Ben Shapiro’s Sociopathic Reaction To Trans Suicide Rates Exposes His ‘Pro-Life’ Fraud…

Date: August 17, 2023

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“Ben Shapiro says suicide rates for LGBTQ people have a wide disparity even when living in an area that is highly tolerant compared to cis people. The Majority Report crew discuss Shapiro’s religious fundamentalism and flawed argument that only women can get pregnant. The MR crew mentions how not all women can get pregnant and that not all people who get pregnant are women. The MR crew also talk about how the Right’s constant stigmatization of trans lives only increases suicide and violence against trans people.”


“This Economy Is Drowning My Children!” – Alabama Mom In Viral Video…

Date: August 17, 2023

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“A video recently went viral that featured a distraught Alabama woman in her car lamenting the virtual impossibility her children, recent college graduates, face in a job market and economy that seems designed to deny them the opportunity to succeed. This wasn’t always the way for middle class Americans, she says, and points the finger at the ever-increasing problem of income inequality.

Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the widespread and pernicious problems this Alabama woman identifies.”


Let’s All Get Past This Confusion About Trans People…


Date: August 17, 2023

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“There has been a lot of talk about trans people lately, with controversy surroundings comedians, sports, as well as the usual back and forth between liberals and conservatives. As a liberal, the hateful and harmful rhetoric from the right upsets me, but I have also been consistently disappointed with the ways that liberals approach this conversation, failing to properly explain key scientific concepts to conservatives. I felt very strongly that I had something to add to the conversation, and I hope that people on both sides can find value in this video, and perhaps even correct certain aspects of their rhetoric. I do believe that we will soon get past this as a society, so that trans people will enjoy the acceptance that they deserve.”

Thank you, Professor Dave.



A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson – SOME MORE NEWS…

Date: August 16, 2023

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“Hi, woke moralists! In today’s episode, we take a look at Jordan Peterson through the lens of Jungian archetypes – just as he would want – and explore some of his other ideas about climate change, gender, marriage, hierarchies, and lobsters. Don’t check the timecode!

00:00 – Intro
8:53 – Jordan Peterson Is Not A Climate Expert
19:24 – Jordan Peterson Demands That You Respect His Bigotry
26:28 – Who, What, Why, and How is Jordan Peterson?
34:56 – The Persona
1:28:44 – The Shadow
2:00:47 – The Anima And Animus
2:34:13 – The Self”

Haven’t watched all of this yet…but it’s quite a watch so far.


Trump Pastor Cant Accept that He Was Wrong About The 2020 ELECTION (LOL)…


Date: August 16, 2023

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“All these years later and this trump pastor, robin bullock, still cant give up on the fact that he falsely prophesied the 2020 election for trump. he’s STILL doubling down on it. It’s getting funny at this point. It wasn’t funny for a while because it happened so much, and now it’s funny again.”


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But Christians Love the Gays…


Date: August 16, 2023

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“As society changes it’s views some churches are trying desperately not to look like bigots.”

This world would be so much better, if people would learn to get on with their own lives, and leave others to get on with their own lives.

Unless you are homosexual and looking for homosexual companionship…then it is not your valid concern, whether or not someone else is homosexual.

And the fact that you, yourself, may be struggling with your own homosexuality, does not validate you in pushing this same dysfunctional struggle onto other homosexuals.

Homosexuals who have accepted themselves as they are, have figured it out…Those of you who cannot accept your own homosexuality, have not figured it out…You’re just lost in personal turmoil, and trying to figure out ways to be something you are not.

The cost of beating yourself up, constantly denying yourself your own nature, is not worth it…Even if you imagine there is some “up” side to it, what it takes from you is a horrible toll far more impactful than any alleged “benefits” of living in self denial.

Oh, jesus…Please don’t go down the fucking path, of taking swipes at pedophiles!…

I’ve got news for you…Many, many, many pedophiles are way fucking better human beings, than any of these a-holes being featured here.

Just because you’re confronting bigotry, does not mean you get a pass on engaging in your own bigotry.

“Everyone is born fallen, broken and in sin.”

This assertion is pure hyperbolic bullshit.

You may believe that on a personal level…but there is nothing whatsoever factual about the claim.

This belief exists for the explicit purpose of manipulating people, and denying them rights and freedoms.

From the Comments:

” I am not required to respect their hateful beliefs, and frankly, I will not respect them for having them either. They made their choice.”

…Exactly…They don’t get to be ignorant a-holes, and couch it all in “love and concern”…

…We are not stupid…We see, comprehend and experience exactly what they are doing…We will respond to what is objectively happening.

They don’t want backlash?…Great!…Then stop screwing around with other peoples lives!

“Judge not, that ye be not judged.” [Matthew 7 verse 1]

Nobody is worthy to condemn another who is harming nobody else…So, you want to get into the business of condemning others?…You bring natural consequence and scrutiny back onto yourself…because what you’re doing is objectively wrong.

It’s really very simple.

“Even though that’s how it works. You don’t hate people for innate, immutable, amoral qualities. But it is absolutely fair to judge someone for their beliefs if their beliefs are shit.”

People can have shit beliefs and hold shit opinions…They just cant strut around, using those shit beliefs and opinions as a basis for attacking and smearing other people, and expect they’re not going to be called out for it.

