Monthly Archives: November 2021

Tom O’Carroll: Stigma stings destigmatiser of MAPs

Stigma stings destigmatiser of MAPs

“…Allyn Walker, a transgender assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice at Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, who was placed on “administrative leave” last week after a social media storm and rightwing news coverage (a graphic on Tucker Carlson Tonight read “THE LEFT’S DEPRAVED NEW LOW”), followed by campus protests calling for their sacking. This furore had been triggered following an interview Walker gave with Prostasia, in which they expressed the view that the stigma to which MAPs are subjected, not least through hostile use of the word “paedophile”, is unhelpful for the protection of children. What is going to become of Walker now that life on campus has become unsafe for them, a point no one disputes?”

FWF Spanks Giving – November 30, 2021…


Date: November 30, 2021

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Match 1: Nat Japanese VS Manaquine Sly Talker – 82%

Match 2: Onion with Bliss Ransom VS Butterball the Turkey – 74%

Main Event:

Match 3: Zeus & Steg Hadley VS Jon Piddle & Dar Kness with Wang Nakki – 82%

To avoid spoilers, you must highlight the text on this table in order to read it.

Win: Manaquine Sly Talker Loss: Nat Japanese
Win: Onion Loss: Butterball the Turkey
Main Event Match: Zeus & Steg Hadley Defeat Jon Piddle & Dar Kness with Wang Nakki

Show Referee: Magnifico

Location: Madly Done Square Garden


BEST RANKED MATCH: Draw between match 1 & 3 – 82%

Current FWF Roster



The Decline of Gaming…


Date: November 30, 2021

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“In the last 10 or so years it feels like the quality of video games and especially Triple A titles has declined. But why? With advancements in technology, higher budgets, larger teams of developers, how could gaming as a product be getting worse?? Well, that’s what I’m here to tell and show you…

Introduction – 0:00
#1 Perceiving The Decline – 1:51
#2 Complacency – 3:37
#3 Abundance of Remakes, Remasters – 9:22
#4 Chasing Trend (Early Access) – 14:02
#5 Games As a Service, Updates, Online Only, Broken Launches – 16:46
#6 Corporatization of Gaming – 23:51”


Lawyer Who Promoted Trump’s Election Lies Promoted To Federal Elections Board…

Date: November 30, 2021

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“An attorney who helped push the false narrative that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, Cleta Mitchell, has been appointed to serve on the federal Election Assistance Commission. This group works with states on voting guidelines, redistricting, and all sorts of issues that could easily swing an election. Mitchell also helped raise funds for the Arizona ballot audit earlier this year. Farron Cousins explains what her appointment means for the future of elections.



Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Quits…


Date: November 29, 2021

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“Jack Dorsey is leaving Twitter. Suddenly. And without much warning. This after Twitter Blue launched and… nobody really cared. So what’s going on here?”

Even Jack Dorsey knows…Twitter is a piece of shit.

He delegates most serious decisions to subordinates?…Yeah…that’s probably what is largely causing the major problems there.

Oh yeah…they’ve done fuck all to address the bullying…On the contrary…they have bullies on the actual Twitter administration.

Twitter seems to actually enjoy the bullying.

…They treat their users like shit.


Trump’s Cabinet Considered Invoking 25th Amendment During Capitol Riot…

Date: November 29, 2021

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“New reports suggest that several members of Trump’s cabinet – specifically Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo – were considering using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office on the day of the insurrection. They decided against it, and the following day saw multiple cabinet officials resign in protest of what took place the day before. Farron Cousins explains how different things would be today if Mnuchin and Pompeo would have had the courage to go forward with their plan.



Media Pushes Meaningless “State Lines” Talking Point In Rittenhouse Coverage…

Date: November 29, 2021

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…”chased by pedophiles”?….

At most…one…and I’m not even sure if that guy was actually a pedophile.

You’re right about “crossed state lines”…it’s a dumb point…especially in the way they’re using it here.

At most…this might have made the case a federal one…provided they wanted to prosecute.
