Monthly Archives: November 2011

The Washington Times and B4U-ACT…


Date: November 24, 2011

01) CROUSE: Normalizing Penn State pedophilia

Revisiting this “article” again…I wrote a different, shorter response…hit the “post” button, and ran into a “just a moment” message…which failed to end…even after an hour…

…Hmmm…The first response [which really tore apart that propaganda piece] never got approved, while a bunch of other people’s responses did…

This second response [which also embarrassingly exposes that propaganda piece], so far…I’m running into a fishy problem, even getting it accepted…No message, that the moderator will view it…

Anyway…since the moderator refused my first comment, here is a new one I submitted.

We shall see, if anyone at The Washington Times has the integrity, to allow their readers to view this…

[Note: It did eventually go through, and show up!]

In light of major news providers making this sort of opinion piece available, a few things should be stated and understood.

1) This article badly misrepresents the group, B4U-ACT; both in terms of who they are, what their goal is, what they’ve accomplished and what they are doing.

2) The author of this piece [Janice Shaw Crouse], has offered a collection of words which reads curiously similar [both by innuendo, and what is strategically omitted], to what looks like a smattering of other, far right [often religious] authors’ pieces. This appears to be an intentional smear campaign, where in they are attempting to harness public outrage over the Penn State scandal, and deceptively funnel it towards B4U-ACT.

3) B4U-ACT exists, in response to both the inability of “pedophiles” to seek out competent, compassionate mental health care, and the reluctance causing barriers which so frequently keep “pedophiles” in the closet…and hence, isolated; not willing to seek out help, even when they are in mental/emotional turmoil. It also exists, to address concerns from mental health professionals, who simply don’t know [or are unprepared] to handle such cases. In addition, it promotes fact based information, while attempting to combat stereotypes, stigma and the dissemination of false information.

4) Miner Attracted Person [MAP] is a value neutral term, acknowledging only the sexual orientation of the individual; and that said orientation does not dictate the nature or behavior of the individual person. Many such people are never violent. Many never break the law. Many are actually good, decent people. This term is intended to be used, in a clinical setting…in privacy, between the “pedophile” and mental health workers.

5) It is my understanding, that B4U-ACT has rejected all notions, that current laws concerning sexual activity between miners and adults should be changed. It is also my understanding, that several members of B4U-ACT are dead set against such a campaign. B4U-ACT focuses solely on cultivating a mental health industry, which reaches out to “pedophiles”…and offers a support structure without judgment…or the probability of a destroyed life, should their orientation become publicly known.

6) If B4U-ACT is supported and allowed to thrive, they can eventually start chapters in every state…and this is a good thing. Many “pedophiles” who’ve done heinous things, were people that lived isolated lives…They had no peer/support structure, with which to take their problems and stress too. If we had such a structure in place, some amount of violence against children [including some cases of rape and murder], stands a good chance of being eliminated.

7) Given the lengths to which many people on the far right [and the left, as well] have gone, to promote child safety [as well as tenaciously assault anything/one they believe stands contrary to it]…I am astonished, that anyone of that mindset would actually try to destroy B4U-ACT, with what appears to be a blatant propaganda campaign. This type of behavior, stands entirely contrary to promoting an environment of child safety, when someone is attempting to destroy a group, which itself is trying to bring troubled “pedophiles” who cannot cope, into a support structure which works to keep them from doing something very bad.

8) No other group like B4U-ACT exists. It’s goals are ethical…They are very much worth trying.

9) Please, before you pass judgment, learn about the history behind B4U-ACT, the people in this group, and what they are factually doing. All of them, including the “pedophiles”, are real people; who are concerned about a lot of social issues…including those concerning children…including the horrible social plight of “pedophiles”, and the many continuing problems that must be addressed.


B4U-ACT: A Brief Historical Account, Of What I Know…


Date: November 22, 2011

01) CROUSE: Normalizing Penn State pedophilia – While children suffer, activists push to mainstream abuse

I left this in the comment section, for this piece of shameful, yellow journalism…I know that B4U-ACT is a controversial organization, both within and outside of the Child-Love/Teen-Love community…but, I get so disgusted, when I see people so brazenly distorting [or outright ignoring] the truth, about this group and it’s activities…I had to say something, as this “article” is just an extension, of how so many people think nothing, of berating us, lying about us, and distorting perceptions about who we are, what we do, or why we are doing it.

