‘The Shining’: Were Jack and Danny Having Incestuous Sex?…

Date: February 01, 2018

01) THE SHINING: Danny’s ordeal and the bear costumed man

“The Shining film analysis. Danny’s ordeal and the bear costumed man, exploring hidden abuse theme in the movie. By Rob Ager”

I’m not really sure I’ve encountered this theory before…Something about it does sound familiar, however.

I think there was a thread about this on BoyChat, many, many years ago.

There’s nothing about the movie which deliberately leads us to such a conclusion…though, the bizarre sex scene does lend itself to broad speculation.

I’m not so much convinced the bear represents Danny…but it’s something to ponder.

I guess…I’d have to question why such a theme would be floating around in the film, like that…a method of subconsciously intertwining public angst over incest and pedophilia, with whatever else was going on in the film?

I never really thought the film needed such a thing.

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