“And unlike homosexuality, we have a cure for Christianity: knowledge and reason.”

I do think there are some manifestations of christianity, that are uplifting and healthy.

I don’t say that a lot…and that does not mean you “need” christianity in your life, to realize uplifting and healthy influences in life…You can get these from various places and sources.

You can be very happy and content, not being a christian, or not being religious at all.

But getting back to that first statement…People who are missing something [ie: structure] or in need of a change, can potentially find that something in religion.

There are people who can navigate religion intelligently, and with dignified class.

The people featured in this video, are not those sorts of people.

Religion is primarily for the individuals personal journey…It is for the individual to decide, if this is something they need for their personal stability…It is for the individual to accept or reject, any or all parts of a religion for their own lives and practices.

I wish more people would understand this, and approach religion accordingly…A lot of social problems and conflicts would be avoided, if they did.

I don’t have a problem with people being religious…I have a problem, with people who believe their religion gives them license to shit on other people.

Focus on yourself…Leave other people alone, to experience their own life journey.

Only ignorant people believe, that their own life journey is automatically superior to that of others.

“I came out in high school at the age of 16 back in 1986.
Word eventually got around to the school admin that a “student is telling everyone he’s gay” and I was called up to the school councillor’s office.
The school councillor told me I had to stop telling people I’m gay or she would have to inform my parents.
“My parents already know I’m gay.”
The face of a stunned mullet and awkward silence.
“Are we done now?” And I walked out.”

The 80’s were a hard time to be out as gay or homosexual.

It threatened catastrophic exposure, for some of us…

One thing I can say, though…It was always the church elders who were hostile towards homosexuals…I wasn’t out…but there were peers who observed and knew, even though I never identified as such…not even to myself…

I was never disrespected by my peers, for being as I am…In fact, those who mentioned it always seemed rather open minded about it…Like, at worst it still does not affect them…so…who cares? *

It’s a strange duality split…psychologically piecing things together around thirteen-ish…knowing privately that I really, really, really wanted other boys…realizing what all those previous years of your life meant, with all their pangs and boners…and yet publicly presenting as…hell…”asexual”, I think would be the best description…You kept your head down, and acted like sex does not exist…You just blended in…There was no support system [not even in your own family], with power, leverage or will to sustain and defend you.

I knew exactly what I was biologically…and yet…it took years, before I could comprehend myself as being a homosexual.

I used to hide in the technicality…that “I wasn’t sexually active with other boys”.

I think it’s fair to say…I was forced into living a double life from a very early age…simply because of religion, and how it dominated my life.

“Why would you go around announcing it?”

“because I am what I am, make no excuses.”

Exactly…We have nothing to apologize for.

“Christians will say I “struggle” with same-sex attraction, even though I am quite good at it.”


When it comes to my own sexuality and sexual ethics…the only thing that has ever caused me to struggle, is all the attacks and bullshit imposed upon me by outsiders.

…It’s exactly the same as how some people claim I am “struggling with my faith”, because I am an atheist and no longer christian…

…No…I have no inner struggle about this transition at all…I am absolutely comfortable with being an atheist…I have never regretted leaving religion…From what I have gathered from my own life journey, this is where I belong.

Where it comes to theology…I’m simply in my natural place.

* That’s always been one point of optimism for me…So many of the children born and raised in a religion, do not buy into every dogmatic dictation of the elders. We live on the inside…We know what goes on behind the projected image. We know from personal experience, that a lot of a-holes and asses seek positions of authority in these organizations, so they can lord over others…and especially over children and youth.

This creates a natural distrust…regardless whether anyone says so openly. There is an under culture which does not drink the Koolaid, even inside these organizations.

…It’s why people get the hell out and never look back, as soon as they can safely do so.


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How Our GENES Listen To Our Beliefs: Heal The Body & Prevent Disease – Dr. Bruce Lipton…


Date: August 16, 2023

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“There is powerful science behind how our beliefs inform our genetic expression. It’s not our genes alone that dictate our health outcomes, rather it’s the biology of belief that determines our destiny.

Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to Dr. Bruce Lipton about how exactly our thoughts determine our genetic expression, and how we can influence our health using our minds.

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist and author of the bestselling books, The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution, and The Honeymoon Effect. Dr. Lipton is the recipient of the prestigious Japanese Goi Peace Award and has been listed in the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential people” by Briton’s Watkins Journal for the last 13 years.

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BiOptimizers, LMNT, and Apollo.

Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at”



The LIES Behind ‘Sound of Freedom’ – How Tim Ballard Continues To Hurt Victims…


Date: August 15, 2023

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Wayfair Conspiracy Debunked:…

Meg Conley’s Story:…

Vice Articles:……………

Rolling Stone Article:…

American Crime Journal:………

Stats And Articles On Trafficking:………………

Additional Reading:………………

Assorted News Articles:………………

This is a real life example on how people want something to merely affirm their bias and hate…Reality and facts don’t matter to them…They just want their bias and hate “legitimized”, by having major media back it up and promote it.

The movie sounds like pure propaganda, from shysters who are out purely for themselves.

I have no interest in watching it…and if I ever do, it will be for investigative purposes.


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