Monthly Archives: January 2014

The “Recruiting” Accusation…


……………………………………| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files |


Date: January 31, 2014

…”The Russians Have It Right”…

…”It Should Be Illegal to Recruit Minors”…

Could someone please explain to me… why it is, that the most ignorant, obnoxious and belligerent amongst us… are so frequently the ones who elect themselves as “authorities” on issues concerning others?

It is as though they are some warped type of sage… one who is a living example, of unadulterated ignorance, intolerance and incompetence… a perfect living model, of all that we should not be… for the rest of us, who aspire to be decent human beings worthy of respect….

Here we have two examples…where we sexual minorities are not being talked to…nobody is trying to communicate with us, or trying to understand us…But instead, we are being trash talked…talked down to…demeaned…dehumanized…and made to sound as though “we” are the enemy…as if we were a threat…

…Curiously, one of these fine gentlemen even quotes the infamous “millstone” passage from the bible…as though to imply that we deserve to be killed…or, murdered is really the accurate term, here…

…And “we” are allegedly the social problem, in the face of these fine gentlemen talking about harming and killing us?…

I would just like to point out one observation, with regards to the “recruitment” accusation which we so frequently face…because the mere evocation of such an idea, displays a grotesque misunderstanding of what is going on…

You see…no matter where one falls on the homosexual spectrum…we all tend to share a very stark theme, which you cannot ignore…provided that you take any time at all, to honestly explore our personal histories…

…That theme, is isolation…of being different, and knowing that we were different from the majority…and not even being able to openly talk about it. It is a common experience amongst us, no matter how accepted some forms of homosexuality may be today…that we are commonly isolated during large portions of our lives, due to a world which openly refuses to tolerate us…And we live like this, knowing what we are…in silence. We carry this psychological burden from an early age…commonly not even knowing what to call it, or how to talk about it…but merely understanding, that we had better not admit to it. Privately, it is an elephant in the room which remains there for us, all along.

Now…many homosexual kids today, may have it substantially better…Some may not even experience what a lot of us did, when we were growing up and discovering things about ourselves…But just as much as me, or any other homosexual person…they know by nature, without being told…or shown…or ordered into something by another…or any of the other fantasies people come up with, to explain “where homosexuality came from”…They know what they are attracted towards.

There is no recruitment into homosexuality…There never has been…There may be heterosexuals who have had homosexual experiences…There may be bisexuals, who have swung both ways…But a natural homosexual knows by instinct, what they are attracted towards…and they naturally gravitate towards it.

They don’t have to be told to…It just happens to be that way for them…In fact, if anything…we are more often pained, longing and injured, due to a social atmosphere which refuses to allow us to be who we are…which refuses to let us have, what we so deeply need.

You cannot be recruited, into something which exists beneath your own skin…It is impossible and absurd, to suggest otherwise.

I think it is probably one of the safest bets I could ever make in my life…saying that I believe, if given the chance…most of us who are homosexual and who have never had such an opportunity, would have jumped at the chance to participate in gay youth groups…and various school/social programs, aimed at supporting homosexual kids…so long as we could have safely done so.

A great many of us, almost certainly would have embraced these things…It is the social and peer structure, that so many of us never got to have…never got to benefit or grow from…

…and we never got to have them, precisely because of people like those in the two linked videos.

There is no recruitment involved in being homosexual…

…The only recruitment we commonly succumb to…is that of being bludgeoned into self hatred, and an inability to accept ourselves or live freely. We can be recruited into sexual celibacy, if the social threats are horrible enough…We can even be recruited into heterosexual behavior, marriage and even producing offspring we never wanted, if social expectations are overwhelming enough.

…But being recruited into wanting something so deeply, so passionately…which itself is taboo…ridiculed…demonized…for which it’s embracement means a demeaned life, in the eyes of many?…

How can anybody even think that way?…How can anyone think…that one day you are just walking along, in a world which largely loathes homosexuality…being entirely heterosexual yourself…but then someone offers a homosexual invitation, “and that is all she wrote”…Everything just supposedly goes out the window…including everything you know about the world around you, and presumably your own heterosexuality…because you got offered homosexuality…

That is just dumb…

…People who don’t want it, will continue to not want it…no matter if they have tried it, or not…Heterosexuals can get what they need, from someone of the opposite sex…and that is exactly where they will go.

…Homosexuals cannot get what they need, from someone of the opposite sex…and that is the defining line, which divides homosexuals from heterosexuals.

The only people trying to recruit…are people like those featured in these linked videos.

Being isolated, is a sign that we are not being allowed to be who we naturally are…That is what our experiences of isolation, ultimately boil down to.



Sun News Does Not Like Dr. James Cantor…

Date: January 26, 2014

…Sun News: Pedophilia an Orientation…

…Sun News: Pedophilia an Orientation…

This is Canadian news…and it looks to be hot off the presses…

They are making issues out of Dr. James Cantor, and his statement that pedophilia is an inborn sexual orientation.

Now…for many of us who live with this…the point [that we were born this way] is an indisputable fact…It’s just others, like these two reporters, who have been so deeply conditioned that they cannot wrap their minds around this point.

There are a number of things which ought to be commented on, here…like the older guys summary of pedophilia as “sodomy and torture of children”…Of course, they bemoan what it might legally mean, should “pedophiles” become a protected class, holding equal standing to everybody else in society.

