Daily Archives: November 1, 2023

George Santos Sends Out Creepy Message As House Prepares To Vote To Expel Him…

Date: November 01, 2023

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“Republicans in Congress put forth a motion to expel Republican Representative George Santos last week, and the motion will come to a vote on the floor at some point this week. In response to the motion, Santos sent out a cryptic and creepy message on social media that left both his critics and supporters begging him to seek help. The vote this week also places enormous pressure on new House Speaker Mike Johnson. There’s a lot at stake with this simple maneuver, as Farron Cousins explains.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Late last week, Republicans, as part of the New York delegation in Congress, put forth a motion to expel Republican, congressmen indicted Republican Congressmen, George Santos from Congress. Altogether you’re gone, these Republicans say, and of course, because they have now forced the motion, it will be voted on this week. Don’t know if it’s today, don’t know if it’s, you know, end of the day Friday, but it will be voted on this week. Now, following these Republicans, putting forth this motion to expel Santos, who, for the record, as we all know, has not been convicted of all of the horrible things that he’s been indicted for, but he has been indicted. And you know, the trial will happen, and then we’ll see if he’s convicted or not. But Republicans say, enough is enough. We’ve got a lot of problems as a party right now. We don’t need this hanging over our heads. So after they introduced this motion, I believe it was Thursday, late late in the day, uh, George Santos gets on Twitter and sends out a very creepy and cryptic message that actually caused both his critics and his supporters to reach out to him for support, like trying to help him because he said, quote, everything has an end in life.

Everything has an end in life. Now that’s a statement that can mean many different things to many different people. And based on the reactions that we saw on social media, a lot of people think this meant that George Santos was about to engage in some form of, of harming himself. Uh, so again, even people who like loathe him were reaching out saying like, dude, don’t, don’t do anything. Like don’t do this. Let’s get you help. Which I is the correct response in that situation. By the way, doesn’t matter if you love him or hate him, doesn’t matter if they’re indicted or not, that is the correct response. And I was really actually kind of happy to see the responses to this. It’s cryptic message. I, I, I think, uh, mental help is definitely something that needs to be on the agenda for George Santos. Um, especially with what he is going through, you know, I do just as a human being. He, he may be a lying scumbag, but you know, this has gotta be tough on him too. So he needs help. I think this, this post on social media was a call for help. Maybe it was just an intention grabbing stunt, right? George Staton has been known for that. Maybe he just wanted the attention, maybe he just wanted people to, you know, act like they loved him. I don’t know. Either way, real, not real. He needs help. Having said that, the vote this week

Kind of sets up a pretty big first test for newly minted Republican House speaker Mike Johnson, right? You only have a 10 seat Republican advantage, which means, of course, whenever you get five Republicans that don’t vote with the rest of them, you gotta stalemate. So losing one of those 10, taking you down to nine, that hurts. So maybe Johnson pushes this, maybe he rallies the rest of the Republicans and says, Hey, we can’t do it. We, we, we need him as corrupt as he is accused of being, and it’s just accused not convicted. We can’t do this. Besides, he is only accused, he may not get convicted. Are we really gonna set the precedent that anytime somebody’s accused of something, we just kick him out immediately? Or Johnson could recognize, as the New York delegation does that Santos is an albatross hanging around the neck of every single Republican in that body.

Because if you do not kick him out, if you vote to save him and then he is convicted, you’re all gonna look pretty dumb and it’s all gonna come back and haunt you. And not to mention y’all then definitely lose that seat in next year’s election.”


Big Nick And Liz Crokin – Who Wins Least Reality Based Career?…


Date: November 01, 2023

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“Big Nick is a social media influencer and… singer/rapper? He recently joined together with his Q friends to sing a song about their favorite conspiracy. As anti-trans legislation is passed every day, they think it’s the cis het white christians who are really being oppressed. Liz Crokin also joined in on the song. We’re going to check out some of their other work and see just how real their claims are.”


