What’s Next For Argentina? – Jacob Sugarman…

Date: November 27, 2023

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“Javier Milei, the far-right libertarian who secured a significant win in the recent Argentine presidential election, has stirred controversy with his radical and provocative policy ideas and statements. Critics of the self-proclaimed “anarcho-capitalist” view his candidacy as a risky venture into the unknown. As the mop-haired president-elect prepares to assume leadership of Latin America’s third-largest economy in just two weeks, concerns are growing about how his proposed policies and stances will fare in the face of real-world challenges.”


TikTok Trend? US Progressive Women CONVERTING to Islam As DEFIANCE Against the West, Report Claims…

Date: November 27, 2023

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“Jessica Burbank and Robby Soave discuss the recent conversions of some millennial women to Islam, amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict. #Gaza #WestBank”

I wonder how sincere these conversions are…You can call yourself just about anything you like these days, based on the frailest of reason…But do they literally live and comprehend the entire depths of it?

This may be a social stunt, most of all.

Honestly, though…It could prove to be a good thing, if people who reject the more extreme elements in islam move in…Let those voices take over islam…

We’ve been saying for years…islam needs to evolve into something far more tame, flexible and diverse.


This Dead-Serious Republican Ad is EXACTLY LIKE an SNL Skit!!!…

Date: November 27, 2023

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“In this clip from episode 892 of I Doubt It Podcast, Brittany Page and Jesse Dollemore discuss a political ad from Kootenai County GOP designed to scare parents about what their children may find in libraries. Although it is designed to be serious, it is HILARIOUS and reminds Brittany and Jesse of an SNL skit!”


Tim Pool TERRIFIED Of Disney’s “Cultural Marxism”…

Date: November 27, 2023

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“Tim Pool reacted to the most recent Marvel movie “The Marvels” having a poor showing at the box office in its opening weekend. Tim says that, even if some people don’t think this matters, they should remember why superhero movies like “Captain America” are so inspiring to people and why ones that focus on identity politics aren’t nearly as successful.”


Spielberg, Make a Movie About This!…

Date: November 27, 2023

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“MMA fighter and political activist Jake Shields recently tweeted out two photos — one with a long row of body bags containing Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the other depicting another long row of body bags, but this one of Palestinian dead from the recent assault on Gaza. But Shields notes that only one of the images will likely be deemed worthy of a major motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, along with Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss, discuss how Israel has become the mass killer it was founded to prevent from ever happening again.”


David Barton: Patient 0 Of Far-Right Propaganda…


Date: November 27, 2023

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“David Barton is a media personality with some wild opinions. You can trace most right wing talking points back to him. Turns out he’s close with the new Speaker Of The House and has a lot to say about him. Mike Johnson was supposed to be the less extreme choice for speaker but is he? With friends like this who praise him I highly doubt it.”


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