…I admit it is a bit longish, for a comment…but, this is what I left in response to that “article”…The form accepted the entire thing, told me it had been received and was awaiting moderation [often a bad sign]…

There were about 26 comments posted total, when I submitted…Since then, this has grown to over fifty…Quite a few comments were approved…mine was not…

I don’t know exactly what that says, but I wanted to make this public note, that there seems to have been a refusal by the moderator, to allow this to be seen.

Michael Melsheimer [who died last summer] was a founding member of B4U-ACT. To my knowledge, he did not maintain a personal website, in the later years of his life…nor is his old website still online. This is a shame, because he went to substantial detail, outlining his own personal efforts [as a “pedophile”], seeking and attempting to attain mental health services, to deal with depression, and emotional/psychological issues which arise, from being forced to live your life under enormous stigma, in an environment hostile to your orientation…and even hostile towards the simple act, of publicly talking about what he was going through. This is an extremely sinister, and hard burden to bare, for most people with this orientation…It often leads to psychological issues.

As it were, Michael got repeatedly turned away, and refused services. He was not being forced to seek these services, as he had no criminal judgement against him. He was seeking this, for his own purposes and quality of life…his ability to cope with life, etc…What Michael discovered, is that there was no public health service, facility or program available to people like him, to aid with mental health issues. As a result, the places he went in search of help, did not know what to do with him, and rejected services to him.

He found this unacceptable, and started contacting people…politicians, mental health professionals, etc…There was agreement, that it stood in the best interest of the public [and people like Michael], for these kinds of services to be available to people like him…who felt they needed it.

There was still no state funding for it, however…So, Michael kept pressing forward.

He eventually managed to get together a group, which became known as B4U-ACT. This comprised of mental health professionals who were concerned about providing compassionate care for people with this orientation [and nurturing public safety, of course], and actual people having this orientation, who could provide a factual, level headed perspective of what it is like to live like this, the hardships…what people like this need in their lives…the barriers that stood in the way, of them seeking mental health services, etc, etc.

Amongst the various problems identified, is the inbuilt hostility towards people with this orientation, both in tone, prejudice and legal reporting obligations…all of which are real problems, within the mental health field, and make many closeted “pedophiles” extremely reluctant to ever seek out such services. Much of this problem comes from preconceived, stereotypical notions about “pedophiles”, held by many people in the field.

B4U-ACT started working, to educate mental health professionals about better ways of addressing people like Michael, and dealing with their issues. It also works to combat stigma surrounding people with this orientation, and stresses that many such people never commit a criminal act, associated with their orientation…Yet, it is still socially perilous, for anyone to self identify with this orientation.

They rejected the term “pedophile”, and coined “Miner Attracted Adult”, because it is a value neutral term, and does not carry with it the implied baggage, of “someone who rapes children”, etc…It only acknowledges the orientation, and does not pose accusatory implications…which are frankly unfounded [and untrue], in many, many, many, many, many cases…Further, this was intended to be used by professionals, within the clinical field of mental health…It was not something, as I under stand it, that anybody expected the main public to embrace or use commonly.

Ultimately, mental health workers are not there to judge people…They are supposed to be there, to help others get through life, and assist in the avoidance of social problems.

There is utterly nothing unethical about what B4U-ACT stands for, what it came into existence over, or what it is doing today. Last I knew, the group officially rejects, all accusation that they can, will, should, or are campaigning to change any laws, or perceived, current social norms.

In short, the full scope of B4U-ACTs constitution, is to condition the mental health industry, to better be able to assist “pedophiles”, who are having serious troubles coping and dealing with life.

One [of many] advantageous social aspect of this effort, is that “pedophiles” who are not in turmoil or peril [or isolated, and allowed to develop a psychological illness], are much less likely to have a breakdown, and do something stupid…One such thing, might be to rape a child…

It is rare for “pedophiles” to become actually violent…but, people who are relentlessly conditioned by the world around them to “be a monster”, sometimes…they eventually break down, and live up to those expectations which society demands of them…as a bold faced scapegoat.

