DAMNING REPORT: UK Health Agency FAILS Children Suffering With GENDER Dysphoria…

Date: April 12, 2024

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“Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke react to a new report on gender-affirming care. #Transgender #gender”

Oh, gee…so…

…now “sexual molestation” is being pushed as one underlying cause of transgenderism?

Man…Don’t even think of putting this on MAPs…

…Transgenderism is it’s own thing, happening in its own places, on the individuals own terms…

People do not go literal transgender, because of some ridiculous notion about “fleeing in fear from MAPs”!

What Amber is alluding to, is not actual transgenderism…It’s people who may have been sexually brutalized, using a diversionary tactic to avoid any repeat.

I’m getting those vibes you get, whenever people claim “homosexuality is the fault of MAPs”.


Physician Dies After Illegally Riding in Trailer to Watch Eclipse – Monika Woroniecka Case Analysis…


Date: April 11, 2024

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“This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of Monika Woroniecka?”

For some reason…after reading the video title…I had this picture in my head, of a doctor climbing into someones junk hauling trailer, hiding under a tarp as a stowaway…just to get a free ride…

…Don’t ask me…I’m just glad it wasn’t that crazy.

The death was unfortunate…but just goes to show, doctors aren’t always that great in judging situations.



J.K. Rowling’s Spiral into Madness (with ContraPoints)…

Date: April 11, 2024

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“From “sex is real” to Holocaust denial — if it happened to the wizard lady, it can happen to you.”

Of course…as trans people, you have every right to be openly out in the world and be respected.

I don’t pay any attention to Rowling…So, I had no idea this level of long term fixation was going on.


The TRAGIC DOWNFALL of Kyle Rittenhouse (People have had enough)…

Date: April 11, 2024

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“Kyle Rittenhouse won the legal lottery, and could have slinked away into a life of relative obscurity. However, he choose to pursue a Conservative media career and has now become a speaker for Turning Point US. But he has faced massive protests on college campuses and even his former spokesperson and head of security has taken to Twitter to criticise him over his new career. Its clear people have become fed up with him.

00:00:00 – People are getting sick of him
00:03:10 – Kyle is way too dumb to join the USMC???
00:07:30 – Young people don’t like him
00:11:50 – His ex-spokesperson has TURNED on him
00:25:30 – He made his choice”

Why does he have a dog with him, while speaking on stage at a university campus?

Does he keep a therapy dog, or something?

Kyle never did strike me as being on the higher end of the IQ scale…Quite the contrary, in fact…He never seemed especially bright, at all.

…Everything about how he came into public relevance, was totally unnecessary and insane.

That whole situation was just insane stupid…And a crooked “justice” system, absolved him of all personal responsibility…when it should have convicted him of manslaughter, at the very least.
