Monthly Archives: January 2009

The Atheist Sign…

Date: January 27, 2009

The Atheist Sign…

Though I cant bring myself to see that sign as being any form of actual “hate speech”, after all, if people are going to push a religion in public, then non-religious philosophy is fair game, also…

…I am still left wishing that organised atheist groups would put more of a positive, secular message out there, instead of dropping “that” message on the heads of people, many of whom you just know are prone to be chronically offended at anything contrary to the bible.

It seems an unnecessary jab.

…Cant we be more constructive than that?

Animal Cruelty Videos?…

Date: January 26, 2009

Should all videos of animal cruelty be censored?

I’m going to briefly answer this, in a manner which more addresses censorship, and the problems inherent with it.

When it comes to raising awareness about any issue…

…The more people who see it, the more who become aware of it, the more who can speak out against it…or in support of it, when it is under attack by unscrupulous hate groups…

I have a serious problem with censorship, in that those who evoke it, typically end up shooting themselves in the foot, and doing ill to others in the process, as well.

If you have honest, sound reason to argue that something “should” be eradicated, the last thing you should be doing, is preventing others from seeing just what that thing is.

Others will be forced to either join you, from a position of personal ignorance and submission to “you”, or they will reject your proposition, because they don’t trust you and your obscure behavior.

A thinking person does not like those who hide the issues.

Anything which is “clearly bad”, should be “obviously” such, upon the open witnessing of it…It’s own exhibition, should be an adequate source of proof, on which an educated judgement can be made about it’s true nature.

Hiding something, only prevents the majority of people from knowing it’s true nature.

As things stand, this is one of the large problems facing child, youth and intergenerational sexuality…There are powerful, political and religious groups out there, who are working tirelessly to hide it, and conceal it from the general populations awareness…thus, denying the population an educated, informed and honest understanding, of just exactly what it “is”, and what it commonly entails.

Of course, this is then exploited in grossly abusive ways…in order to meet the end goals of various religious and political hate groups.

Nazi Moderators…

Date: January 25, 2009

Nazi moderators who take it upon themselves, to inject their own, self ego and inflated sense of “power”, into every thread which contains posts, that “they” subjectively see as being “off topic”…

…and some kind of “justification” for their own swooping in, to edit, delete and issue “stop it or else” warnings…

…I do not understand these kinds of people, at all…

You know…

…I was a moderator at BoyChat for a couple of years…and I participated there for years…

So, I know a fair bit about safety and legality issues, particularly as relates to sites on servers, where free speech is still protected.

Dissent, and introducing an alternative viewpoint, experience, etc, is not illegal activity…unless, for example, maybe your server resides in China.

…Even outright advocacy of pedophilia, is not truthfully “illegal”, in many jurisdictions…no matter how much some people may like to argue that it “is”.

When onlooking moderators decide to use a heavy hand, because “they” do not like something about an ongoing thread conversation…

…I take a real issue with this, because ever so often, the interference of said moderator, is nothing more than a tyrannical power play, on it’s face.

…They don’t like what “you” said…and therefore, they don’t like “you”…and therefore, they are going to go after “you”, and hound you till you get fed up with it and leave…or they just outright ban you…

They have no justification for how they are treating you (and do to the nature of the internet, they usually don’t have to have one, sadly)…they just want you to shut up and go away…so they don’t have to address what you have brought to the table…and they can just sweep it under the rug.

No, no…

…I am not talking about anything which has happened to “me”, in any recent times…

I was just reading a thread, on a discussion board…where some moderator is popping into the thread, and editing out terms like “child pornography”, as well as deleting posts he subjectively has decided are, “advocating pedophilia”…He even locked the thread, temporarily…making certain to let everyone know, in bright red lettering, that he would come back and “spank them all”, if the thread got “derailed again”, with a permanent lock on the thread…

…are people like “that” for real?

How exactly does one go about distinguishing dissent and educated dialogue about alternatives, with “advocacy”?…It just seems, this is too hazy for a clear line to exist…and it provides a convenient excuse, for communication nazi’s to sabotage a dialogue.

…and what kind of a life must one lead, in order to set behind the keyboard, monitoring all these posts, day after day…wielding your big axe of censorship, over your subjects [your board participants…the people actually giving life to your board]?