Well…Let’s dissect this “report”, shall we?…

Marissa Semkiw opens by framing it as a controversy, the question “is pedophilia a sexual orientation”…She also evokes “survivors of childhood sexual abuse”, right off the bat…Apparently, they are the ones getting angry over this question…

Then we move on to James Cantor, who says “yes”…”Pedophilia is an inborn condition, not a learned sexual behavior”…

James Cantor: “Nobody chose to be attracted to adults. Nobody chose to be attracted to children.”…etc, etc…

All the research seems to show, that we are wired this way…according to Dr. James Cantor.

Dr. Cantor declined their request for an on screen interview…and given the nature of this “report”, I think I have a pretty good idea why…

Marissa cites another interview from another show, where Cantor says “the way society treats pedophiles is all wrong”…

Dr. Cantor talks about society’s gut reactions, of how “this person is evil”… and “the correct reaction to have, is remove them from society forever”…”is actually not making things better, but making things worse”… All the while, another video is playing… and alternating with the Cantor interview… This video is of an, apparently, stalking pedophile… They even get a close up of his evil eye…

…”We need to be dispassionate, clinical and think rationally about this situation”…

…Apparently, the above comment offended Marissa…

Marissa informs us, that Dr. Cantors research is “far from accepted”…but “the theory is becoming more prominent”…

She cites the American Psychological Associations spectacle over the DSM-5…And how a group of loud, obnoxious and burdensome groups, who wallow in ignorance working to spread ignorance around the world, caused such a public stink over the APA presuming that it might be able to do something scientific, correct and morally right [ie: actually acknowledge pedophilia as an orientation, such as it starkly obviously is]…and how this caused the APA to retreat, and capitulate like a scolded dog…

Apparently, interference with science is not the scandal here, in the mind of Marissa…She seems just peachy, with the fact that ignorance dictates practice, even in this field…

It is outright disgusting…that ignorance and bigotry, can so easily sideline actual research and science…But, I guess Marissa does not understand anything about that.

For the record…Classifying pedophilia as a sexual orientation, does nothing to condone actual sexual relations between an adult and a minor…Since this point of fact is apparently lost on some people, it seemingly needs to be clarified.

Few, if any, of us have been lingering under the impression…that the APA is going to lead us into social acceptance…Heck, the APA has been the social instrument, for the obscene oppression of sexual minorities, including pedosexuals…It is foolish to imagine, that a technical change in the DSM is going to imply the APA is fighting to legalize pedophilia.

They made the change, as I understand/interpret it…not to condone anything…but to more accurately define our state of being…Potentially, this could bring more compassion into the arena…It could lead us away from the cruelties of “aversion therapies”…It could actually get doctors, mental health people, etc…to stop treating us like adversaries, simply on the grounds that we were born and we exist…and whatever all, they automatically presume “must be true” about us.

…These concepts might be a bit too deep for Marissa…I don’t know…

“If such a theory gains acceptance, it could have wide ranging legal consequences.”… And we just can’t have that, can we?… Oh, heavens no!…

A legal scholar is brought on…

Edward Prutschi says it brings up questions, for protections in the employment sphere…

… Imagine that… pedosexuals enjoying the equal employment protection and human rights as everybody else… They seem quite shocked and concerned, over the prospect of having to treat pedosexuals with equality… as human beings, with equal rights… and human rights, too?…

My goodness!…”One may not be able to discriminate against a person, for the mere fact that they are a pedophile, so long as they don’t act on those desires.”…

…Yeah…because their sense of entitlement to discriminate, is so precious to them…

Did he just imply, what I think he implied?…That he thinks it is alarming, people might not be legally able to discriminate against [and abuse, frankly] pedosexuals, when they are obeying the law?

…He is concerned, we might be normalized and integrated into society…

Hmmm…No integration for us if we live in Canada, huh?…

Joe Womback [Sp?], founder of the Canadian Victims of Crime Foundation comes on… and, of course, things suddenly devolve into a distorted face off, between this question posed to us [is pedophilia a sexual orientation] and “the protection of our most vulnerable”…

…Yes…”Save the children!!”…that’s it…

Apparently Joe wants to isolate us from the rest of the community…and this is “erring on the side of caution”…How this has anything to do with anything, is anybody’s guess…as most of the people brought into this “report”, honestly have nothing to say [authoritatively, or otherwise], about the fact that being a pedosexual is a matter of sexual orientation…

…They are just arguing against it, because of phobias surrounding how they imagine society is going to change, over this one simple acknowledgement of truth…Don’t budge and inch, and spite all honest dialogue, just to make sure no brighter future is foreseen to pedosexuals in this world…

…Joe is also working under the delusion, that this is “allowing these individuals back into our community”…as if, there are not untold numbers of us, already in your community, Joe…

I think, Joe is doing what so many other people do…mistaking having this sexual orientation, with being a criminal…It is as if, Joe does not understand, you don’t have to break any laws, in order to be a pedosexual…or a pedophile, if you will.

There is a distinct difference between the question of sexual orientation, and that of the ability [or willingness] to abide by laws and social norms.

Being a pedosexual does not mean that you are a criminal, nor that you have done anything, really…It just means you are sexually oriented, towards a specific sort of human being.