Atheist_Media_SB_ArchiveAtheist Media Links

Lies and secrets…


Date: November 01, 2023

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“UK Covid inquiry reveals unpleasant material


Dominic Cummings

“1000 times worse than my language was the underlying insanity of the situation in Number 10.”

Start of 2020

UK’s first national lockdown, considered a “completely crazy idea”

“no way” nationwide restrictions could be introduced in Britain

Strict border controls on China and more testing, “much better” outcome than lockdown.

Cummings to Johnson, March – May 2020


Matt Hancock “unfit for this job”

WhatsApp message, May 7 2020

“Hancock is unfit for this job.

The incompetence, the constant lies, the obsession with media bullshit over doing his job.

“Still no fucking serious testing in care homes his uselessness is still killing god knows how many.

This morning you must ask him when will we get to 500k per day and where is your plan for testing all care home workers weekly.”
Vulnerable people ‘almost appallingly neglected’ in lockdown decision

“one of the most appalling things” lack of a shielding plan “and the Cabinet Office was trying to block us creating a shielding plan”.

Later message to the PM from Cummings

“You need to think through timing of binning Hancock.

There’s no way the guy can stay.

He’s lied his way through this and killed people and dozens and dozens of people have seen it.”

WhatsApp message, 20 April 2020 from Mark Sedwill (Senior civil servant)

“fast losing confidence in Hancock’s candour as well as grip.”

Culture of secrecy

Dominic Cummings a “culture of secrecy” in the Cabinet Office,

blocked Sage minutes

“I also had a very strong view that the Sage minutes and other documentation should be made public in February for scrutiny”

“Patrick completely agreed – unfortunately again, the culture of secrecy in the Cabinet Office blocked that – not just in February/March, but blocking it for, I can’t remember how long, a very long time.”



Spherical houses weren’t a great idea…


Date: November 01, 2023

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“The Bolwoningen, in Den Bosch, in the Netherlands, are experimental architecture: the surprising part is that people still live there.

A lot of my history research from video is based on 2019 book “Experimentele Woningbouw in Nederland 1968-1980: 64 Gerealiseerde Woonbeloften”, by Barzilay, Ferwerda and Blom: https://experimentelewoningbouw.nl/



Elon Tells Rogan He’s Saving Civilization By Destroying Twitter…


Date: November 01, 2023

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“Joe Rogan spoke with Elon Musk yesterday and asked him what it ultimately was that led him to buy Twitter. He said that he felt that Twitter was having a corrosive impact on civilization at the time he bought it, and that the conditions surrounding the San Francisco Twitter offices proved that to him.

Rogan and Musk talk about the proponents of the “Mind Virus” that was making its way around San Francisco could lead to the end of civilization. Rogan refers to people who believe in this as a “death cult.” Elon agrees, calling them “extinctionists.”



Trump Promises VENGEANCE Against Hamas – Goes Full Warmonger!…

Date: November 01, 2023

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“Former US president Donald Trump opened his speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s conference by declaring, “I love Israel. I love Israel.” He then went on to state that if he’s elected president again he will pursue “vengeance” against Hamas in response to the group’s October 7 attacks inside Israel.

Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses how Trump is declaring himself as much of a bloodthirsty warmonger marching us into a global conflict as his fellow Republican candidates or Joe Biden.”


“Israel Is 1000 Times WORSE Than Hamas” – Holocaust Survivor Gabor Maté…

Date: November 01, 2023

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“Hungarian-born physician and author Gabor Maté is a Holocaust survivor, and as such offers a uniquely compelling perspective on the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. The state of Israel commits horrific and far worse atrocities against the people of Palestine than Hamas does to Israel, he says, and brings receipts that detail the 70+ years of brutal occupation Israel has subjected the Palestinian people to.

Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses the unpleasant truths far too many Israel apologists don’t want to hear.”
