FBI is more concerned about the threats of the sovereign citizen movement than they are from al Qaeda. #FarRightTerrorism

34:04 – “GOP Boys’ Club Doesn’t Understand Women.” Author Nancy Cohen explains why the Republican Party can’t seem to understand why women can’t stand the GOP. #GOPBoysClub

40:57 – “The Economics of Revolution.” Interview with David DeGraw.”