Theo Fleury [an NHL player], claims that this is tantamount to “taking 5000 steps backwards”…And apparently nobody told this hockey player, that this is not a question about passing a law [well, okay…most sexual minorities are legally protected in Canada…So, it’s a bit different there]…What is before us, is a matter of science…and with regards to the APA, a matter of medical practice.

Of course…Theo was a high profile victim of child sexual abuse…So, naturally…Marissa wants to parade him in front of the audience, like Joe…and let the audience soak in their anger, outrage…and frankly, ignorance…

Yes…”Bring forth the wounded”, so that they may rant, rave, plead… and be the token sympathetic avatar, for whom this horrible finding is attacking

Theo does not want this to be accepted… and goes on to express, what is essentially the public plugging its ears, and shouting down this point of fact… Or in other words, ignore its merits, and pretend that it’s all just lies…

This is why, for years I have considered the sex abuse industry to behave on par with the blind furor, in organized religious groups… And I even call it a religion, in its own right.

…”They are right, because they are right, because they say they are right.”…and don’t ever get in their way, with anything that does not fit their predisposed assumptions…or you’ll be sorry.

Is the smarmyness of this “report” at an end?…No?…

Theo says “we live in a sick enough society already”…and if we acknowledge [or pass a law, as he says it] pedophilia is an orientation…we are “taking 5000 steps backwards”…

…because, apparently…knowing true things, being informed and educated…and making decisions based upon sound knowledge, is going against progress, in Theo’s mind…

…They flash a blurred out scene, of kids going into a school building, while Marissa says, “One only hopes, the public will heed Fleury’s words”…

And that is the end of the official report…but, then Marissa and Michael Coren [the show anchor, I expect] go on talking about it…Michael needs to properly express his own distress…

…”[Michael launches with a contemptuous sigh, and rolling of eyes] The contempt that doctor had for ordinary people, with their gut reaction…yeah, when a child is sodomized, raped, tortured…there’s a bit of a gut reaction, isn’t there?”…

…Yeah, sure Michael…I expect there is a gut reaction, when a child is raped, tortured and the like…And I suspect, that you are under the delusion, that pedosexuals do not identify with this gut reaction?…

…But let’s put that bigoted ignorance and hate speech aside…

…Where in any of this, does children being sodomized, raped and tortured fit in?…

The question is one of sexual orientation, and how this can make pedosexuals better understood and approached…

… This is not a debate, over whether or not your community is going to throw your little children into a pit of horny rapists, along with a tube of Astroglide…

No, it is not contemptuous to anybody at all, least of all victims of sex crimes, to better understand pedosexual human beings.

How keeping the public ignorant “better serves victims” [or the public], is something I want to know…Because that sounds about as loony as it gets…Maybe, Michael and Marissa could explain?

Michael calls this piece of propagandist tripe, “a brilliant piece”…

…and we wonder why this planet is going straight to hell, when the talking heads who inform everybody on what to think, cannot even clearly think or understand themselves…

Michael makes an issue, that Dr. Cantor would not be interviewed by Marissa…and she implies it’s probably because Cantor has “seen some of [her] work”…She equates Dr. Cantors work with normalizing, or de-stigmatizing pedophilia…”by saying that you are born with it”…

Finally…Marissa concedes that nobody is trying to remove sanctions, with regards to criminal activity…but, she is horrified of the broad reaching implications, if pedophilia ever gets acknowledged as a sexual orientation…

…Do you ever get the feeling…that certain people are too deeply invested in their own intolerance and hate, to just let go of it [even if it were for the better]?…That is exactly the sense I am getting here…As I so often get, from many of these people [and groups] who push for extreme prohibition and extreme penalties. It’s like, this is all they have ever known…If you take the extreme hate and violent intolerance out of the equation…they simply do not know how to function…It’s like, they are lost without it…And they get all the more frustrated and angry, over the idea, that blind hate and violent intolerance should go away…Do they not understand, those things are bad for society?

In all fairness…Canada is a bit of a unique animal…in that it explicitly says in its Charter of Rights, that a citizens status of sexual orientation is basis for legal protection [so long as they don’t break the law].

What is so preposterous here, though…Is that everybody in that “report” is all up in a huff, over the mere theoretical idea, that pedosexuals might end up being treated equally under the law, within society…and with some degree of common dignity…

… Talk about contempt… Now there, Michael, is real contempt for you…

What Dr. Cantor expressed [that pedophilia is a sexual orientation], is not an expression of contempt towards anybody at all…In fact, if either you or Marissa had bothered to investigate, and actually did your jobs competently…you would have easily found, that Dr. James Cantor has zero intentions of ever helping pedosexuals achieve normalized social status, with all the rights realized by everybody else.

…Good grief…the poor guy gets clobbered from both sides, because he is not really looking to liberate pedosexuals from oppressive laws, either…But, the extreme prohibitionists don’t want to budge an inch, when it comes to treating pedosexuals fairly, and ethically…And, they find what lean crumbs Dr. Cantor is trying to scrape together for pedosexuals [for the furthering of their mental treatment], is getting in the way of their hate and phobia…

…Dr. Cantor is threatening to take away their social scapegoat?…

Okay…This is getting long…I am getting tired…They suddenly have some still picture of a guy, with his face mostly covered….and Michael is blathering on, about not understanding how anyone can be attracted to children…[my sincere condolences, that your tastes have been so horribly stunted, Michael]…I think, it is time to stick a fork in this…

…You can go watch the rest of this tripe…and leave your own comment below, if you like…

Michael gives us his [quite un-professional] rejections of various notions, including being born with this…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

This is yellow journalism, by a couple of yahoos, who like listening to themselves talk.