Apparently, there are people out there, who garner great satisfaction, from making certain that every participant on “their” discussion board, obediently lines up and marches in lock step, with the opinions and bias of themselves.

Are they so powerless and pathetic in real life, that they must wait until they come online, in order to retaliate against others in the world, and seize some sense of control all for themselves?

Is this how they inflate their battered egos?

…and what is so “evil”, about advocacy for alternatives?…especially when they are well thought out, well researched and articulately presented?

These online people who live to censor…

…They just make no sense to me…

Of course, I understand [better than most], that there are some limited circumstances where action must be taken…

…On a “pedophile” board, if you have self identified “pedophiles” who are obviously consulting with each other to violate the law in some manner, then you had better take action…lest “you”, and your resource get charged as an aid and accessory…and a lot of legal fallout can come from non-action…to many people, even those who merely participate on the board.

In some limited circumstances, there is a responsibility to your patrons, to act…

…but, those hyper-zealots out there, who are living in some ideological delusion world, and think that they are “saving the world” [or anyone at all], by deleting and banning people and thoughts which “they” think are uncomfortable…

…”that” particular type of moderator, is a clueless person, who does not know what they are talking about…

…and their behavior, is nothing more than the spectacle of a really dumb joke…

So many of you moderators out there on the internet…you need to get a grip on reality.

No grave crime against humanity has occurred, just because everything expressed in a thread, was not in strict adherence to the explicit questions and thoughts, which “you” perceive as being the start of the thread…

…and the sky is not going to fall, just because “you” think somebody “advocated pedophilia”, by expressing a more sympathetic and understanding stance, on “your” discussion board.

So many of you ego maniacs don’t even deserve to have this kind of resource online…because for you, it is just power and manipulation over others…

…It is pathetic to see that so many people are willing to tolerate you, when there are better places they could go, and they really should just tell you to “go fuck yourself”…

A real moderator, who has integrity, will not go cyber-psycho, over reading things they disagree with…nor will they become drunk with power…

Good moderators are lenient, and do not see an infraction under every unturned stone…

Heavy handedness over “off topic” responses to thread starting posts, has got to be the most pathetic trend, I have ever seen a moderator adopt…

…People like that must have no lives at all…

I cant imagine, just what makes other people subject themselves, to people who behave like that…

I would be telling them where to shove their boards, pretty darn quickly.

A Bad Diagnosis Can Destroy Your Life…


Date: January 14, 2009

…BoyChat Link…

…BoyChat Link…

I wrote this in response to a BoyChat post, but opted not to post it there.

Sometimes, you just feel as though what you have written, is to much like bursting in and stealing center stage…

A bad diagnosis can destroy your life…

…as can no diagnosis, at all.

Hello confusedbl…

You are also talking about something that is the cornerstone of my life, for about half of my years alive. It probably qualifies as being half the foundation, by now…or more.

I’ve spent so many years fighting with the government, over a phantom illness I could not actually “prove” existed, or “prove” was connected to my military service…that I don’t even want to deal with it anymore. Yet, it is still here and has been with me for almost two decades…(I honestly thought I’d be dead by now).

My symptoms have been all over the place, but include most of what you have mentioned and more…some of them are truly horrible, and have an awful impact upon your life…especially long term.

People do look at you as a failure in life. All the while, they do not even comprehend what you have to cope with and work through, on a daily basis. You’re expected to perform at the same level as everyone else, or higher if you are supposed to be “in your prime”…yet it is so much more of a struggle for you, just to even show up at all.

What gets under my skin, is those people who ask, “What is wrong with you?”, seemingly sincerely…just to turn around with a retort, “You look okay to me”, after you’ve tried to explain…

At points in time like those, you realise just how alone in the world you actually are…there is only empathy, amongst those who have seen and experienced the same thing(s), up close or personally…so much of the rest of society seem to detached to comprehend…It’s not part of “their” life, so they just don’t understand it…and often don’t think it is real.

…or, you get put on a public trial of opinion, as to whether or not you are just a freeloader, trying to exploit the system…you’re reduced to potentially a criminal, “taking away funds and services, from the truly ill who actually need it” (the lowest of the low lives)…You get those looks, and the smirks on people’s faces, when you try to talk about it seriously…and what’s worse, is that you are self conscious of how it all does look, and understand how it will be judged…You don’t honestly “want” anything to do with that.

