Chord Player [and Drum Machine] by OneMotion…


Date: January 25, 2024

01) Chord Player

02) Drum Machine

03) Chord Player by OneMotion – Andy’s Tutorials

“Chord Player is a fantastic tool where you can experiment with chords and export rhytmic progressions for use in your projects, I use it all the time!”

…I found an internet toy!!!

This one is really neat.

Some Samples:














Excerpts from Paidika: Benjamin Rossen reviews Theo Sandfort (Part 1)…


January 25, 2024

Thanks to feinmann!

Please forgive any mispronunciations.

Boys on their Contacts with Men: A Study of Sexually Expressed Friendships (Part 1)

By Theo Sandfort. (New York: Global Academic Pub­lishers, 1987). 175 pages.

Theo Sandfort’s recent book, Jongem over Vriendschap en Seks met Mannen, is based on interviews with 25 boys who talk about their sexual experiences with men. It provides valuable original insights into the nature of paedophile relationships. The English translation is an important addition to sociological literature. Sandfort, a psychologist at the University of Utrecht, is known and respected in the Netherlands. The research for this book was completed six years ago and published in a number of papers and a previous book. Sandfort writes, “This book is not intended as a scientific report.” Nevertheless, he presents the evidence afresh and develops arguments relevant to social policy and law reform on the basis of the research findings. The material is presented in a style that is light and easy to read and the book remains informative throughout.

The book is divided into three sections. In the first, Sandfort presents an overview of recent and contemporary attitudes to sexuality. He defines important terms and separates irrelevant issues. He argues that ‘child pornography, sexual abuse, incest’ and ‘paedophilia’ have, in this decade, become confounded into a single category, that religious/ethical and feminist ideological impetus has turned around the liberal spirit of the ’60’s and early ’70’s. Relationships, once thought of in terms of self-fulfillment, exploration and adventure, have been redefined in terms of power. The issue of ‘liberation’ has given way to the ostensibly more urgent consideration of protection. He discusses the influence of the media on public perceptions. “Sex has become a controversial and frightening issue …” he writes.

Part two is built around transcripts of interviews with 25 boys between the ages of 10 and 16 years who were involved in consensual sexual relationships with men at the time. Sandfort has chosen to leave out the statistical tables and detailed description of methodology, which can be found elsewhere. There is a clear demarcation between Sandfort’s opinions and the facts of the research. Sandfort is cautious with his conclusions. For example, he points out that the voluntary recruitment procedure undoubtedly resulted in a selection of better relationships. The men, he notes, were fairly advanced in the process of self-acceptance. He warns against generalizing from his data to all paedophile relationships. Sandfort makes it clear that sexual abuse of children does occur. His findings are important because they show that paedophile relationships which include sexual activity can be happy and free of abuse in the opinions of the boys involved.

Excerpts from the interviews are organized into sections. Each concentrates on one aspect of paedophile relationships. In the first section the boys talk about how they met their adult friends. A variety of circumstances are described. In some cases, the boys were introduced through children who knew the adult or through prior paedophile acquaintances. Some meetings took place at swimming pools, youth and holiday camps. In some cases, the contacts came through the children’s parents.

Sandfort examines the reasons why boys seek contacts with adult males, and why they maintain them. The replies give evidence of several motives. The boys enjoyed activities with their adult partners; sports, games, movies and holidays together, to name a few. Secondly, it is apparent that the boys found their adult friends were people with whom they could ‘really talk’, feel understood and accepted. “Well, he understands kids better, boys better …” explains one 13 year-old.

The boys talked about things they had learned from their adult friends and, particularly in one case, how they had been helped in their personal development. Sandfort discusses the importance of the attention that the boys enjoyed. While he agrees that neglect and an unhappy home environment may contribute towards some boys’ needs for such a relationship, it is clear that the majority in this sample had good relationships with their parents. This may come as a surprise to some readers as it has often been claimed that only deprivation drives boys into paedophile relationships.

The motives of attraction, friendship and love are discussed. Sandfort finds that sexual attraction is not an important motive for the boys. Status, prestige, and material motives are also noted for their absence. Some of the literature, cited by Sandfort, claims that bribery with money or gifts is used by paedophiles to ‘entice’ children into having paedosexual contact. While this may occur in some cases, these motives were not mentioned by the boys in this sample.