…They did not even address the core points, with any integrity…They just produced seven minutes of dehumanizing propaganda.

They attacked somebody, who made a simple, honest statement…

This is an excellent example, as to why I have such disdain for the mainstream media…

…It is in response to all the contempt and disdain, which they show towards us…They even take it to the extent, of extreme pure idiocy.

Just to note…There are a few things brought up in the last few minutes, which I find intriguing…Does the brain honestly alter, based upon being “sexually abused” as a child?…Maybe it does…

…But, I honestly need to go to bed…My mind is shutting down…So, I shall spell check and post this.

One last note…For the record, I have some degree of respect for Dr. James Cantor…It takes real guts to be out there, even just doing what he is doing…And he is getting clobbered from all sides, for taking this stand. I am not going to embrace everything he finds, or has to say…but I don’t believe what he is presently doing, is without merit.

My impression is, like it is with certain other people who are “working with us”…That they are working under good intentions, within the framework of their own social and psychological conditioning…and they are sticking their necks out, on behalf of finding a better way forward.

Hence…I afford them some slack.

In summary…this “brilliant piece” is nothing but a simple minded hatchet job, stuffed with blatant dramatized visual cues…

Dr. Cantor…I wouldn’t have given these unprofessional bozos an interview, either.

It is painfully obvious, that a true, traditional interview…is the very last thing they honestly wanted.

Wikileaks: ILGA and The U.N. Debacle…


……………………………………| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files |


Date: January 26, 2014

These links were sent to me by a Twitter user, and I thank them very much…



…Another Link to Read…

…Another Link to Read…



This is, of course, old news by now…But I’ve never actually read any of these…

Actually…these three documents testify, to the despicable long term maltreatment of pedosexuals, by both the United Nations and the United States federal government.

You know… In some regards, the optimistic side of me has always wanted to give the U.N. a general benefit of the doubt, with regards to its stated goal of attaining world peace and stability.

… But when we actually take into account, direct, documented behaviors of explicitly singling out minorities, for ostracizing and discrimination… the U.N. has a lot to answer for.

What follows, are documents [hosted on Wikileaks] pertaining to the shameful spectacle that arose, while the ILGA was attempting to attain NGO advisory status at the U.N.

“Pedophiles” and “pedophile advocacy” [IE: the very ability to question, criticize and call for change, in the face of oppressive, barbaric laws] were singled out… and the ILGA obediently bent over, and gave the U.N. what it demanded… without a protest, or seemingly even a care.

Anyone who believes the United Nations is an ethical or just organization, should be given stark pause by this episode in its history.

Personally…This was the straw that broke the camels back…The United Nations is certifiably rotten, in my opinion…It should be looked upon, for the bigoted and ruthless organization which it is.



The Practical Pedosexual: Dangers We Face


Date: January 25, 2014

Summary of the video: An older guy [who looks to be in his forties or fifties] is chatting with a cute, young boy, via video chat. The conversation goes towards the guy asking the boy to pull down [or take off] his pants and underwear. The back and forth goes on for a while, until it is revealed that the video of the boy is a simple video loop, to hide the fact that it’s really an adult posing as a young boy. Meanwhile, the vigilante is grabbing the older mans IP address, doing a web search on it, and collecting this man’s private information…which he posts back to the older man…with notice, that he is being reported to his local police department.

Thank you, to the BoyChat poster who posted this.

In any sane world…nobody would even care, if a couple of males wanted to have a private masturbation session over a webcam. It is entirely physically non-contact…and simply seeing/showing something someone gets sexually excited over [and gains sexual release from], harms nobody…

…With few exceptions, such as that douchebag creep who made the news, for taking screen captures of young kids [amidst their sexual behavior on webcam], for the explicit purpose of blackmailing young kids into staying involved with him [and forcing them to perform for him]…

…I would have to say, given an open, good natured encounter…there is no reason under the sun, why anyone of any age, should walk away from a non-contact, virtual sexual encounter over the internet, either traumatized or injured. If they are conflicted over it at all…this is likely due to stigma surrounding the activity…And given how common it seems to be these days, I sincerely question just how stigmatized it even is…Kids own the market in “sexting”, after all…and they are the major producers of “child pornography”, because of this.

I think it is ludicrous to imply there aren’t any number of kids out there, who would happily flow with this sort of online activity, if given the chance…

…But, in a world where people jump through mental hoops, just to tie this sort of a scenario up into a bunch of knots, so they can formulate numerous theoretical dangers to attach to a ludicrously harmless act…we have to be honest, about the social dangers which are not only facing us…but those which are actively coming out, looking for us.

We cannot allow ourselves to fall for this…If you are engaging in this type of activity…you can no longer trust who you are communicating with…It may be some parasitic predator out for malicious kicks…or out to make a name for themselves…

Be aware that these sociopaths are out there, and that their aim is to hurt you…badly…

My best advice, is to not seek sexual encounters online…period.

