Monthly Archives: August 2017

A 132 Post Month! – August 2017


……………………………………..August – 2017
………………………………….A 132 Post Month!

Wow!…We topped last month, and beat our own record again! This is the most posts ever on Our Love Frontier, in a single month.

I’m not intentionally pushing to beat this record…but, we’ll see how long before we set a new high.


Waking Up With Sam Harris #94 – The Future of Intelligence with Max Tegmark…

Date: August 31, 2017

01) Waking Up With Sam Harris #94 – The Future of Intelligence with Max Tegmark

“In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Max Tegmark about his new book Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. They talk about the nature of intelligence, the risks of superhuman AI, a nonbiological definition of life, the substrate independence of minds, the relevance and irrelevance of consciousness for the future of AI, near-term breakthroughs in AI, and other topics.”

Steven Pinker: 5 Main Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities…

Date: August 31, 2017

01) Steven Pinker: 5 Main Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities

“Steven Arthur Pinker (born September 18, 1954) is a Canadian-born American cognitive scientist, psychologist, linguist, and popular science author. He is Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.

This talk is about the sex differences in cognitive abilities. Full lecture, quoted under fair use:

Determinants of Punitive Attitudes Toward People with Pedophilia: Dissecting Effects of the Label and Intentionality Ascriptions…


Date: August 30, 2017

01) Determinants of Punitive Attitudes Toward People with Pedophilia: Dissecting Effects of the Label and Intentionality Ascriptions

02) Download PDF


Recent research has established marked punitive attitudes against people sexually interested in children. These negative attitudes are even more pronounced when such sexual interest is labelled as pedophilia, but are attenuated to the extent that such sexual interest is perceived as beyond one’s own control (unintentional). We explored these effects in more detail by separately manipulating the label (pedophiles vs. people with sexual interest in prepubescent children) and degree of intentionality (pedophilia or sexual desire as malleable vs. not malleable). Participants recruited via an online platform (N = 423) were randomly assigned to the experimental conditions and asked to rate degree of intentionality, dangerousness, deviance, and punitive attitudes toward people sexually interested in children. As expected, participants expressed stronger punitive attitudes when the label was present. The manipulation of intentionality, however, was not successful. Further analyses explored whether participants found the notion that sexual interest cannot be altered at will more credible than the opposite, particularly in presence of the pedophilia label. The results are discussed with regard to the significance of and potential intervention against the markedly strong public stigma against people with pedophilia.”


Bernie Sanders Begins Push for His ‘Medicare for All’ Bill…

Date: August 30, 2017

01) Bernie Sanders Begins Push for His ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

“Bernie Sanders is currently planning to introduce his medicare for all bill in September, and as a result, he’s ramping up his campaign for single-payer in an effort to generate excitement for his bill. In an op-ed for Forbes, he discussed how single-payer would help small- and medium-sized businesses—and his argument was fantastic!

Bernie Sanders: Medicare for All is Good for Business:

Sanders to Introduce Single-Payer Bill in September:

Alt-left Tabloid Salon Declares Hope for a Civil War, Tells People to “Choose a Side”…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Alt-left Tabloid Salon Declares Hope for a Civil War, Tells People to “Choose a Side”

Salon did not “allow a child sex predator to publish on their website”…and to my knowledge, has never done so.

Styxhexenhammer666…if you have information substantiating Todd Nickerson engaging in sexual predation [on child or adult], by all means…please present your evidence…

…Until that time, kindly refrain from referring to a MAP as “a sex predator”, over the mere fact that they are a MAP.

These two status are absolutely not the same thing.

A bit of deeper looking will illuminate the fact, that the two articles of Todd Nickerson were fundamentally about confronting pedophile stigma, in order to create accountable support structures for “pedophiles”…

Those two articles actually cater to mainstream notions on “proper sexual divisions” in society…especially as relates to children and adults.

They were agreeing with keeping children and adults separate, where sexual contact is at question.

Salon caved in, and pulled both articles…

…Which only clarifies that, in addition to all their other shortcomings…Salon is also made up of moral cowards, who can’t be bothered to take a sustained, hard stand on complex, stigmatized social issues.

There was once a time, when I thought Salon was a pretty decent publication…

…Those days are in the past.

Threats to Freedom of Speech: Get Engaged! (THE SAAD TRUTH_501)…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Threats to Freedom of Speech: Get Engaged! (THE SAAD TRUTH_501)

“I discuss freedom of speech on the Roy Green Show with guest host Andrew Lawton.”

Absolutely correct…

Punishment is coming to you, one way or another…whether you do anything, or not.

For Loving Children, Loving Teens, Child Lovers and Teen Lovers…this is an especially relevant fact.

Once you reach the point that you realize, you’re being force fed a shit sandwich, no matter what…it brings a new perspective to your life…And if you have any human empathy for sexually disenfranchised groups, and the inhumane persecution forced upon them…or any sense of self worth, for that matter…you’re going to be inclined to stand up and say, “Hey!…Stop force feeding me/us shit sandwiches!”…

…You are going to identify the people who are force feeding shit sandwiches to others, and start holding them accountable for this unconscionable behavior.

There’s a lot of people out there who will presume, Kind people have “always eaten shit sandwiches”…therefor, “it is right that they continue to eat shit sandwiches”…

If you are a person of conscience…don’t ever accept that.

Christina Hoff Sommers on Google, GamerGate, and threats to Free Speech…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Christina Hoff Sommers on Google, GamerGate, and threats to Free Speech

“The American Enterprise Institute scholar on Google, GamerGate, and challenges to free speech on campus and in corporate America. Click “Show more” to view all chapters. For more conversations, visit

Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and host of the popular online series, The Factual Feminist. In this Conversation, Sommers reflects on the Google memo and argues that the suppression of free speech at universities now is spilling over into other parts of American life. Sommers also returns to the subject of GamerGate,the backlash against political correctness by video game enthusiasts, and describes how that movement has fared in an era of online trolling in American politics. Highlighting the decline in free speech on one hand and norms of civility on the other, Sommers calls for an alliance of fair-minded liberals and conservativesto restore civic education and respect for the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.”

Progressives Delivering ‘Draft Bernie’ Petition to Sanders Himself…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Progressives Delivering ‘Draft Bernie’ Petition to Sanders Himself

“The Draft Bernie organization is ramping up their effort to encourage Bernie Sanders to lead a new People’s Party. At the upcoming People’s Convergence Conference, #DraftBernie Founder Nick Brana along with Jimmy Dore and Tim Black will be hand delivering 50,000 signatures to Sanders in an effort to convince him to attend a town hall with Dr. Cornel West, wherein activists will pitch the idea to Bernie himself.

Progressives Delivering “Draft Bernie” Petition to Bernie Sanders: