Daily Archives: November 19, 2023

The Marvels Is the WORST FLOP in History at the Box Office: The Disney MCU Hits ROCK BOTTOM!…


Date: November 19, 2023

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“Well, it has happened. Kevin Feige is now not only the guy who presided over an unprecedented run with three phases of utter success at Marvel… but he’s also the guy who ran off his help and oversaw the greatest fall in cinematic history. The Marvels is now on track to be the biggest box office flop of all time, from any country, from any decade, from forever. With an estimated $800 million break-even point and a movie that looks to not cross $100m domestically, The Marvels makes John Carter look like a runaway success. And the mainstream media that cheerleaded Marvel’s decisions to arrive at this point are stuck recognizing that a gulf exists between the way they view the world and the way the vast majority of society must see it. This is a punch in the gut to Disney and its sycophants like never before!”



Niall Ferguson: How Civilizations Collapse…


Date: November 19, 2023

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“Niall Ferguson is a Scottish-American historian who serves as the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and a senior fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University. The author of 16 books, Ferguson writes and lectures on international history, economic history, financial history and the history of the British Empire and American imperialism. #history #politics #interview”

I’m very fed up with this trend [a false talking point] to characterize people who call for Scandinavian style democratic socialism, as being “people who want to live in Russia or China”…or are “to naive to realize that’s all that socialism is”…

…Why are conservatives so terrified of acknowledging Scandinavian democratic socialism?…It’s not as if it hasn’t been explained [and how it vastly differs from communism], in the past…Are they so weak against this social model, that they have to demonize it just to keep it from gaining traction?

If you don’t like Scandinavian democratic socialism, fine…But Confront The Arguments As They Exist In The Real World!…Stop being dishonest cunts, who constantly straw man and dishonestly manipulate the conversation.

People need to understand…this is one of the primary dirty tactics the establishment uses, in order to socially derail alternatives, and stop challenges to themselves and their own existing power/wealth.

Fact is…where it comes to basic needs and quality of life…the vast majority would benefit from living in a Scandinavian style socialist democracy…It would be far, far better for them, than what is happening to the masses, in this predatory, selfish, greed driven, capitalist republic, which does not even listen to [let alone, care about] the common population.

Look around you in the USA…For literal decades [more than half a century, in some regards], they’ve been pushing us into an impoverished, subjugated, broken and imprisoned state of existence…Today, the establishment employs out in the open, tactics which you would expect out of China or Russia, or any other authoritarian state which criminalizes speech and freedom.

…And people have the gall to praise U.S. “democracy”?…

…I think the majority of us in the population, are neither blind nor stupid…Which is why we see through what these ivory tower “intellectuals” are claiming…We Live The Reality…We know when we are being fed a line of bullshit.

Truth is…we have a political establishment in the USA, every bit as ruthless, predatory and corrupt as that of Russia or China [you are a fool, if you laugh at that statement]…They’ve just been more successful at hiding, spinning and denying it, until more recent years.

People in the USA are living under the illusion of freedom…until they look a bit under the surface.

The U.S. political system is terminally broken…It’s not just not working for the overwhelming majority [especially those just coming up]…it’s actively shackling them and keeping them down…

…For those to thick to understand…That is why a seriously growing level of the population is demanding something radically different…They want something that puts the population, and quality of individual life, first.

The rarely spoken truth is…actions taken under U.S. “democracy”, can be every bit as bad as those taken by China or Russia against their own populations…

…The critical problem is the structure, and the people being allowed to set at the head of it, without accountability or consequence.

We’ve got all these bastards with the wealth, the weapons and the bought politicians, calling all the damn shots and serving their own goals…making themselves more powerful and wealthy, while the fucking country literally falls apart…

…And anyone expects the masses to just accept this, or settle for infrequent voting in a system which refuses to change?

Is it even possible to wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the establishment, when playing by their rules?

We need a whole different vehicle on a whole other direction, than the one we are currently in.



House Speaker DEMANDS Israel Keep Bombing Gaza! w/Glenn Greenwald…

Date: November 18, 2023

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“At the recent pro-Israel rally in Washington DC, House Speaker Mike Johnson described as “outrageous” any calls for a ceasefire in Gaza — despite the fact that a solid majority of Americans support a ceasefire. Instead Johnson, along with other politicians on stage with him like Jody Ernst and Hakeem Jeffries, insisted that the killings, the massacres, the genocide continue unabated.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to System Update host Glenn Greenwald about the consensus in both parties that many more civilians in Gaza must die.”