…..TAP-Net Website | Sub-Blog Archive

“Free Kate, Stop the Hate”…

Date: January 5, 2014

Kind of old news…

01) TheYoungTurks

02) News Report / Public Statement [YouTube]

03) Arrest Affidavit

04) #FreeKate? Movement to Normalize Pedophilia Finds Its Poster Girl

“The case involves Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt, an 18-year-old in Sebastian, Florida, who was arrested in February after admitting that she had a lesbian affair with a 14-year high-school freshman.”


“According to the arrest affidavit, the 14-year-old ran away from home on Jan. 4 and spent the night at Hunt’s home where, in the words of a Sheriff’s Department detective, the two teens “put their fingers inside of each others vaginas, put their mouths on each others vaginas, and both of them used a vibrator on each other to insert it in each others vaginas.”

This is the story of Kaitlyn Hunt…A high school student, with a younger girl friend…and Kaitlyn turned eighteen years old during this relationship…leading the state of Florida to do it’s usual thing…

soil itself, over the fact that at least one of its laws on sex prohibition is being violated, by strict technical definition…and go after the older partner as if she were a predator, without a care for the realities of the relationship

Kaitlyn is being called a “poster child for normalizing pedophilia”, by some…Nice, huh?…Real thoughtful and intellectually honest, isn’t it?…

[Those questions were offered in bitter sarcasm.]

Some days…I find that other humans are working extra hard, to make me ashamed of my status as a member of the human species…And I cannot even imagine, how they can bare to look at themselves in the mirror, knowing that they are behind this sort of social atrocity…

People who are merely in loving, mutual relationships, should never be attacked or called “child molesters” or “sexual predators”, just because they are in these relationships…and it is deplorable, that in this day and age…we are still having to suffer with these sorts of indignities, and assaults on us…Assaults which serve nothing, but the egos and social agendas of the absolute least tolerant, absolute least empathetic amongst us.

What have we sunk to, as a society here in the US?…

…You know…If genuine injury and genuine assault could be shown here, I would be the last person to say anything against this prosecution…But that is not the case here…

…No…Some people in Florida are more worried, that a rigid and heartless law has been offended against [that poor, poor law!…I am sure it must be emotionally devastated, to learn the laws of nature do not universally obey it!]…They are more concerned that anybody, anywhere, is mutually putting their hands, mouths and tongues “in all the wrong and naughty places”, with an enthusiastic someone else…And they are far more concerned about this, than they could ever be about behaving in a reasonable and sane manner…To say nothing of their grotesque lack of concern, over the welfare of the young females in this case…or that they intend to send one to prison, and saddle her with a bogus mark of “child molester”…

The law is not just an ass here…it is an outrageous ass…And people in Florida behind this, need to pull their heads out of that ass…and get them into the real world…where real human beings live.

05) Forgive me for linking to this

Of course, Rush Limbaugh got in on this, also…He has a hard time dealing with the sensible and humane approach, which some of the rest of us would like to see adopted.

It is mostly just typical Limbaugh on that page…but there were a few interesting quotes cited, which Rush is trying to be alarmist [a word, which embodies his entire public career] about.

Rush dislikes, apparently, that pedophilia is starting to be recognized even by some researchers, as being a sexual orientation…I guess, he is laboring under the presumption, that this is all a matter of public opinion…and not biology [like those of us who actually are one, experience it]…

“In 1976 the National Council for Civil Liberties, the respectable (and responsible) pressure group now known as Liberty, made a submission to parliament’s criminal law revision committee.

“[…] Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in with an adult, […] result in no identifiable damage …The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of pedophilia result in lasting damage.”

Of course…Rush dislikes this, from the sounds of it…But, thank you to Rush, for including this piece of tasty information…I can make public note of it here!

Rush makes other quotes, too…It might be worth reading…or not…

Sarah Goode…remember her?…

…She approached us [Newgon and the different boards], about participation in one of her studies…A substantial many of us did take part in her research…Whether or not she did right by us [or represented what she was doing, in an accurate way], is a matter of debate…One sore spot, is that she represented politically incorrect responses as “cognitive distortions”…But, she did complete and publish her work, along with an acknowledgement that this is an orientation…and it cannot be changed…and that is valuable…It is also true.

Rush quotes Sarah, also.

Of intrigue…a caller brings up Greek history…and we get the same old line, about the incorporation of pedophilia in Greek society, and how this allegedly, somehow through some entirely irrational and unexplained path [except maybe superstition] led to the downfall of Greece…

I would like to point out something, that scantly ever gets even a hint of acknowledgement about civilizations…and that is, given enough time…every civilization [country, state, etc.] will fall from power. This has been the pattern, all along.

For some reason…certain kinds of people like to latch onto the alleged “sexual perversion”, and blame it on that…ignoring everything else…

…And taking Greece as an example…they rose to power, and remained one of the most advanced and creative civilizations of their time [who’s technology we have borrowed and built upon], as a civilization which valued “pedophilia”

So, does that mean that “pedophilia” caused Greece to become one of the greatest, most revered civilizations in human history?…Probably not, but it did play a role in the social make up…So it would probably be at least fair to say, that it helped foster a social atmosphere where such great human strides could be accomplished.

If “pedophilia” was the “guaranteed death sentence” which so many try to make it out to be…then Greece would have never gone anywhere as a civilization, and they would have been lost in history.

The caller further goes on to falsely equate “pedophilia” with the hurting of children…cites Sodom and Gomorrah…and quotes the “millstone around the neck” quote, from Jesus…So, we get another example of the modern day institutionalization, of voicing the opinion that “we deserve death”…Oh boy…”classy”…not.


…Rush Limbaugh proclaims that “we are being normalized”…

For the life of me…I do not know how such irreconcilable opposed viewpoints can exist, his and mine…It is as though, we don’t even live on the same planet…

Speaking as a pedosexual Child-Lover…I have never felt normalized by outside groups…and anything but normalized, accepted or respected as a human being, by US culture.

This world is so foul, venomous and treacherous towards people like us…that I about fall over stunned…whenever I hear people claiming that we “are being normalized”…

Sarah Goode does not have any interest, in helping us to attain social acceptance for sex with children…I know enough, to where I feel confident in saying that much…The thing about Sarah, is that she has enough integrity and nerve, to openly acknowledge things about pedophiles…which are very risky to acknowledge in the midst of a culture drowning in “pedophile” hysterics.

She may have been one person who helped throw us a bone [ie: the orientation argument…which for the record, some of us have been arguing since long before Sarah]…but the way Rush is using her here, is outlandish spinning.

Does Rush even realize it?…who knows…

Eventually truth will come out…That some people don’t like that truth, is entirely another matter.

Blue Is the Warmest Colour…

Date: January 5, 2014

01) More on the mainstreaming of pedophilia

“Cinema heavyweights Roman Polanski and Jim Jarmusch wrapped up the Cannes Film Festival race Saturday, as speculation raged whether a shockingly explicit lesbian love story could capture a top prize.

The audacious French coming-of-age tale “Blue Is the Warmest Colour” featuring hard-core sex between the lead actresses, remained the talk of the town as the competition ended with two more looks at unconventional couples.”


“The three-hour-long drama about a 15-year-old girl who falls for a French woman tracks their passionate affair and devastating separation.”

Apparently, John Hayward and many of his regular readers do not approve…Reading through the comments, there are a scant few gems in there…But this is obviously a gathering place, of people with very rigidly defined views on human sexuality…

Interestingly…I think one of the nicknames there, is the same used by a person who used to post on BoyChat…years and years ago…

Well…anyway…Interesting situation…

… The French, who have a sexual age of consent set at fifteen years, had this movie being released… about a “coming of age” love affair, between a fifteen year old female and a thirty [I think] year old female… It may be on the edge, but it is still quite legal in France… Allegedly, there are explicit sex scenes between them…

Lesbian sex is not my cup of tea… So, I am not especially interested in watching this… But I am curious, even if only to find out what all the fuss is about… It likely won’t even get released in the US [or allowed here], without some editing… and maybe even not then. If it does, it will be greatly limited…Heck, it is honestly hard to find any films at all dealing with these kinds of issues [or telling “our” kinds of life stories], anywhere in my area of the world…and that goes for even the more mainstream gay stuff…It either never gets shown in theaters, or it is here and gone in the blink of an eye…Usually the former.

Speaking as someone all too fed up with being shunted away, and shrouded by the phobias and intolerance of others…I have desperately yearned for years, that real, true to life, accurate, tasteful, dignified and humane representations of sexual minorities [including us Child-Lovers, and Teen-Lovers also], would actually become normal in the media…Because these are the stories which tell the untold sides [the reality of our lives, young and old, from our side of the fence…what it means to us, and how we experience it]…They speak to people like us…They represent us…And there are far too few movies claiming to address people like us, which are not outright stereotypical tripe.

…In many cases, it is just bold demonizing propaganda…and it is a genuine form of hate speech.

I am tired of that kind of garbage… and I applaud anybody, who actually tries to give an honest picture, of the tender love [and yes, the realities of a relationship] shown between and amongst those of us who are not heterosexual… nor part of our cultures rigid “Borg sexuality”…

My hat is off all the more, when it is acknowledged that a teenager and an adult can share in just such a tender, meaningful relationship…Now, if only we could have more than “For a Lost Soldier”, to represent us BoyLovers…That is an area ripe for a lot of fresh, new storytelling…from interesting, inventive and exciting perspectives.

I wish we were no longer forced to experience our own life stories vicariously, through heterosexual, or generic gay and lesbian themes…Intergenerational relations deserves its own category…This theme could make for a wonderful library of movies, with a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and shared experience.

Real Strategies In a Real World…

Date: January 3, 2014

Note: I respect EthanEdwards [Ethan Edwards], as well as the right of Virtuous Pedophiles [] to exist. I am happy enough to openly discuss its existence, and give out the URL. I am even empathetic, with a lot of the stories shared there, and the plight of the individuals behind them…In addition, I think some common ground is shared here…And I appreciate that many people are acting in good faith. What I do have sincere concerns about, however…is the rise of any faction amongst us, that wishes to control what the rest of us express. Does Virtuous Pedophiles aspire towards this?…I really don’t know…I hope not.

01) A realistic strategy for pedophiles

Hello Ethan…

“I would urge you to accept first that sexual activity with underage boys will never be acceptable in your lifetime.”

From my vantage point, this has always been a given for most of us alive today.

“Society believes it is not, and that belief itself is sufficient to make it harmful.”

The extreme influence of society usually dictates these things, yes…I would point out, though…even today, not all cultures and countries are alike on this issue. Some of them could provide a window, into what is possible. I appreciate when people study, discover and share this type of information…If nothing else, it may help attest not only to our commonality…but to our nature.

There is something which strikes me very wrong, in the idea of turning our backs on not only that…but on failing to stand up for ourselves…explain ourselves…honestly try to provide a healthy framework, in which we might fit.

…Being the silent dog that gets habitually kicked, does not fit into any healthy social framework.

“Next, give up any agitation for changing that situation. You then have the beliefs that I’ll call “anti-contact”. (Those beliefs are also the essence of the Virtuous Pedophiles position.)…[…]…The more anti-contact pedophile voices and the fewer pro-contact…”

Now…I have to ask the question…and I am more interested in the official position of Virtuous Pedophiles, than I am in your private viewpoint…or if that cannot be given, then I’d like to know what the general mood and “party line” seems to be amongst the members of Virtuous Pedophiles…

…Are expressed diverse viewpoints and voices regarding issues of intergenerational sexual relationships, looked upon as contrary to the outlook and goals of Virtuous Pedophiles, or are they in any way seen as a threat to the Virtuous Pedophiles agenda?

Or, stated another way…Is it the position of Virtuous Pedophiles, that the public pursuits of those of us with different viewpoints “on pedophilia” are unwelcome and unwanted?

Next, I just wanted to express a couple of things…

1) What you ask is mammoth…It amounts to essentially going into exile…I am certain in the minds of some, it also means surrender in a war we’ve been combating for years…There is nothing more unnatural, than just abandoning it all. In addition…the manner in which many of us have fought to deflect aggression…you don’t pour yourself into all of that, carry the risks of putting yourself out there for years, just to end up with a body of content [ie: writings, etc.] to throw away, pretending it never existed. What you ask, to my mind…is way, way, way beyond extreme.

2) Any structured agenda which requires the silence of others…to my mind, this will always send up red flags…no matter who, where, when or why…There cannot be a healthy system, where people within it cannot speak freely. The fact that our type of social grievances are not politically correct, is no excuse for them to remain unexpressed…And even if we did allow the rest of society to live ignorant of knowledge of us…our allowing them to maintain their illusions, does nothing to address the problems festering under the surface.

3) I think…if it is vital to the outlook and agenda of Virtuous Pedophiles, that a considerable many of the rest of us fall silent…or just as bad, forfeit our own voices and fall into submission to a pre-approved and sanitized message, created and pushed by somebody else…then Virtuous Pedophiles has a critical problem, in it’s own foundation…Perhaps, a new envision would be in order…Because that is one type of corralling, you just are never going to succeed in getting…We are not “The Borg”…A life and a voice like that [the borg] is not real…it is not genuine.

4) We need diversity in people and action. Not all of us share the opinion, that forms of action you don’t like seeing are bad.

5) People do what they do, for a wide variety of reasons…They may not be all about getting into someone else’s pants…but they are also not all about pushing a rigid agenda…A lot of times, the motives are personal…It is some way to exercise control in your own life, and explore some manner of meaning in your own life…hopefully along the way, onlookers will finally figure out, that we are humans also…and we aren’t so different…That some of us hold enough respect for the integrity of these issues concerning us, to refuse treating them different from any other form of discussion, in no way diminishes what we do…I consider it to be integral to what we do.

6) …and last…Virtuous Pedophiles, as I see it, are pursuing a kind of “Uncle Tom” path…I don’t begrudge you for this…but the benefits you can anticipate, if any…are “Uncle Tom” benefits…I am not implying those “Uncle Tom” benefits would be entirely worthless…But I am saying, my own voice is not a bartering chip…and silence is a mighty steep price tag, for “Uncle Tom” benefits.

From a personal standpoint, I can sincerely say that nothing I have done in my own pursuits, was for the purpose of alarming others…or fighting with anyone…even in the presence, of a mountain of reasons to fight back…My unspoken “motto” has been alive, in the chosen path of responding with constructive, creative, honest, thoughtful and positive expression, in the face of hostility.

…This is how I deal with life in this world, as a BoyLover…It is just who I am…Others may not find the exact same things in these pursuits, which I do…They have a different path to seek and walk.

Religious Trauma Syndrome…


Date: January 3, 2014

…Direct Episode Link [MP3]…

…Religious Trauma Syndrome – Episode 71…

As some know, I am re-building my “Atheist Media Links” page…which is really an atheist podcast links page…

…While going through some of my more recently discovered links, I found the Life After Faith podcast…and an interesting episode [the most recent one], where the issue of PTSD is discussed in relation to people who were harmed by their past with religion…

I just thought I’d share this episode, as it is an interesting listen…

…I do think it starts spinning a little bit hyperbolic, at a point or two [ie: some offhanded comment about “rape celebration day” in relations to priests abusing children, or the like…I don’t recall exactly how it was phrased].

Largely, I do consider myself past my own issues, over growing up in a dominating religion…Admittedly, I don’t mind talking about it, from time to time…or explaining why, I consider it to have been psychological abuse…and very messed up…and I have likened it, to a psychological form of rape, also…

So, yes…I do understand the PTSD…

Unfortunately, my own expressive tendencies [and personal accounts] seem to sometimes leave others with the impression, that I still carry a lot of baggage over it…I prefer to think of them as old scars…ones I point at and explain every now and then, when the opportunity presents itself and I am in the mood…But I never really figured this was in any way “out of line” [even the few times I might have gotten a bit emotional about it]…

…Never really thought of “that” as PTSD…I suppose, and strongly suspect, that I may suffer from some brand of PTSD…but from religion?…I don’t know…

Potentially, it could have been the basis from where it all started…After all…In my experience, a religious upbringing does not help prepare you for life in the world…In fact, I consider it to be a major inhibition towards success and balance in life…The way I experienced it, anyway.

