Time Bandits Reboot Has NO Actors with Dwarfism?!…


Date: May 22, 2024

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“Apple is rebooting Time Bandits with Taika Waititi and Lisa Kudrow… and not a single dwarf actor as far as we can tell. Is this another example of Hollywood ditching dwarf actors like they did with Snow White and Wonka?”

…Another reboot?…

…While I confess to being curious about the Neverending Story reboot, because that is more of a series of movies…I just don’t see a reason to reboot Time Bandits…In my opinion, Time Bandits is already perfect at being what it is…

…Neverending Story?…the first movie is perfect at being what it is…what came after is a train wreck.

Restarting the series holds some legitimate space for optimism…even though I’m not crazy about remaking the first movie.



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