You just want people to shut up and go away…You don’t want to talk about it at all, anymore.

It’s all just one great bit, flaming ball of shit flung into the middle of your life…which nearly anyone would be ill equipped, at even knowing what to do about it.

No diagnosis is hell, because it leaves the root problem unaddressed…while leaving the doctors to shoot in the dark, and treat you for things which are not the problem.

I’ve been through this, and have been on drugs for it…because they thought it was all psychological (it is not). I fought that for a very long time, but relented, because it was the only course of action they were offering to me…After a few years, I lied…said I was “feeling better”, and walked away from it completely disillusioned…

I am going to be like this, in this altered state of living, until I am dead…and it is probably going to get worse.

The weeks and months of chronic, non-stop pain (sometimes it is horrible pain and real suffering), the overwhelming fatigue (where you just need to sleep all the time, and you’re growing physically weaker), the never ending brain fog (which makes it difficult to speak, or think things through), the regularity of being left with a “blank” mind (where you were on your way to do something, but suddenly cannot remember what)…and a grocery list of other things, which impact my life…

There are so many days, when you just want to lay down and die…and nobody else understands why…

They just want to kick you for being an “underachiever”, and relentlessly press you, to get more out of you.

I’m at the point in my life, where I know that if things continue on like this much longer, I’ll probably drop over dead on the job…

…and I desperately want to be acknowledged as 100% disabled, so I can get out of this incredible stress before it drives me into psychosis or dementia…(which I fear may have already started)…

This world is a terrible place, for those who have to bare the burden of a serious disability.

At this point in time, I’ve appealed my disability grade (though I don’t expect it to change)…and I understand, they are finally paying for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)…I think I am going to go after that…I think it is B.S., but it is the only way to get compensation.

I’ve gotten nothing but a handful of peanuts, for a life shattered by this (and the way sexual minorities are mistreated by this country, as well).

Don’t cry for me…and I’m not trying to hijack this thread…

I’m just saying, there are some of us who know this subject, inside and out. You are certainly not alone.

The future looks very, very grim from my standpoint…



The True Sign of Zealotry…

Date: January 14, 2009

…The true sign of zealotry…

…The true sign of zealotry…

…when a propagandist hack finally gets what he wants, and has worked so hard for…just to turn around and throw a fit, over the end findings to all his hard work…

Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general, who has forcefully pursued the issue and helped to create the task force, said he disagreed with the report. Mr. Blumenthal said it “downplayed the predator threat,” relied on outdated research and failed to provide a specific plan for improving the safety of social networking.

“Children are solicited every day online,” Mr. Blumenthal said. “Some fall prey, and the results are tragic. That harsh reality defies the statistical academic research underlying the report.”

I wrote a couple lengthy essays for my, “In Self Defense” project…It’s a short series called, “Puzzles of the Mind”, where in I discuss the incredulous nature of a war on pedophilia, in which there are no clear objectives which can provably be attained…and there is no news, which is good enough to make these zealots ever think, “mission accomplished”…

We see this, time and time again…

…Wherever “good news” [literal good news, or just statistics which should make them happy] comes to light…these zealots are never pleased…No, that is not cause for celebration.

Instead, they are offended and angered, by anything which hints that children are not in immediate danger…that the situation “is not” grim…They get pissed that their own unsubstantiated assertions are disputed…or “worse”, dis-proven…

Many of the people at the very core of pedophobic hysterics, do not give a flying fuck about the reality of childhood safety…

…they are only in the business of selling a story to the public, and then being right there, as a convenient “hero” of their own fabricated story…

And So, the Rhetoric Commenses…

Date: January 9, 2009

…Al-Qaeda using paedophile websites to plan British terror attacks…

…Al-Qaeda using paedophile websites to plan British terror attacks…

So, now a UK tabloid has decided to declare, in an incredibly short, unsupported “news” story, that…

…”Al-Qaeda fanatics are using paedophile websites to plot terror attacks on Britain, security sources revealed last night.”…


…”Sadly, the high levels of secrecy, passwords and encryption demanded by paedophiles means their websites can offer good cover for terrorists.”…

Now, putting aside the incredulousness, of cops who are involved in national security investigations, simply turning around and handing over this curiously sensitive piece of information to common tabloid writers, which one astute BoyChat poster pointed out…would critically compromise said investigation, and by extension, threaten national security [and as a former law enforcement personnel, I have to say, this stories credibility sounds highly improbable]…

This short, convenient “news” story smells of rancid propaganda, where in they are trying to merge pedophobia with the cultural panic over terrorism.

