Christian School Textbooks DEBUNKED đŸŒŽ…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“Today we’re following the story of a study into the Accelerated Christian Education system, the harm they cause pupils and the claims their textbooks make, including that man-made climate change is a myth and evolution is “impossible”.

00:00 Start
05:57 Teaching Religion and Science together
08:34 Primed for Misinformation
10:26 ACE website
11:07 Former Student Speaks
13:42 Debunking Textbooks
19:22 Isolation from others
21:19 Is this legal?
23:01 A letter to ACE
24:21 “Why are there still monkeys”
29:27 Compassion First
31:02 Who’s to blame?


Thank you for this, Emma.

Things I’ve Written About This:

How I Went to School: Accelerated Christian Education [ACE]…

How I Went to School…

David Offends a Christian Homeschooler…


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Disney Is Cutting Nearly $2 BILLION Shows from Disney Plus and Hulu: But Can ANY of It Ever Return?!…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“It’s time for @JonasJCampbell and @WDW_Pro to put on their professorial hats and explain what Disney is up to with a ton of cut content on streaming platforms. Perhaps more importantly to viewers… can Disney, or any company, ever use these shows again? After all, Disney is claiming them for tax write-down and depreciation purposes. We explain it all!

This video features educational explanation of tax policies and is accurate to the best of the publisher’s knowledge. Any errors are unintentional. For financial advice, please do not use this video and instead seek out a qualified, competent and certified financial advisor in your area.”



Disney and Comcast are FIGHTING Over Hulu!…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“It looks like Disney is going to get stuck buying Comcast’s share of Hulu, but they’re trying to lowball Comcast. Probably because is running out of cash. Meanwhile, Comcast could bankroll its next theme park with the amount of money it wants Disney to cough up. Now an arbitrator is involved…”



Comic Book and Video Game News Sites Will END Soon…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“It’s inevitable. There’s very little money in comic book or video game journalism, and what little money there was is now drying up very quickly. These sites were either passion projects by fans or luxury items for media companies, but once they cease being useful… they will cease to be and fan media will go back to being fan powered. We talk about the end of CBR as we’ve known it, declining advertising rates and more.”



Twitter is for ‘Nazis’ Now and You Need to Leave!…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“What a difference a few months make! According to The Guardian, Twitter is now officially a “cocktail party for Nazis” and good liberals have a moral obligation to leave the platform entirely. But even they concede people are too addicted to Twitter and won’t leave. They’ll just stay and grouse about Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis.”



Overwatch FORCES Customers to Accept PRIDE Items: Activision Blizzard Goes Farther than Ever Before!…


Date: June 06, 2023

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“Overwatch FORCES Customers to Accept PRIDE Items: Activision Blizzard Goes Farther than Ever Before!

Imagine walking into Walmart or Costco and being required to take pride merchandise or else you can’t participate in the store. Imagine if it were the other way and customers were required to take Christian, Muslim, Hindi, atheistic or political merchandise in order to make a purchase. Of course that would be wrong! Forcing customers to have something in their inventory that they might disagree with is a fundamental attack on their free agency as a customer. Yet that is exactly what Activision Blizzard is doing with their Overwatch 2 game… and they’re doing it to kids.

You won’t believe this company that is taking farther than ever before.”

This conversation was missing a liberal, atheist and homosexual voice…

…Someone who can actually explain the practical, everyday life reasons, why positive representation is so critical to the development of the individual…and how wrong it is, that homosexual children are regularly deprived of this representation, guidance and personal expression.

Voices like the ones I see here, are usually tone deaf to this…But if you at least respect us sexual minorities as human beings, enough to where you hear us when we are able to speak…you’ll discover that a lot of us found it deeply damaging and injurious, being deprived of our own, valued place in society.

You’ll find that many of us have had directionless decades of our lives…often lost in turmoil…in no small part because we have been denied role models, and any personal place at the public table…This “land of the free” culture, has habitually disowned and scorned us all of our lives.

I’m reminded in many ways of the old saying about democracy…It’s two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner…

One thing I’ve noticed all throughout my life…is that the people who are all to happy to vote away My rights, My freedom, My voice and My representation…are the people who are not living my type of existence…

…There is so much in the reality of that, which is just…violating…I’ve grown up and lived in a world, that has in it’s own eyes erased me…And yet, it expects me to be a functioning part of it…and okay with all of this…

…Well…It’s never been fucking okay…

It is good…even if it’s just crumbs…it’s good that Overwatch is making respectful and inclusive gestures towards minorities.

…Even if you “normal” people don’t understand it…As someone who lives on this side of the fence, I know that it is a generally good thing.

The violence, hate and intolerance must stop…and it will stop, through public integration, and people learning not to fear us…dare I suggest, to value, respect and love us, on a personal level?…

This is one of many ways, we stand up against violence, hate and intolerance.

“Overwatch”…a game based on war, shooting and violence…

…I’m kind of astonished that rainbow flags [and positive notions of human tolerance and acceptance] are the sort of thing you take issue with, where it comes to “children” being exposed to things in a game super violent by its very nature.

I’m not convinced you have your priorities well sorted.

I just felt like I needed to also type this:

My YouTube channel is getting out of balance…I blame Triggernometry…because anytime I watch “to many” episodes, my recommendations start skewing heavy into conservative, religious, intolerant…you know…

Even though I value conservative perspectives, a vast many of which I disagree with…it’s like when I start watching Death with Dignity type material, and my recommendations start getting flooded with recordings of wake visitations and funeral ceremonies…and I have to clear out my viewing history, in order to get things back to normal…

…It’s just to fucking much, of what my life has always been drowning in…It’s that wall you’ve been fighting all your life, just to be seen as a human being…and I’ve had enough…The appetite is not here, today…

I loath the YouTube algorithm…because it often seems to drag me into these sorts of echo chambers…and I don’t like spending a lot of time in “all liberal” or “all conservative” channels…Honestly, I’m most interested in constructive dialogue, among differing viewpoints.

I like it when people at least attempt to build bridges.



Protest VIOLENCE Erupts AMID Glendale, CA School Pride Month Vote, HRC Declares Emergency For LGBTQ+…

Date: June 06, 2023

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to the Human Rights Campaign’s declaration of a national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people. #pride #gayrights”

The “human rights campaign” has never issues a state of emergency for us MAPs…and we’ve been in a much dire situation, far longer…

…Personally, I have recognized that we MAPs live in a constante state of emergency, given the circumstances around us.

These sorts of tweets you quote…MAPs have been subjected to these exact same things…Twitter wont even do anything about it…

…Twitter is a hate site.

I don’t know why anybody is shocked to find that sort of thing there.
