Daily Archives: December 1, 2023

Pathetic Ben Shapiro Heckled By School Kids He’s Trying To Indoctrinate…

Date: December 01, 2023

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“Ben Shapiro awkwardly does his best to talk to children about topics such as taxes, the government, and quantitative easing. Shapiro emphasizes how taxes are bad by calling them theft but then says taxes are only good when funding the police. The Majority Report crew react and discuss how the Federal Reserve prints money and why it does not equate to Monopoly money.”

That mop top in red is cute as hell…

…That is the main thing I took away from this video…

…Does the rest of this video even matter?…honestly? 😉


How Did This Make It On CNN?…

Date: December 01, 2023

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“Is Wolf Blitzer the canary in the coal mine for the collapse of the kneejerk pro-Israel stance of the U.S. mainstream media? That’s what some are suggesting, particularly in light of a recent broadcast during which Blitzer watched, as if dumbstruck, at the news that Israel threatened to issue charges of “terrorism” against any Palestinians who openly celebrated the return of hostages.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, along with Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss, discuss the steady breakdown of elite media consensus about Israel and what may be causing it.”


Palestinian supporter sets self on fire outside Israeli consulate in Atlanta…

Date: December 01, 2023

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“A person in possession of a Palestinian flag set themselves on fire outside the Israeli Consulate building in Atlanta.

The protester was was badly burned and transported to a hospital in critical condition.

A guard attempted to intervene but was unsuccessful. The guard was burned on the leg and wrist. The guard’s exact condition is unknown.

Police said the incident was not a terrorist act but rather an “extreme act of political protest.”

Please, do not ever do this to yourself!
