Category Archives: Ring of Fire

Republican Lawmaker Has Complete Meltdown Over 4th Grader’s Rainbow Drawing…

Date: March 14, 2023

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“A Republican state lawmaker in Kansas had an epic meltdown over a fourth grader drawing a rainbow as part of a school project, and the mother of the child is livid that the politician is using her daughter for political gain. The lawmaker, state Rep. Pat Proctor, claimed that the child’s drawing proves that the schools are pushing a “radical, woke agenda,” reading far more into the project than a normal human being should. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

A Republican lawmaker from the state of Kansas seems to have lost his marbles over the fact that a fourth grader drew a picture of a rainbow as part of a class project. It is Republican state representative Pat Proctor from the great state of Kansas, who in his February newsletter, included a piece of artwork from a fourth grader at David Brewer Elementary School and said that this rainbow that had a caption, our library is for everyone, is for every student, I’m sorry, our library, my school library is for every student is what the child wrote on that rainbow drawing. And this lawmaker attacked a fourth grader in his newsletter and said, this is part of a radical woke agenda, a fourth grader drawing, uh, a rainbow as elementary school students, uh, have been known to do. I know I’ve raised four of ’em. It’s just a thing kids do.

I did it as a kid. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s refracted light, Mr. Proctor. But this grown adult man lawmaker had an absolute hissy fit over a child’s drawing. And now, of course, because he put it in his newsletter, drew attention to it. Sure. He redacted the student’s name, but the mother of the child got that her daughter’s artwork was featured in. This made into an issue when it clearly wasn’t. And the lawmaker said, well, nobody would’ve known who it was if you hadn’t opened your mouth. All right, Mr. Proctor, here is what he said about the rainbow drawing. I find it impossible to believe that an entire grade of third graders and fourth graders all on their own decided to draw rainbow flags and talk about L G B T Q and spell those things out on their artwork. I find that impossible to believe that was not the assignment and that they were not coached to do that by the teacher. That’s just implausible in the extreme.

The the drawing said my school library is for every student. It, it, it didn’t say everybody in the community. It didn’t say, my library is L G B T Q Friendly, which honestly, even if it did wouldn’t be a problem. It just said, my library is for every student because they, they schools, I don’t know if you know this Mr. Proctor, but what schools like to do is encourage kids to read. So this was probably a project to help students understand that the library is always there for you. How my kid’s elementary school has a parent night, once a month at the library, you go with your kids, you check

Out books, they promote the hell out of the library because they want kids to read. Um, and that’s a Florida public school. And here we have a grown man throwing a child size temper tantrum because kids drew rainbows because that’s what they chose to draw on their fun pictures. You’re having a hissy fit over refracted light, which is what rainbow is. Rainbows are also mentioned in the Bible. In fact, according to the Bible, God sent the rainbow as a sign that, uh, you know, the, the floods are over. It’s a sign of peace almost. So maybe the kid was using the biblical allegory. Who knows? You certainly don’t. You just used it as an opportunity to attack what you call, again, radical woke agenda. And then you refuse to tell people what radical woke agenda actually means because you don’t know. You do know buzzwords. You do know about trying to make a controversy where none exists, and that’s exactly what you’ve done. And you’ve now put this poor fourth grade student directly in your crosshairs, you miserable. S o b.


Attacking a childs art…

…How stupid can you get?…


Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses The View Of Trying To Assassinate Her…

Date: March 14, 2023

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“On Friday, actress Jane Fonda made an ill-advised joke about “murder” and as the rest of The View panel predicted when she said it, Republicans picked it up and ran with it. Marjorie Taylor Greene went as far as to suggest that the program was calling for her assassination before launching into a disgusting tirade about Fonda herself. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

So in case you hadn’t been paying attention to what happened? Very late last week on Friday, uh, Jane Fonda, the actress, went on the view along with Lily Tomlin, and they were asked by co-host, uh, joy Bahar, like, Hey, outside of protesting, what can we do about all these anti-abortion laws? And Jane Fonda foolishly responded, well, I’ve thought of murder. Lilly Tomlin then said, wait, what did you say? And Jane Fonda smiled and said, murder Joy. Bahar then said, she’s kidding. She’s just kidding. They’ll pick up on that and just run with it. And yes, that is exactly what happened. So while that was very foolish of Jane Fonda, it also, if you look at the expression on her face, it was a joke, I think, but Marjorie Taylor Green didn’t think it was funny at all. And now Marjorie Taylor Green is out there over the weekend claiming that the view is trying to assassinate her, what she said on social media, UNAP, unapologetic, pro-life politician. Here, I routinely get death threats because of the nasty women on the view and the things they say about me. But calling for us to be assassinated makes the view, the host, the producers, the network, the advertisers and everyone involved responsible for death threats, attacks, and potential murders of pro-life politicians and activists. I am reporting this.

