Category Archives: Research

Important works of research

We FINALLY Understand Why Bats Live So Long…


Date: April 26, 2024

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“A recent discovery suggests that bats biology may be the key to longer healthier lives. That power may come from their ability for flight and mean they shrug off diseases usually fatal to humans. Can bats help humans live longer?


00:00 The Amazing Biology Of The Bat
1:15 How Bats Survive Disease
3:39 Bechstein’s Bats “Immortal” Bats
4:50 Ad Read
5:00 How Can Bat Biology Help Humans
10:35 Why Haven’t Other Mammals Evolved To Have These Traits?
11:57 How Can We Apply These Learnings Into Modern Medicine?

If you enjoy the channel and want even more physics, tech, and business content, I’ve just launched new Instagram and Threads pages. Follow on the links below”



Pseudoarchaeology and the Pseudoscience Pipeline – Milo Rossi LIVE at Virginia Tech…


Date: April 23, 2024

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Atlas Pro (Biology, Ecology, Biogeography): @AtlasPro1

Stefan Milo (Archaeology, History): @StefanMilo

Geology Hub (You Are Never Gonna Guess…: @GeologyHub

History with Kayleigh (Archaeology, History): @HistoryWithKayleigh

Ancient Americas (Anthropology, Archaeology, History): @AncientAmericas

Astro Alexandria (Astronomy, Space-Ology): @ASTRO_ALEXANDRA

Lindsay Nicole (Zoology, Biology, Natural History): @LindsayNikole

I have spoken a lot about every pseudoarchaeological and fringe theory under the sun. But rarely have I talked about the implications and dangers of pseudoscience as a whole. How pseudoarchaeology is one of many routes into a dangerous anti-intellectualism pipeline.
This video is on just that topic. A live lecture that I did at Virginia Tech back in March discussing the dangers of pseudo archaeology and how it is promoted by an algorithm that is (un)intentionally radicalizing viewers.

Id like to give a huge thank you to Virginia Tech for hosting me for this lecture, and I hope you all enjoy.”



DAMNING REPORT: UK Health Agency FAILS Children Suffering With GENDER Dysphoria…

Date: April 12, 2024

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“Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke react to a new report on gender-affirming care. #Transgender #gender”

Oh, gee…so…

…now “sexual molestation” is being pushed as one underlying cause of transgenderism?

Man…Don’t even think of putting this on MAPs…

…Transgenderism is it’s own thing, happening in its own places, on the individuals own terms…

People do not go literal transgender, because of some ridiculous notion about “fleeing in fear from MAPs”!

What Amber is alluding to, is not actual transgenderism…It’s people who may have been sexually brutalized, using a diversionary tactic to avoid any repeat.

I’m getting those vibes you get, whenever people claim “homosexuality is the fault of MAPs”.


“You Can’t Talk About Your Research”: Prof. Jo Phoenix Talks About Her Fight for Academic Freedom…


Date: April 08, 2024

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“Prof. Jo Phoenix talks to the Committee for Academic Freedom (CAF) about the campaign of censorship and abuse that led to her resignation from the Open University.

In this interview, Jo Phoenix explores the conflict between gender critical research and academic freedom in UK higher education. Dr. Jo Phoenix, a sociologist, shares her experience facing bullying and harassment for her research, raising questions about free speech and the responsibilities of universities. This video is relevant for anyone interested in gender identity, academic freedom, and the future of free speech in universities.

To learn more about CAF’s activity, please visit:

I don’t know what her research, politics and beliefs are…But this is clearly an important issue she is talking about.



Science Isn’t Dogma, You’re Just Stupid (Response to Formscapes)…


Date: April 05, 2024

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“Last month a channel named “Formscapes” released a profoundly idiotic video about how all of science is “dogma” from an “elite priesthood”, and we should instead listen to frauds who push demonstrably false pseudoscience because it makes him feel smart and special. He also tried to mock my debunk of Electric Universe for being similarly “dogmatic”, though he was totally incapable of explaining how, as he could not engage with a single scientific point I had made in the entire video. Since this anti-science mentality, which regards the entire body of scientific knowledge as corrupt and dogmatic, is so shockingly prevalent, let’s take Formscapes to school and explain to him how science actually works, shall we?”



WOKENESS Alert: California May BAN Public Schools From Saying What They Think…

Date: March 25, 2024

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss a proposal at the University of California that could curb free speech on some websites. #CA #Speech”

“Don’t give the right an easy target, to get your funding retracted”…

…Briahna just pointed out a very long standing, chronic problem in public universities.

If you stray into any socially controversial topic, you risk losing your financial funding…By it’s nature, this corrupts and distorts all ability to objectively conduct research.


QAnon’s Adrenochrome Quackery…


Date: March 21, 2024

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“A literature search of the chemistry of adrenaline revealed that in the lab it can be oxidized to a compound called adrenochrome, with the “chrome” ending deriving from the Greek word for colour since adrenochrome has a dark violet hue. At this point, the psychiatrists in somewhat of a foolhardy fashion tested the effects of this chemical on themselves. Indeed, adrenochrome produced hallucinations!

Maybe, Hoffer and Osmond theorized, adrenaline is also oxidized in the body to adrenochrome, and due to some faulty biochemistry, the adrenochrome builds up and triggers schizophrenia. Since adrenaline is known to form in the body by the addition of a methyl group (a carbon atom with three hydrogens) to its precursor, noradrenaline, Dr. Hoffer postulated that the B vitamin, niacin, being a methyl acceptor, would stall this reaction. Furthermore, vitamin C, an antioxidant, might prevent adrenaline from being oxidized to adrenochrome. Thus was born the “Adrenochrome Hypothesis of Schizophrenia.”

Drs. Hoffer and Osmond reported successful treatment of schizophrenics with megadoses of niacin and vitamin C, but a number of follow-up studies by others failed to confirm any benefit. The Adrenochrome Hypothesis faded into the background, but the reputed hallucinogenic effect of adrenochrome probably stimulated Hunter Thompson to include the drug in his novel. Adrenochrome also made it into the 1998 movie version of the book, and then in 2017 starred in a totally forgettable film, “Adrenochrome,” in which a young American veteran confronts some psychos in California who are on a murderous spree to extract the psychedelic compound from their victim’s adrenal glands.

The stage was now set for QAnon’s perverse fabricated tale that a pedophile ring of Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities is engaged in satanic sacrifices culminating in slurping the blood of massacred children. To make matters worse, this crackpot lunacy has anti-Semitic overtones.


Adrenochrome, which has no rejuvenating effects, and very questionable psychedelic properties, would have long faded into obscurity had it not been rejuvenated by the QAnon twaddle.”


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