…Honestly, I think it is the cumulative effect, of living in a world primarily of threat, non-acceptance, shame and hate…one which did not end, when I left the church.



And Still, We Stagger On…

Date: January 2, 2014

01) Congress must take urgent action to extend unemployment benefits

“Today, our economy still has fewer jobs than when the recession began in 2007. American factories have been relocated off-shore or closed and many jobs that were outsourced have not been replaced. Wall Street looting and big banks caused this crisis, but it’s the millions of Americans who still can’t find work who are paying the price — a price that would be even greater without the federal Emergency Unemployment Insurance program.”

This is a petition calling upon the US federal government to extend emergency unemployment benefits, yet again…for over two million people [and their families].

I question just how long this can keep going on…and I just about feel like I did some five+ years ago…when I was outright begging that “the authorities” even just acknowledge the insane economical problem[s] with the US economy…You know…the one[s] that 90% [or more] of us are being run through the meat grinder over?…and have been chronically living with, for at least a decade?…Yeah, that one [several, actually]…

I have just about been calling for them to let the bottom fall out…stop with this artificial, “smoke and mirrors” propping up of the economy…At least then, when the masses of us hit the bottom, we will know where our footing is…As things stand [as they have for the past decade or more], we are trapped in a controlled, slow, painful economic death spiral…The majority of us in the US are, yes

They keep putting these legal band-aids on, and giving us reports of “our” economic status… through rose colored glasses, which rely almost entirely on the statistics concerning wealthy people and how much their own capital worth increased… Which in reality, have utterly nothing to do with the majority of us in this country… Oh sure, in theory they are “creating more jobs” with this gain… In reality, these jobs are poor jobs [on many levels] or no jobs at all.

The ugly truth is…these gains [record gains, amazingly] are only benefiting a small minority, and they are not helping to pull up the overwhelming rest of the country…And it is the rest of the country, where attention is most desperately needed.

We have been forced to live under this economic death spiral for far, far too long… and I want it to end, now [years ago, actually]… Like so many others, I am sick to death of dealing with it… but they just keep subjecting us to it, right along with its long list of ill consequences and negative impact on us, as human beings having to live under this relentless, insanely long term stress…

…That is what the US has devolved into…an atmosphere defined by economic stress, and inability to gain financial stability.

…And now, here we are again…Over two million jobless people [many with families and children who depend on them], with the US federal government getting so close to letting their financial lifeline lapse…If they are left in free fall, this will be a massive problem for this country…And a mark of shame, for our country [for a number of reasons]…

…But at the same time, any extension is going to be a Band-Aid, which allows this treachery to continue on, by placating those who are in most desperate need [well…aside from the homeless, who are not even in the system]…So, you see my frustration?…

This nonsense needs to end…We have a do nothing government, which thinks nothing of forcing us to compete with countries that lack human and workers rights laws…You might as well say, industrially…we have been fused with a range of other countries, as if they have become part of the US, and its own market…only, we are not demanding that they function by our standards…Instead, we are being dragged down to theirs…This has outright devastated the US.

Why do we keep going on, year after year…talking about this exact same problem, without any honestly positive resolve?…We just keep getting placated, as things continue to get visibly worse and worse.

There is no recovery…As a country, we [the US] probably should have collapsed by now…And if that had happened, maybe we could have finally gotten about reinventing ourselves and our economic structure…and maybe we could have been well on our way, to rebuilding a new system and bouncing back to something healthy for all of us?…

But no…That is not cruel enough…Lets just ignore the problems, even longer…

I hate that they are dragging this meltdown out, to an agonizing long, slow crawl…forcing it to last all of this time, and presumably for even more years to come…I guess, they presume dragging it over years, will make the bigger picture of loss and suffering less immediately recognized?…Did they not factor in, the extreme economic meltdown fatigue that so many of us are suffering from today?…Did they not imagine, that a lot of us would become angry, over being ignored and not listened to?…Have they no care, that this chronic state is inflicting psychological damage, and other stress injuries, on so many of us out here?

It has gotten to the point, where it feels more cruel that we have not been allowed to go through the collapse [which is still on the horizon], and gotten past it to something…at least we can understand, and which is at least stable [hopefully]. This cloud being held over our heads, needs to go away.

You know…I’ve been contemplating going back to college, and getting some sort of degree [even though it would be excruciating on me, to get through it]…But it honestly scares the hell out of me, this whole idea of running up deep financial debt, and then still ultimately having no way to pay it back…At least right now, I know the crumby situation in which I stand…After college, there is an excellent chance I will still stand here, while having to contend with crippling debt…They claim “college is the way”, but reality is…there are few of these professional jobs in existence, and they are being fought over by a huge surplus of college graduates. What is happening in todays “college economy”, is that hordes of young people are being duped into massive debt, just for a degree that is proving to be worthless in the real world…

And so…I remain paralyzed, while mulling over my horrible options…There is no clear path, here…It all looks bad…

…Is anyone laboring under the presumption, that I am alone in this?