Okay? Um, so does that mean like when Fox News does a segment on abortion doctors and then that abortion doctor gets killed by a Bill O’Reilly fan, does that mean Bill O’Reilly’s responsible? Because I don’t see, I have never seen you actually call Fox News out for that. And yes, for the record, that is something that did happen many years ago. They called him Dr. Tiller, the Baby Killer. Are they actually named him by name? At least Jane Fonda didn’t say any politician’s name. Hell, she didn’t even mention a political party. Marjorie, you’re the one who self-identified as one of the people that are doing what Jane Fonda says is bad. So that’s on you. You did that to yourself and it got even worse. Marjorie Taylor Green continued, by the way, Jane Fonda, your eggs are dried up so you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant anytime soon so you can retire from demanding baby murder. Now, okay, scientifically speaking, Marjorie, that’s, that’s not what happens is that what you think happens inside your own body, that as you get older, all your leftover eggs just dry up and they just sit there dried up in you.

A a a woman is born with all of the eggs she is gonna have in her entire life. The body does not produce new eggs. All of the eggs she will ever have are inside of her.

When she goes through puberty and starts having her period, that’s when the eggs start going through the cycle. There comes a point in a woman’s life where she has no more eggs, typically, that is when menopause hits, the eggs are done, the body is done with the reproductive cycles according to the body itself. And, and then that’s what happens.


Poor, poor Marjorie…


There Isn’t A Single Good Republican In Congress…

Date: February 20, 2023

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“Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins responds to the following question from one of our YouTube Community members: “What Republicans in Congress do you think actually do good work for the Nation?”

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Here’s a question from cool dude, 89 97. He says, what Republicans in Congress do you think actually do good for the nation? None. Not a single one of ’em. And I’m not just saying that as an individual that’s like, Ooh, I’m so tribal. I hate Republicans. I’m saying that as somebody that has been doing this for dang near 20 years and I’m looking at Congress, I’m looking at these Republicans, I’m looking at the legislation they pass, I’m looking at the public statements that they make. None of ’em are good. None of them. Not a single one of them. Every now and then, you know, just like the broken clocks, right? Twice a day. Uh, they’ll say something that I agree with every now and then they’ll propose one piece of legislation that I agree with. I think Ted Cruz and his push for term limits, that’s a great example.

Like, Hey, I like that. I hate everything else Ted Cruz does. But I like the idea of term limits. Does that make you a good person? No. You’re still a piece of crap and I’m gonna keep calling you a piece of crap. I don’t like you. I don’t like what you’ve done. I don’t like how you’re persecuting other individuals and how you support politicians who do the same. Just because we agree on the one thing doesn’t mean that I wanna hold your hand and say, Hey, this is one of the good ones. Cuz you’re not. You know, Nikki Haley, uh, came out shortly after announcing a run for president. She says, we need mental competency tests for presidential candidates over the age of 75. I agree with that. I actually think we need it for all politicians, regardless of age. But hey, a start is a start, right?

So I’m okay with that. Is she a good person? Hell no. She’s not. You look at these other Republicans, even, you know, last year when we had Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger coming out and they’re working on the January 6th committee and they’re going after Trump and all his little friends and still voting with Republicans. You know, 85, 90% of the time on horrible legislation, they both voted against, you know, an extra stimulus package during the Covid pandemic. So screw ’em. None of ’em are good. We can agree on one or two things absolutely. But when we disagree on 99.9% of everything else, then yeah. I don’t think any of you are good. This is Hattie. Hattie wants to know why you have not subscribed to our channel. You obviously like our videos, so do us a favor and subscribe.”