I said this years ago, and have repeated it several times over…and we are seeing more, and more signs of it coming to pass…

Propagandist groups are going to start exploiting the shock of real terrorism, and the laws which get passed in the wake of terrorist attacks, in order to blatantly attack pedosexual minorities.

If you have been watching closely, then you know that there has been an intentional movement in that direction…and it is incredibly underhanded and corrupt.

Certain propagandist groups in various countries (including the U.S.), have been trying to outlaw what they call, “legal pedophile sites”, and get them thrown off the internet by having them deemed illegal.

Do a web search for “Aprils Law”, and you will find a certain Luna-tic, who has become familiar to some of us, and she is trying to get a law written (right in the U.S.), which the family of Jeffery Curley would be proud of, no doubt.

There has been a blurring of borders, which separate the terrorism panic with pedophile hysterics…and it has been festering for a while, now.

The U.S. has a tendency of enacting laws (ie: the “patriot” act) which are declared a “necessity” for one specified purpose…yet, allowing those same laws to be used, for the ulterior motives of those who hold power and political influence…These laws become a convenient tool, that gets passed around, in the “good ol boys” club…

Some of us have been talking about this, since the U.S. “patriot” act (I call it the treason act) became law. For anyone who has been paying attention, this is not a new topic.

That “news” story, smells of the blatant propaganda which some of us have been foretelling, for several years now.

Yes, it is a U.K. story…No, “I” do not live in the UK…

…but, given the way the U.S. and U.K. corrupt leadership have walked in lockstep, and how much influence they share with each other…What happens in one country, gets introduced as a concept to all “westernised” countries…

…Plus, given the current state of things, I think they are going to be burning the U.S. Constitution, before much longer…

Our “democracy” is dead…

The Singing Obama Youth…

Date: Jan. 7, 2009

…The [singing] Obama Youth…

I’m atheist, and not an Obama supporter.

A Quote: “Their parents, I am guessing, are atheists who desperately want to believe in something.”

Anyone claiming, atheists are behind political, secular religion brainwashing, needs to get a better handle on understanding atheism and atheists.

While I understand these concerns represented by the propagandist video, it should be noted that many of us U.S. citizens have been looking on in equal horror, during the Bush years.

The root problem in this country, is the mentality of “winner take all” government. Everyone wants to “save the world”, by their own definition, even when that means denigrating and hurting both minorities and majorities.

“That” is what needs to stop. It is why we are at each others throats, all the time.

For one group to win, another group must lose…

…and that is so anti-American…that it is just sick to claim that U.S. politics today are even patriotic, let alone “in the spirit of” our legally declared intentions as a nation and civilization.

…”All men are created equal”, anyone?….

As to “desperately want to believe in something”…

…again, this just points out the woeful ignorance of the commentator.

It was so bad under Bush, that people ran to Obama…in rejection of “Bush policy”.

That has nothing at all to do with atheism…Nothing at all.

I am one of many atheists, who do not trust Obama. I see clearly through the smoke and mirrors of politics, and I can spot a case of political public seduction…where absolutely nobody is talking about the critical problems and solutions for them, but everyone is excited about, and hell bent on, forcing a black man into the U.S. presidency and making history…

…for the sake of making history…

I, for one…as a patriotic citizen, am disgusted with this country, for so many reasons…but this last presidential election, made me throw my hands up in the air…and curse this country, harsher than I ever have.

I am left to believe, that most of the people who took this election by storm, do not even understand the actual relevance of politics, in the first place…It’s just a shallow, mamby pamby “feel good” exchange, of sound bites and trite talking points…where nothing deep actually has to be discussed or thought about…In “their” world, anyway…

…but, I also want to clarify this point…

No…politicians are not an atheists replacement for a “god”…

Such an implication by anyone, is total ignorance.

Think about this with some logic…

…What would make a human being, who does not accept such an imposing, threatening figure, such as many “gods” are made out to be…someone who does not believe that such creatures exist, or that any creatures deserve such forced devotion and admiration…what would make this person turn around and lavish this “god like” privilege, onto another human being?…

It is absurd, to even imply such a thing.