Project 2025 Is Crazy…


Date: May 19, 2024

01) LINK

“Project 2025 is a manifesto of sorts written by people who want a theocracy. It’s one of the craziest documents I’ve read in awhile- which is saying a lot since I’ve been brushing up on WWII history recently. They lay out all of their plans. Should we worry they’ll pass all of this? No. But we should always stay aware of where their heads are at.”

People wondering why MAPs were taking such an issue with this thing called “Aprils Law” [I forget the state, but it was legitimately being pushed by sitting lawmakers] back in the mid two thousands…It’s because it is the exact same type of theocratic, lunatic overreach and abuse against minorities, only on a smaller and more focused level.

There have been religious theocratic nut jobs, who have been aggressively pushing this shit for decades…and it has gained some level of traction…

To be clear…they transparently demand that decent, law abiding people, be sent to prison, put on a “sex offender” registry, be fined and have their property taken away from them, for merely exercising their voice in a public forum, or expressing an opinion the nut jobs don’t like.

I know from first hand experience that these assholes exist…Not merely because they made it into the mainstream media…but because some of the bastards involved in promoting this insanity, actually targeted me in the past.

What I have done with my blogging…which I’ve maintained for most of twenty years…and considerably longer, if you count my past websites…If such insane inhumanity were ever to pass into law…these fuckers would actually celebrate the state putting me into a prison cell for five years or more, placing me on a “sex offender” register for [being “the wrong type” of person] exercising my first amendment right, saddling me with crippling financial fines, and stealing my property [IE: my computer, with which I maintain my web content].

We all tell ourselves it’s unthinkable, that these assholes could actually pull such indefensible abuses off, with the force of the government behind them…But they’ve absolutely done this sort of thing to minorities in the past…It generally gets targeted at people who the masses refuse to stand up for and defend, abandoning them to be crushed by the machine…even when it is so clear, what is happening to these individuals and minorities is absolutely wrong…

Every bit as large a problem…almost nobody is paying any fucking attention, while these assholes install their own people into government positions, from local, to state, to federal…And those bastards rubber stamp shit, when they get the upper hand.

I’ve said it a number of times over…I am not shocked at all, that we are facing these bullshit issues surrounding abortion…Governments in the U.S. are infested with christian nationalist toadies.

It’s gotten to the point where it is honestly dangerous to the population…not just of the USA, but of the entire globe.

Keep in mind…these assholes are about as close to the nuclear missiles, as anybody can be in this country…and they believe that human life is expendable.

So few people understand what is going on…because most people have not been personally menaced by these cruel monsters.

Why we should not be tolerating this demonize, divide and conquer bullshit…is because the large majority of us need each other…And this is going to become clearer to people, as They start getting targeted, bullied and trampled by these monsters.

Sexual minorities [which also includes Minor Attracted People (pedophiles, ephebophiles, hebephiles & nepiophiles)], as well as all females, are the canary in the coal mine of today…

If we go down…if we get crushed by the system they want to put into place…don’t you dare think for one moment that it ends there…They will be looking for their next target…

…How well do You fit into Their worldview?

I don’t care one bit…how much you agree or disagree with me, on the issues I have written and talked about for decades…There is a much bigger, fundamental problem staring us in the face.

There are certain lines we should All stand in solidarity to defend.

One of those lines…is that the state can never be allowed to strip you of your voice, nor destroy your life for literally nothing more than saying things.


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