Poland just SHOCKED the world, and NATO and EU globalists are furious – Redacted with Clayton Morris…

May 17, 2024

01) LINK

Thanks to furcifera!

“Poland just shocked NATO with record breaking election results that are a direct repudiation of the globalist agenda. Polish people stood up and said “we don’t want to be a garrison for NATO, we don’t want the Ukrainization of Poland.” Polish EU MP Grzegorz Braun just won a landslide election victory which is a big middle finger to NATO and the EU globalist cabal. Let’s use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire of globalism.


Just added Grzegorz Braun to my list of European heroes, as he is one of the few politicians crusading for cultural identity and peace. The list also contains Robert Fico and Viktor Orban. Let’s make the fire extinguisher the symbol of a movement to eradicate every trace of inhumane globalist dictatorship.”


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