What Everyone Misses About Signs – Why Signs is Actually Amazing…


Date: June 01, 2024

01) LINK

Of course…the movie is fictional entertainment…and I do like this movie…but that is an interesting interpretation, and I agree that it fits the lore.

It always felt like it didn’t fit the typical alien invasion tropes.


Spooky Stuff!

2 thoughts on “What Everyone Misses About Signs – Why Signs is Actually Amazing…

  1. compassion8art

    I really liked this unsung movie. It was different to the average ‘alien’ movie and this podcast perhaps presents a valid explanation of the true nature of the unwanted visitors. Besides, I’ll always watch a movie starring Mel Gibson.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      “I’ll always watch a movie starring Mel Gibson.”

      I’m pretty much the same…There is a lot I’ve not seen, though.

      I watched this specific movie more for Rory Culkin, however. He was massive cute back then.


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