Stupid Cop Posts Video Telling People To “Get The F*ck Out Of My Way”…


Date: June 13, 2023

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“Law enforcement officers in the United States believe they are not just officers policing the law, but the law unto themselves. So it should come as no surprise that a Washington state cop recently posted a video demanding that civilians get out of her — and other cops’ — way on the roads or face arrest.

Jimmy shakes his head at the sense of entitlement expressed by individuals who are ostensibly supposed to serve and protect us, not just get their way no matter the circumstances.”


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He Wants To Take Us Out (And Isn’t Alone)…


Date: June 13, 2023

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“This pastor has a view that is sadly becoming more and more prevalent lately. I follow influential extremists of all types, and he isn’t the first or even the second person I’ve seen pedaling this position. He has convinced himself that it is just to apply the DEATH PENALTY for left leaning individuals. This is the most broad application I’ve come across so far. It’s usually wielded against trans people or LGBT people in general. This guy takes it to the next level. All of us are traitors. We need to watch these people. We need to listen. We need to vote. We need to make sure they can’t keep gaining power and spreading their poison. Our lives may literally depend on it, and our freedoms definitely do.”

Thank you Owen, for clarifying that teenagers are not children…In fact, biologically, they are young adults. I was going to say something about that, if you didn’t.

This movement to murder people different from you, is probably about as old as the human species.

I remember this guy making the evening news during the 80’s [maybe early 90’s]…who admitted on camera that he wants the government to “execute” [murder, actually] all homosexuals.

I might even have a clip of that somewhere.

…The absolute fucked up nature of what he was calling for, went completely over his own head…like he literally could not comprehend, that he was calling for mass murder…and just what an absolute monster that made him.

The horrendous consequences of what these assholes are calling for…consequences to individuals, to families, to communities and to the nation…it’s total insanity.

A bit of correction…the guy you’re talking about from this post…He got what he deserved based on karma…not based on getting “duck” pictures…

You want to talk about actual reality?…Setting in front of a camera, photographing yourself and sending it to someone, does not harm you…Not in itself…

People are beginning to comprehend this a tiny bit better these days, wherever it involves teenagers sexting each other…Which is becoming more seen as normal and natural…dare I say, healthy…

…Just don’t let any recipient or sender be one second past seventeen years, three hundred sixty four days, twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds old…lest it magically transform into a “horrible, life destroying violation, worse than being murdered”…

If you don’t comprehend that this is a socially imposed “trauma”…and you are “injured” because certain elements of society demand it to be so…then you’ve got a lot to learn about life and politics and scapegoating…as well as the depths of societal hate and paranoia.

In other words…this “trauma” which allegedly accompanies the regular experience, is a red herring made up, so that they have something to attack the activity with…That’s all it is.

Anyone who tells you different is lying.

Someone who experiences genuine trauma?…Yes, they exist…and there is something additional going on in those cases, which goes well beyond simple photo taking and sharing…That something, is what is causing them problems.

That guy deserves what he got, because he was bullying teenagers into it…and possibly blackmailing them with it…Both of which are something which cause people problems.

Yeah…Fuck Him!…

…The act of sharing photos of ones self, of ones own free will?…There is no circumstance in which that should be illegal…period.

It sure as hell is not immoral or unethical…It’s just an activity, a lot of people of any age enjoy doing.

You know Owen…for being a self proclaimed critical thinker, who fancies themselves based in reality…you sure do parrot a lot of party line hysterics, and bigoted propaganda against “pedophiles”.

…You seriously believe the stereotype is real?!…

Do you believe in the Boogeyman and Tooth Fairy, as well?…How about Big Foot?…vampires?…chupacabras?…the child murdering Jew?…a witch doctors curse?…

If you believe in the pedophile stereotype…you might as well believe in those, as well…They’re all about on the same credibility level, anyway.

How about doing a deep dive into the actual research, for once in your life?

…Don’t think I missed that point in a previous video, where you said it was your opinion that “pedophiles deserve the death penalty”…

…You are as ignorant as they come, in this area…Sometimes, it is a genuine burden just listening to you.


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Prof. Richard Dawkins: What I got wrong about Covid…


Date: June 13, 2023

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“UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers meets Professor Richard Dawkins.

00:00 – 02:11 – Was the COVID era a moment of scientific glory?
02:11 – 03:46 – What about the over-promising on vaccine effectiveness?
03:46 – 05:34 – Did the politicisation of COVID do damage to scientific authority?
05:34 – 07:01 – Does Richard Dawkins regret his vilification of the unvaccinated?
07:01 – 07:34 – What does Dawkins now think about lockdowns?”


