Daily Archives: December 15, 2023

Al Gore Says Independent Media Is A Threat To Democracy!…

Date: December 15, 2023

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“Considering the pronunciation of his name, Al Gore would seem a ready and eager fan of algorithms. Not so much. In fact, Gore recently went on an anti-algorithm rant, decrying the way social media outlets deliver content to users based on prior engagement, leading people down “rabbit holes,” as he puts it. And this he feels is a threat to our democracy.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Gore’s embrace of mainstream corporate media, which of course never leads users astray about anything.”

Oh, shut up, Al Whore.


NY Times Prints STAGGERING LIES To Keep Ukraine War Going!…

Date: December 15, 2023

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“The New York Times wants you to know that Russia is on the ropes in the Ukraine War, and now is definitely not the time for American taxpayers to stop funneling billions of dollars to keep the conflict going. That’s certainly the gist of a recent Times piece focusing on how many soldiers and how much military hardware Russia has lost in the war.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular about the level of misinformation spread in the Times piece and why the establishment is vacillating over whether Ukraine needs to be given up for a lost cause now or not.”