Trump Threatens To Sue Pulitzer Prize Board After Humiliating Loss In Court…

Date: February 18, 2023

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“Donald Trump had his frivolous lawsuit against media outlets that won the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on his connections to Russia thrown out of court recently, and that move sent him over the edge. He took to Truth Social this week to now threaten the Pulitzer Prize committee itself for giving the award to papers that reported on him, a move that really isn’t even possible. Farron Cousins explains why this threat, and possible lawsuit, will be an even bigger embarrassment for Trump.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump is continuing to pick his fight with the Pulitzer Prize Board after last Friday, his very last lawsuit against the media outlets that won the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on his connections to, uh, Russia back in 2016. His very last lawsuit was tossed outta court this past Friday, so he spent the weekend getting just more and more angry about it as far as we can tell. So on Monday, Trump sends this out, this threat to the Pulitzer Prize Board. On Truth Social, the Pulitzer Board should have long ago rescinded awards given to the Washington Compost, known to some as the Washington Post and the failing New York Times for their fake stories on the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. However, Pulitzer refuses to do the right thing. The hoax has now been further exposed by the devastating irrefutable piece in the Columbia Journalism Review. And Pulitzer has no content, no comment.

I am suing the Pulitzer Board to set the record straight and continue fighting the truth in America. Um, the Columbia Journalism Review did in fact, uh, put out a piece recently that said, Hey, we found some inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the stories that ended up winning the Pulitzer. However, the Pulitzer Board did their own fact checking of it, and they determined that nothing in those stories was misleading or false given the information available at the time. And see, that’s the key word at the time. If I were to announce right now in a video saying, I have never in my life won the lottery, and then two years from now I win the lottery, does that mean I lied back then? No. It means based on all available evidence at the time I had not won the lottery. And that’s kind of what happened here.

And by the way, those inconsistencies and inaccuracies that they say they found, um, it’s nothing like hugely detrimental to the piece. Furthermore, it doesn’t mean that the Pulitzer Board giving these people an award has any defamatory standing with Donald Trump. Like, you can’t sue because somebody got an award just because you don’t like what they said. That’s like suing the Grammys because you’re unhappy with whoever won what award that particular night. If you’re up for an Oscar and you don’t win, you don’t get to Sue because somebody else won it. Like, that’s not how awards work. You can give an award to anyone for anything. Does Donald Trump know that he can actually go online to online trophy shops and just buy his own trophy? Maybe somebody needs to tell him that maybe somebody needs to do that for him. So this idiot stops filing

Frivolous lawsuits every two seconds. Silver lining, of course, is the fact that every frivolous lawsuit Donald Trump is filing these days seems to be getting him and the attorneys filing it in more and more trouble. So even though he said he is suing them, um, as it stands right now, we actually haven’t seen a lawsuit. And, uh, I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics that his legal team is going to have to go through in order to even file a lawsuit like this. Because there is no damage, there is no injury, there is no defamation. I, I don’t know what he could possibly be suing them for, but I hope that if he does file the suit, the sanctions against him and his lawyers come quickly and harshly seems to be happening a lot recently. No reason to think it’s not gonna happen if he files this idiotic lawsuit too.


…Poor The Donald…


Lawyer Warns That Mike Lindell’s Mouth Is Making His Legal Problems MUCH Worse…

Date: February 12, 2023

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“A lawyer who spoke to Newsweek this past week says that MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s refusal to shut up about the 2020 election is opening him up to a world of “exposure” in the defamation lawsuits against him. Lindell was back at it again this week with his election conspiracies, this time centered around Ron DeSantis in Florida, complete with a rant that made absolutely no sense no matter how you look at it. Farron Cousins explains why Lindell isn’t doing himself any favors by continuing to push these conspiracies.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

MyPillow, C E o. Mike Lindell went on a, uh, really unhinged rant even by his own standards this week that prompted a lawyer by the name of Andrew Lib, to talk to Newsweek about how bad Mike Lindell’s idiotic rants are going to hurt him in court when he finally has to show up for those defamation trials. Before I get to what the attorney and legal expert had to say about Lindell’s legal problems, let me read you part of Lindell’s rant and, and you can leave a comment. Let me know if you even understand the words this man is saying, because it’s so just, it, it, it’s loony, I mean, is the nicest thing I can say about it. These aren’t complete thoughts. They’re not complete sentences, they’re just weird ramblings from the pillow man. And he did it in response to, of course, uh, Ron DeSantis having a Dominion lawyer on to talk about making it easier to sue the media.

Um, that set him off. And then days later he went on to this rant against Ron DeSantis and I just, everything. Here it is. Why didn’t they cheat with DeSantis there? I don’t know. You gotta wonder. It makes it look good. Like, gee, if you’re a good governor and you’re gonna get all these votes rubbish, it’s a big lie. Remember, the big lie is the big lie. I’m so upset. I can’t tell you. How dare you sit there with a lawyer who is suing individuals. What I mean technically, that that is what lawyers do, you know, defense, plaintiffs, whatever it is. Like that’s, that’s what they do. How dare you sit there with a lawyer who’s suing individuals? What an hat. There’s a reason the whole country wanted me to be head of the R n c. Um, Hey, stop you right there. The reason we wanted you to be the head of the R n c, cuz I know I said it, I endorsed you, um, is because you’re such a lunatic that it would’ve been absolutely hilarious to see that happen.