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Trans Model Goes TOPLESS At White House Pride Month Celebration, Conservatives OUTRAGED…

Date: June 13, 2023

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave to transgender model and activist Rose Montoya taking off her top at the White House Pride Month celebration. #pride #transgender”

Heck…I don’t care…Shake Those Titties on the White House lawn!!!…Probably the best time Mo Lyin’ has had in decades.

…I wouldn’t be offended if Briahna or Robby showed up naked, on any given episode…

…I don’t want to see it…but it wouldn’t bother me.


NY Times’ Pathetic Whitewashing Of N@zis In Ukraine!…

Date: June 13, 2023

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“Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the New York Times was well aware of the neo-Nazi “problem” among Ukrainian militias like the Azov Battalion. But then that became inconvenient, and the Times conveniently reframed Azov as “celebrated.” Now, however, the Times has (re)discovered these militias’ members’ tendency to don Nazi insignias and patches, but describes this phenomenon not as an indicator of the problem of Nazism among the fighters, but rather as a problem for NATO in trying to counter Russian “propaganda.”

Jimmy ridicules the Times for so transparently carrying water for NATO imperialism and serving as a propaganda tool for the west against Russia.”


US Military is NOT PREPARED For What Is Coming – Scott Ritter Exclusive Interview…

Date: June 13, 2023

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“In this insightful interview, Scott Ritter sits down with Stephen Gardner to delve into the latest developments in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war. Scott Ritter also talks about how Iran and Saudi Arabia are gearing up military capabilities to keep the US and Israel from attacking them. Scott Ritter also talks about an attack on China and how China is poised to easily defend itself against US. Should the US military be used at the US southern border? Scott Ritter says the border must be fixed but not with trained killers. Lastly, Stephen Gardner and Scott Ritter discuss the new UFO story and whistleblower that is big in the news right now.

Timestamp: 0:30 Scott Ritter explains how Iran’s hypersonic missile program puts the US at a disadvantage while making the region safer.
5:25 The coming war with China. US military in trouble.
10:00 The winning political party in Taiwan wants to reunite with China
11:00 Should the US military be defending the Southern Border?
15:20 Military whistleblower says US military has 12 UFO aerial vehicles
17:20 The alien technology would be held at area 51
18:00 US military would absolutely reverse engineer alien technology”


Cornel West: Running for President, Ending Ukraine War & Taking on “Corporate Duopoly” of Dems & GOP…

Date: June 13, 2023

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“Cornel West, the iconic academic and social critic, has declared his candidacy for president of the United States in the 2024 election. He is running with the People’s Party, a progressive alternative to the two major parties that grew out of Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign. With 2024 shaping up to be a rematch between “neofascist” Donald Trump and “milquetoast neoliberal” Joe Biden, West says voters need a real alternative focused on tackling inequality, racism, war and corporate greed. “There’s an indifference to the plight of the vulnerable,” West tells Democracy Now! He also discusses the war in Ukraine, censorhip, right-wing extremism, and allegations of sexual harassment and assault against People’s Party founder Nick Brana, among other topics.”

If the Green party puts him forward as their candidate, Cornel might have a slim chance of winning the presidency…

…As things stand…he is in no danger of ending up in that damnable office.

Let’s face it…In this day and age, high offices of power are the domain of cruel tyrants, scoundrels and thieves…

…Genuinely good, honest people ending up there, are anomalies…Those sorts often end up being assassinated, by the network in control.


Mark Zuckerberg ADMITS Feds Asked Facebook To Censor TRUE Covid Information…

Date: June 13, 2023

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent comments on Covid and censorship. #FirstAmendment #freespeech”

We need to identify all people in government who are behind this, or sympathetic to it…and permanently banish them from all positions within government.

They need to be sent to prison also, if they were directly involved in the censorship of U.S. citizens…or anyone…

Let us not forget…such behavior makes them criminals, in the eyes of the U.S. Constitution…which forbids the U.S. government to interfere with free speech.

I know some people may argue that the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly state, that the U.S. government “cannot interfere with free speech”…only that it “cannot pass a law prohibiting it”…

…But let’s be real…The first amendment exists, explicitly for that purpose…to stop the government from doing what it is doing today.

There is no reason to inhibit public dialogue on social and personal issues…and yet it is happening all the time, in “the land of the free”…and increasingly at the demand of the U.S. government.

It’s criminal behavior…and that’s not even debatable.
