It’s time to move to Linux…


Date: June 01, 2024

01) LINK

“Just a rant about how Microsoft has lost touch with it’s retail customers and what you can do about it….

=== Timestamps ===
00:00 Introduction
01:06 MS doesn’t respect settings
03:10 What about Mac?
04:09 Time for Linux
05:20 Modern Linux is good
06:20 Gaming works (mostly)
07:20 Linux isn’t perfect
08:43 I don’t trust MS and I’m sick of AI
09:30 Conclusion”



4 thoughts on “It’s time to move to Linux…

  1. rogkind

    I’ve been a big fan of Linux for some time now. I started using an old computer I didn’t mind messing up, but it worked! There are a few times you might need to use the terminal, but there are plenty of sites to walk you through it line by line. Some programs won’t work in Linux, so I’m stuck with a Windows for such emergencies, but that’s all I use it for and I won’t go anywhere near Chrome for a browser. Firefox and Brave are the way to go.

    Also, check into Tails. It’s also fairly easy to use and when you power off, your computer forgets what you did and saw. Nice. That’s really useful now when you go to news sites the gov’t doesn’t like. Sort of like this one, actually.


    1. eqfoundation Post author

      I’ve got several older PCs…I’m thinking about one in particular…but I think I need to do a full factory reset on that one….For the life of me, I cannot remember its password…I think it’s a windows 8…I gave one of my other windows 8 away…though, that was explicitly a gaming pc…Never used for MAP stuff.

      Honestly, I want to build a tower pc, and install linux on it.

  2. rogkind

    When you install Linux, you overwrite the old operating system, so no reason for a reset. Just plug in the Linux drive and follow the prompts. Easy peasy. I think you’ll be surprised at all the programs Windows makes you buy that are free on Linux.

    Then, make sure you backup anything you need on an encrypted drive. I lost a ton of my financial stuff when a hard drive crashed. Hope I don’t get audited for those years! So now, I keep a separate drive and back things up fairly often. Makes me feel a whole lot more secure knowing I’m not being spied upon as much.

    And I really prefer a desktop to a laptop. You can get a 4K tv for a third the price of a computer monitor and now, I have a big honkin screen with great resolution. It’s a game changer.


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