Monthly Archives: August 2017

David Smalley – Eating Our Own: How You Can Save the Movement…


Date: August 29, 2017

01) David Smalley – Eating Our Own: How You Can Save the Movement

“At the 2017 Gateway to Reason Conference
in St. Louis, David Smalley (host of Dogma Debate)
gave his perspective on the challenges and often
public divisions among atheist activists, and in regard
to online interactions as a whole.

It’s a perspective…uploaded and presented here as a
conversation starter, as so many are fervently seeking
fairer, more tempered, and more civil exchanges
and interactions between people.

Agree. Disagree. Offer a better perspective or solution. Continue the discussion.

Regardless, it’s my hope that we’ll commit ourselves to – whenever possible – building the bridges that will help unite us in the larger fight against superstition. – Seth Andrews”

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Ella Whelan: Safe Spaces Actually Harm the Protected (This is Why!)…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Ella Whelan: Safe Spaces Actually Harm the Protected (This is Why!)

“Ella Whelan is is assistant editor at Spiked. Spiked is a British Internet magazine focusing on politics, culture and society from a broadly libertarian perspective and focuses on issues of freedom and state control, science and technology, culture, education and literature.
This talk is about safe spaces and why they are weakening.”

Full interview:

Mitch McConnell Gives Up On Hiding His Trump Hatred…

Date: August 29, 2017

01) Mitch McConnell Gives Up On Hiding His Trump Hatred

“The relationship between President Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, has disintegrated to the point that they have not spoken to each other in weeks, and Mr. McConnell has privately expressed uncertainty that Mr. Trump will be able to salvage his administration after a series of summer crises.

What was once an uneasy governing alliance has curdled into a feud of mutual resentment and sometimes outright hostility, complicated by the position of Mr. McConnell’s wife, Elaine L. Chao, in Mr. Trump’s cabinet, according to more than a dozen people briefed on their imperiled partnership. Angry phone calls and private badmouthing have devolved into open conflict, with the president threatening to oppose Republican senators who cross him, and Mr. McConnell mobilizing to their defense.”

My Favorite Aunt…


Date: August 29, 2017

…Well…I have a lot of aunts and uncles…and I don’t even know how many cousins…But, this was one of my aunts, I was actually close with.

I have so many memories…This is almost like losing grandma, all over again.

You know that aunt [and/or uncle] who’s always got the home, where everybody else congregates?…If there’s a summer cookout, it’s always at their place…That is what we just lost…

…A self reliant leader, who knew what she wanted to do…and she spent her life doing it.

You were always welcome at their home…and they were always happy to see you.

I learned to swim, and developed a love for water, in their pool…

…During the nineties, I was over weekly…often on Saturdays…watching pro wrestling, on their huge projection television [my uncle was a huge fan, also]…

…It’s a beautiful home, honestly…It will be hard to see it, without her there.

We knew time was short…Cancer…But seeing her only ten weeks ago, you wouldn’t have thought it would take her this quickly…She seemed remarkably good.

I just keep kicking myself…because I promised to stop and visit…and I was going to do just that…But not last time I was in the area, driving past their home, when I could see they were at home…I really wanted to make another quick stop, and get home…I was deceived by how well she’d been doing…I thought there’d be a few more months…maybe a year, or more…

I got the call within days…things took a rapid, grim turn…and she wasn’t receiving visitations…A few weeks later, and I find out she died.

It just seems unreal, how rapid it happened.

I will miss her.

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