In the following chapter Sandfort discusses the sexual aspect of the relationships. Boys discuss the first sexual contact, which sometimes took place on the first meeting between the boys and the adults. While it was usually the adult who took the initiative in the first sexual encounter, some boys made it clear that they initiated the continuing sexual aspect of the relationship. One boy couldn’t remember who started the sexual activity and commented “… in the meantime I’ve had so much fun. I just don’t know any more.” The interviews also reveal that the boys took more initiative for subsequent sexual interactions. Sandfort finds a strong correlation between the accounts given independently by the adults and the boys. It is interesting to note that none of the boys gave any indication of having a homosexual orientation.

The kinds of sexual behaviour are discussed. Mutual masturbation was the most common behavior while anal penetration of the boy was rarely reported. The pattern indicated that the boys determined how far they wanted the sexual behavior to go, and that the men let the boys set the limits. There follows analysis of the way in which the boys experienced the sexual aspect of the relationship. When pressed further by Sandfort, most of the boys reported some aspect of their relationship which they found problematic, but it appears that in relation to the positive feelings this played a relatively minor role in the way the sexual contacts were experienced. For example: “nothing unpleasant at all?” asked Sandfort a second time. ”What could there be?” insisted the boy. Where problems existed, they usually revolved around the attitudes of people outside the relationship.

The issues of power and abuse are discussed. The opinions of the boys show that the men’s behavior towards them was consistent in both the sexual relationship and in other matters. Generally, the men were considerate of the boys. In some cases, it clearly emerges that the boys held the balance of power. The ability to stay away, gave all the boys considerable leverage over the adult. Theo (13), aware of his power, reports “… and I’ll say, ‘If the T.V. stays off I’m going to sleep alone’, and then I get to watch the T.V. a little longer.”

Next the boys talk about the opinions of their parents and peers. The parents of some boys knew about the relationships and either approved or had decided not to intervene. In other cases, fear of exposure and anxiety over possible parental reactions is evident. The opinions of the boys’ peers seemed to create difficulties for some who, for example, were teased by school friends. Finally, the boys’ opinions are reported and were, for the most part, unequivocally positive.

In part three Sandfort discusses the significance of the boys’ accounts. He asks: Were the children honest? In spite of what they said at the time of the interview, might they change their minds about their behavior later? What are the long-term consequences of these experiences? Although sexologists today agree that a sexually repressive upbringing leads to difficulties, what problems may arise because these boys engaged in behavior which is outside the norms of this society? What kinds of risks are the children subjected to, should the sexual activity become the subject of angry parental response or a court case?

Since these questions cannot be answered by Sandfort’s research, he provides a scholarly discussion and review of the literature. Where the evidence is not clear, he leaves the question open, as one would expect from a responsible scientist who is not promoting a personal ideology in lieu of evidence. He has his opinions, of course. For example, he concludes that the boys were honest. The tone of their replies, he says, doesn’t suggest evasion. This is evidence which readers can judge for themselves.


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Economic Update: As The Empire Crumbles…

Date: January 24, 2024

01) LINK

“In this week’s episode of EU, Prof.Wolff delivers updates on the mass closing of Greyhound bus stations around the U.S., the escalating strengths of Russian obstacles in Ukraine, the choice the UK faces between paying for the bombing of Yemen or funding their National Health Service, how Boeing’s safety debacle propelled China into the lead of global automotive exports and how Israel has also been aversely affected by the shifts and changes of the world economy caused by the decline of U.S. dominance.”


Meet Tal Mitnick, First Israeli Jailed for Refusing Military Service in “Revenge War” on Gaza…

Date: January 24, 2024

01) LINK

“As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue the assault on Gaza, we speak with the first Israeli to refuse mandatory military service since Israel’s offensive began over three months ago. Last month, 18-year-old Tal Mitnick announced he would refuse military service in what he called a “revenge war” on Gaza, and was sentenced to 30 days in a military prison. Just released from jail, Mitnick faces another draft summons and says he will refuse “over and over until someone gives up, until the army gives me an exemption.” Mitnick says the October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel broke the idea Israel could live with occupation. “We need to keep fighting for a just future,” he says, urging the younger generation of Israelis to use their voices for peace. “We’re the future, and we can change.”

Good on him!
