Category Archives: Fucked Up!

Brothers Launch Mission to Kill 500 By Killing 5 Family Members – Bever Family Murders Analysis…

Date: May 25, 2024

01) LINK

“This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of Robert and Michael Bever?”

Here is a piece of reality…

…The whole isolationist “christian” family horse shit, leads to absolutely nothing good…

…It produces maladjusted kids, with psychological problems and unaddressed violence issues, who cannot function in the real world, around other people.

That movement creates violent monsters, who believe the rest of the world is their enemy…The kids are victims of this, themselves…because they’ve never been allowed to know or discover anything, beyond what their parents and elders dictate to them.

It is as ass backwards and fucked up, as you can possibly get…It honestly is based upon ripping apart human society, and causing as much violence, torture, injustice and murder, as it can.

They like to couch it in flowery terms…but the kids who come out of it, are set up to reject, destroy and dominate human culture…as well as those humans who don’t measure up against their strict bigotries.

I consider myself to have been raised in this…even if it was not, by my judgement, the most extreme sect of the movement.

“Christian” separatism is destructive and evil.

None of these kids had any chance…It’s a miracle that any of them made it out alive.

There’s a lot of “normal” heterosexual shitheads out there, who should never be allowed to have or raise children…These “normal” heterosexuals are just so fucking evil, that what they “raise” is the product of their torture and abuse…The end result is violent and furious at the world.

So many of these evil shitheads call themselves “christian”.