Like that’s the reason a lot of us on the left were like, heck yeah, I go with Mike Lindell, not because we like you or because we believe you, but because we wanna see the Republican party crumble from the inside. He continued. He just blew any chance if he was thinking of running for president. Your ship has sailed, Ron, you just as well should endorse Donald Trump right now and save face because you don’t know what the people want. It’s disgusting. I don’t know. Are you in on this? So now you’re accusing him of stealing an election from Trump, even though Trump won in Florida because you are mad that DeSantis won by a bigger margin in a traditionally blue area of the state. That’s, that’s what all this boils down to, because that’s what he had said in the past. I know it was hard to get that from that weird wacky

Statement I just read, but, but that was his point, which is a stupid point. And of course, this prompted Newsweek to reach out to the lawyer that I mentioned, and the lawyer said this, Lindell is 100% increasing his exposure every time that he opens his mouth, because prospective jurors are seeing just how unhinged he appears. However, his rant won’t likely add any new lawsuits against him because it’s such a garbled load of spewed word salad. That’s, that it’s not even possible to take away a coherent message even if you watch it over and over again.

So the more you talk about election fraud, right? The more you try to push these conspiracies, the worse it’s gonna be for you in court. But luckily, you are so incoherent. The lawyer says that you’re not gonna get sued by more people, because honest to God, they don’t even know what you’re saying. Like that’s literally the only positive Mike Lindell has going for him is that he’s so crazy he can’t form a complete thought. So nobody can sue him for that. If that’s the only positive you have going for you, then I’ve got bad news. There’s nothing going positively for you.



Democrats Introduce Resolution To EXPEL George Santos From Congress…

Date: February 12, 2023

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“A group of House Democrats have introduced a resolution to expel Republican Representative George Santos from Congress. While the resolution will likely fail because it would require a huge number of Republicans to join in, it is a first step in letting the public know that his behavior – both what has been confirmed and what has been alleged – will not be tolerated. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Democratic representative Robert Garcia from the state of California yesterday introduced a resolution to expel Republican representative George Santos from the United States Congress. Multiple other Democrats were on board as co-signers. You had representatives, Richie Torres, Dan Goldman, Ted Lou and David Cini. So all of these Democrats got together and they said, enough is enough. Republicans aren’t doing anything about this. S o b, we’re gonna do something ourselves. We are introducing the resolution to kick this bastard outta Congress. And they have good reason to do that. As I’m sure by now, the entire country is aware of all of the scandals that, uh, George Santos is involved in the least of, which at this point is lying to the voters who elected him in the first place. And I know that sounds weird to say, but all of the horrible information that has come out since then that all could be criminal in nature.

Yeah, that’s far worse than him lying to his constituents. You know, he would have to answer to them in 2024, and I have no doubt he would never win an election again here in the United States. But it’s the potentially criminal activities he is now. Santos is currently facing numerous investigations including ongoing, pending, or possible investigations from the US Department of Justice, the Federal Election Commission, the Securities in Exchange Commission, the Nassau District Attorney, the Queen’s District Attorney, the New York State Attorney General, the House Ethics Committee, and of course authorities down in Brazil. Eight entities on this planet, cuz you can’t even say in this country because he is got international feds coming after him. Eight entities on this planet are investigating or are about to investigate George Santos for potentially criminal behavior. And it runs the gamut from lying about donors lying about the amount that donors are giving, forging signatures, stealing from charities, a Ponzi scheme, and of course stealing money fraud.

And of course, now we found out this week that there was some kind of Amish dog breeding scandal that, that Santos was involved in. Like, my God, like what has he not done? He’s the Forest Gump of crime at this point. Like he just travels the country. Just, uh oh no, I’ve stumbled into a Ponzi scheme. I don’t know if he’s just that unlucky and stupid or if this man is like somehow some kind of criminal mastermind. Doesn’t seem like he’s a mastermind. So, I think the stupidity defense is probably gonna be his best bet here. But he loves the attention, as I’ve repeatedly said. But more importantly, this resolution to expel him isn’t gonna go anywhere. Unfortunately.

