Daily Archives: December 14, 2023

Piers Morgan Gets Owned By Count Dankula & Glenn Greenwald Corrects Nomiki Konst About Free Speech…

Date: December 14, 2023

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You’re against the deplatforming of anyone, Kit?…That’s great!…

…Are you against what twitter did to me, in 2020?…what twitter continues to do to me?…

…Are you against what blogspot did to me, back in 2006?…

…How about what youtube did to me, back in 2008?…

I could go on…

…I’m just curious, if you’d support the lifting of my suspension…a suspension which exists for no valid reason…


Hasbro GUTS Dungeons & Dragons and MTG Teams During Layoffs!…


Date: December 14, 2023

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“Hasbro lays off 1,100 employees and many of those were (shockingly) from Wizards of the Coast. Some Dungeons & Dragons and Magic the Gathering team members have posted on social media that yes, they’re done. So what is the game plan for WotC going forward? Is Hasbro prepping it for sale as has been rumored?”



When a Cop Accidentally Records Something Shocking…


Date: December 14, 2023

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“In today’s body camera video, we’re covering the unbelievable footage recorded on an officer’s body camera when he didn’t realize it was recording and analyzing it from an educational legal perspective.”

…”She had limited value”?

I could understand if this were making fun of the city bureaucracy [heartlessness, apathy, etc]…but aiming this at the victim?…That’s just reprehensible.


Sub-Blog Archive

Dave Rubin Joins Bret Weinstein’s Desperate Crawl Back To The Mainstream…

Date: December 14, 2023

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The atheist movement is alive and well, thank you.

I’ve not watched the Harris Peterson debates…largely because both of them went crazy…

I haven’t been paying attention…Did Bret and Heather fall from grace?…

…One thing I’ve noticed…maybe it’s my imagination, or just a curious phase in time…but people who run their mouths and talk shit about MAPs, seem to hit hard times…

…I’m sure it’s just coincidence…I’m not superstitious…I mean, it couldn’t be a curse, for talking shit about MAPs, or anything… 😉