Instead of contributing to this atmosphere of isolation, constant psychological abuse, habitual violent threat, gross distortion and just utter nastiness…I wish people would reflect deeper, and realize how their own sentiments of violent threats with guns, etc…outright demented proclamations of what levels of violence they would met out…vicious accusations against people [and situations] they don’t even know…”below the belt” insults and half baked notions, of “why pedophiles are/do that”…blunt dismissals as “evil, irredeemable monsters”…total denial of objective facts, as ones mind hears the word “pedophile”, and instantly shuts down, defaulting to canned responses…I wish you would just stop…and understand what damage “you” are doing here.

You are contributing to an atmosphere, which helps nobody…least of all children, whom many of you, presumably, think need to be in a safer environment…

Safer environments, are ones which contain mentally stable people…This includes, mentally stable “pedophiles”.

If you want to shoot down a group, which is working towards that end…Then you all had better know who you are shooting at, and what you are acting to halt…Such is not what simple minded, vendetta logic, might lead some to believe…You’re just hurting the world…You’re not helping…

It is a mark of shame, that so many people would speak out of prejudice…instead of doing their due diligence, and learning about the people they brazenly attack, before they say anything at all…

Looking back over Janice Shaw Crouses’ “article”…I see nothing of what I know, about the history of B4U-ACT mentioned, or acknowledged in any way…This “article” is nothing more than yellow journalism, and a hatchet job. It is also indefensibly ignorant…and contains gross distortions.

I guess some people don’t want to know the truth…as a deliciously “evil” and vague scandal, makes so much better fodder, for cut throat propaganda. Facts get in the way, of the mud throwing and the outright lies.

It’s a sad testimony to the human species, that where truth and facts prove useless or even detrimental to ones’ private goals, they are often the first casualties…

…Guess Janice did not have much use, for those truths and facts…

This is why I chose to present them…I figured in the face of this gross distortion, propaganda piece…someone of integrity aught to step forward, and shed a bit of light on this issue.

Shame on everyone out there, who is using their bully pulpit to spread distorted notions about B4U-ACT…This group is working for the betterment of society as a whole [which includes children]…There are no other groups in this country, which are taking up this important issue, and it’s fight…This is a relevant, vital, monumental and good cause…and various people like Janice, have decided they need to kill it…

I don’t know what else to say to any of you…This behavior of trying to destroy B4U-ACT [and obsessively attacking “pedophiles”] is ignorance, viciousness and cruelty, personified. It is high time for a new era…a humane world, where nobody gets treated like sub-human trash. It is time, that everybody have access to vital, mental health services…

What is it about this, that so many of you object too?…Why are you so hostile, towards this?…What about all that has just been told to you here, could possibly offend you?…

Don’t you know, that if allowed to succeed, it will likely save some children’s lives?…

…Do “you” even care?…or are you just too busy getting off, on a “bash pedophiles” party?…

I implore you…Please stop contributing to the problem.

I was going to go back, to see if they’d approved it yet, and to make an additional comment…pointing out how Janice Shaw Crouse [just like a few other, curiously similar “articles” that have surfaced, lately] was trying to link two entirely separate issues…seemingly to harness public outrage over the Penn State scandal, and channel it towards B4U-ACT…Which, of course, is one of many dirty, below the belt, media tactics for mentally linking together in peoples minds, their emotions and feelings about one issue to another.

It appears, there is at least a few people out there, who are trying to subliminally link Penn State scandal outrage, with B4U-ACT.

Theoretically…if Sandusky were a sexually violent predator [which has yet to be proven], what something like B4U-ACT could offer, is an avenue for intervention, to someone like Sandusky, before becoming sexually violent…Or, in other words, if allowed to thrive and spread, chapters of B4U-ACT could act as a substantial deterrent, for people who are feeling as though they cannot control themselves…A person in such turmoil, could turn to this group…

The biggest [and probably sickest] irony…is that Janice Shaw Crouse [and a few others] appears to be hell bent, on completely destroying even the possibility, of this option.

In other words, she [amongst others] is working to shoot down, something that could have a real world impact, on lowering sexual assault on miners…which, seems to be what she is so up in arms about, in the first place…and this makes no sense…

The fact that she [as well as others] is lying, both in what she says and by omission…it makes this “article” add up to one completely despicable spectacle…