You have to have two thirds of the House of Representatives, which means you have to have a huge chunk of Republicans who are willing to vote with every single Democrat to expel him. And I don’t think you have that right now, especially because Kevin McCarthy has made it clear like, we’re gonna wait until the results of the investigation. You know, and he’s also said, even if that happens, you know, it’s up to the voters. No, the voters were duped. So that doesn’t count. But I would love to see Santos expelled. But more than that, I would actually like to see the guy go to jail. He is a smug little s o b that seems to revel in what he has done showing no remorse whatsoever. And I think maybe a couple years in the Fed would, uh, you know, make him realize the errors of his ways.



Trump Goes Bonkers In Deranged State Of The Union Response…

Date: February 10, 2023

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“Donald Trump went completely off the rails with his “response” to the State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, declaring that he is a “victim” of the weaponization of the government, along with many other claims. Trump is trying to gain sympathy from the public, but this could backfire as he comes across as a whiny, petulant weirdo instead of a sincere victim. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

So there’s of course been a lot of chatter about the State of the Union address that happened on Tuesday evening. Now that we’re, you know, two days removed from that, the dust is settled. We’re finally starting to, you know, kind of get a feel for what was said. But one of the things I just have to talk about is Donald Trump’s response to it. And I’m not just talking about the truth. Social posts that Trump sent out, where he, he actually praised Biden and said like, he’s not stumbling, he’s not doing, he’s doing a good job. His wife looks beautiful tonight. It was weird. It was like somebody else took control of Donald Trump’s truth social, and he praised Biden actually during the speech. But after the speech, after the speech is when Donald Trump got angry and he sent out these posts on truth social.

Here’s the real state of the union. Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children. Savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave. And under Biden, the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country. Before I continue, I think it’s worth pointing out that literally all of that is untrue. We have not had millions and millions and millions of people across the southern border from 160 different countries. We have actually seen a record number of apprehension of individuals on the most wanted list on the terrorist watch list. We are seizing record of mounts of drugs at the southern border because they’re actually doing their jobs.

That’s not a bad thing that they’re seizing this stuff and destroying it. Now to mention the fact that the murder rate is not even nowhere, anywhere near the highest it’s ever been in this country, murder rates overall, but believe it or not, I know you won’t know this. If you watch conservative media, they’re actually down, even in those big crime riddled cities that they love to talk about. New York City, Chicago, la murder rates are down. They’re actually down. Trump continued, and this is where things get a little weird. Joe Biden’s, weaponized justice department, and I’m a victim of it, is persecuting his political opponents. His administration is waging war on free speech. They’re trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children. He’s leading us to the brink of World War iii and on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt president in American history. And it’s not even close. Once again, every single thing he said is false right there. Joe Biden is not using the United States government to target his political enemies. Actually, Donald, that was you who did that, and we actually learned a little bit more about that this week with your contacts with Twitter, trying to get them to ban people who were

Critical of you. But this is where we’re at. Donald Trump is gonna play the victim. I mean, he clearly said, I’m a victim of it. Talking about the so-called weaponization of the federal government against conservatives. You’re not a victim of it. You’re just a guy who appears to have broken the law multiple different times in multiple different ways, and you’re being investigated for it.



Could The United States END?…

Date: February 04, 2023

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“What are the chances that the United States of America stop being UNITED? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Will we still be the United States of America in 10 years? Hell, five years. Um, listen, I I, I, I don’t think, I don’t think the United States of America is going to go anywhere. And of course, illicit dragon, you know, capitalizes the word united. And I, I, I think that’s really the difference here. We’re not talking about the country itself dissolving or a civil war breaking out or anything like that. We’re using that one word here, right? United and as it stands right now, we’re not a united country at all, but we also are a very united country. Here’s what I mean by that. We have this disgusting political divide in this country. And, and I’ll fully own up to the fact that I’m not helping it at all. I get that. But we are so tribal and politics has, has really taken hold in our lives. It’s no longer this thing you just thought about Every four years during an election, we talk about it, we think about it, we experience it every day.

