Pastor Says We Need A Dictator To Remove Women’s Rights…


Date: May 24, 2024

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“A pastor named Joel Webbon is gaining traction in the media for being absolutely insane. Some of his policy proposals include taking women’s right to vote, installing a Cesar-like dictator as the leader of the united states, and imposing christianity on everybody.”

My life is only morally degraded, explicitly because the government and various assorted zealots work so hard to morally degrade my life and existence…

Let’s be clear…Pedophilia IS moral…In itself, there is nothing immoral about pedophilia…It’s what you do within it, that can be morally judged.

At its base…my pedophilia is just a state of being.

It is unethical and immoral, to judge anyone for how nature made them and forced them to exist.

I would not give up my pedophilia for anything…Pedophilia, in itself, is a beautiful way to exist.

The human I am would cease to exist, without my pedophilia…and I would be poorer for the loss.

As to the people featured in this video, aggressively pushing for a theocracy…

…When it comes to these sorts, I don’t know what explicitly goes through their heads…but it’s often enough the most sick and depraved thoughts, you could ever encounter…

…The people they seek to dominate with a cruel fist, are commonly better off psychologically and morally, than they ever have been.

These sorts are only telling us about themselves, and how little they understand about human beings…They have no concept, of finding and living in peace.

This is why these sorts are so dangerous.


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