Daily Archives: November 14, 2023

Here’s How Greta Thunberg Was MANUFACTURED By Ruling Elites!…

Date: November 14, 2023

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“Everyone knows that Greta Thunberg is a climate activist — but what most don’t know is that she’s also the most prominent avatar of a movement led by elites to turn climate change into a multi-trillion dollar money making enterprise. Wittingly or not, Thunberg is helping to market and promote carbon capture and social media pressure campaigns to sustain existing power structures.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the development of Greta Thunberg as a spokesperson for elite interests.”


American Nurse Shocks Anderson Cooper With Grim Picture Of Current Life In Gaza…

Date: November 14, 2023

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“American nurse Emily Callahan, who worked in Gaza for nearly a month, reveals the dire conditions faced by Palestinian civilians amid the conflict. Callahan, a nurse activity manager for Doctors Without Borders, was evacuated back to the U.S. last week. She describes the overcrowded refugee camp in the south, initially housing 35,000 internally displaced people, which surged to 50,000. Limited resources left residents with access to water for only two hours every 12 hours. Hospitals, overwhelmed, discharged patients immediately after treatment, leaving individuals, especially children, walking with unhealed burns or fresh amputations. Callahan acknowledges the sacrifices of her Palestinian colleagues, ensuring the survival of foreign doctors and nurses by providing food, water, and facilitating evacuations. She emphasizes the hardship of leaving people behind and the struggle to find joy in her safety after witnessing the distressing conditions in Gaza.”