It’s in our face with 24 hour cable news. It’s in our face with YouTube and social media. You can’t escape politics anymore. And because of that, people have become more divided and more tribal. You know, everybody has a voice now, not just the politicians. So you now get to see your neighbor’s political opinions and you may suddenly think, oh my God, my neighbor’s a cue supporter. I say that because that’s what happened with me. Um, and then we use those to stigmatize one another. We use those to isolate ourselves from those other individuals. And now the reason I say that, yes, we are divided, but we’re also more united than ever is because when you take a look at polling on actual issues here in the United States, we as a country, left, right center, whatever you are, we’re united on the actual issues on the issue of universal healthcare. Majority of Americans left, right center say, hell yeah, we want it on the issue of protecting the environment and combating climate change. A majority of Republican, democrat and independent voters say, yes, we need to do that. Same thing with debt-free college. Same thing with lowering prescription drug prices. Same thing with getting money out of politics. We all agree on all of these things, so why the hell can’t we actually get along gun control? We all agree, even republicans, even N NRA members say we gotta do something.

So we’re not actually that divided. We create the divisions in our own minds. And that bekin became the reality. I’m guilty of it, and I know most people watching this are listening to this. You’re guilty of it too, and I’m not shaming you for it. But maybe if we could get to a post, you know, tribal society where we look at what unites us instead of what divides us. Maybe we won’t have these questions about whether or not we’re gonna really exist as a United States of America in a few years because the divisions are getting worse. But that’s only because of the labels that we choose to put onto ourselves. That’s the problem. Yes, some of them have weird wacko beliefs that are totally not anything aligned with what we believe in. And I’m talking about the white nationalists. I’m talking about the neo-Nazis. I’m talking about the conspiracy theorists. There is no negotiating. There is no common ground with those people. I don’t believe in that kind of alliance. But for your average everyday Republican voter out there, you’d be surprised at how much you agree on compared to how much you disagree on. Thanks

For watching, and if you like what you saw, don’t forget to like, comment, share, and most importantly, subscribe to our Ring of Fire channel here.”


The Evil Republican Plan To End Social Security…

Date: February 04, 2023

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“Republicans are eager to cut social security benefits, but how realistic is it for that to happen? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Uh, Satan’s werewolf asks, if Republicans end Social Security, what happens to all the money we’ve been paying into, into it all these years? If they refuse to give it to us once ending Social Security, wouldn’t that count as theft of our hard-earned money? Now you would think so, yes. Right? I mean, you’ve been paying, I’ve been paying, we’ve all been paying into Social Security for our entire working lives. Unless I’ve got somebody, you know, listening here that’s over 95 years old, then you may have had, actually no, you’d need to be, what, like 110 in order to not have had to pay into Social Security basically. So yeah, we’ve all been paying into it. That is our money.

But the problem is Republicans don’t see it as such. Once that money gets taken outta your paycheck and sent to dc, it’s their money. That’s how they view it. They can do whatever they want with it because you’ve already paid it, right? It’s already gone. You don’t have to worry about it anymore. Let them do what they want to do about it. Now, if Republicans actually do go through with their wishlist and, uh, cut social security, that is political self-destruction, like they’re not going to recover from that, especially considering the fact that the biggest voting block for the G O P is voters over the age of 65. So you’re literally targeting your base. So if you l take money away from them, if you take away those monthly checks, you are screwed. Right? That’s not gonna fly. And we also know, of course, that they’re not gonna be able to successfully cut Social Security because the Democrats control the Senate.

Biden is the president. It ain’t gonna happen. And we’ve gone through this before. I mean, we went through it with the Bush administration. Oh, we’re gonna privatize Social Security, we’re gonna make this happen. It’s all gonna be great and grand and wonderful. And that is one of the things Obama campaigned on, of course in 2008, bringing that up, reminding people that it happened and voters responded accordingly saying, yeah, we don’t trust the Republicans anymore. But I think that they felt maybe enough time had passed, you know, it’s been 19 years since they were attempting that 18 years. So they said, you know what? I think, I think we can do it again. I, I, I think we can now go at these cuts to social security. And every time they bring it up, they get hammered. Biden, to his credit, has done a wonderful job of going out there and attacking the hell out of these Republicans for it.

You know, this again is one of those issues where Democrats are really united and they’ve got a really great message that resonates with the public, and they’re mad at the Republicans for it. It’s brilliant. And if they can keep that up, we don’t have to worry about social security getting cut. And by the way, if social security did get cut by Republicans, they’d pay for it in the following election. And the Democrats, if they have enough sense, would be able to easily undo it. So that’s where we stand with that. The attacks on social security from the right will not end. They may lie dormant for a few years, but they always come back dumber than ever. And that’s what we’re seeing happen right now with the Republicans. Thanks for

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Ring of Fire: DeSantis Is The Democrats Nightmare…

Date: January 12, 2023

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