Daily Archives: December 23, 2023

Rebel Moon May Have ENDED Zack Snyder’s Career: But Is It HIS Fault?…


Date: December 23, 2023

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“Ouch. The review are in for Rebel Moon and this is the sort of bad that can end an entire career. But is it Snyder’s fault? Today we’re chatting about what might happen to Zack Snyder in the wake of a truly awful big budget Netflix release… and whether or not big budget efforts are even where Hollywood should be going in the years to come. Has the marketplace changed out of a five-decades pattern?”



WTF is Happening with Disney Star Wars?!…


Date: December 23, 2023

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“Disney Star Wars needs a wellness check. Andor Season 2 is being pushed back indefinitely, the Rey movie isn’t in any shape to shoot, The Acoloyte is getting reshoots, and Kathleen Kennedy has been eerily quiet since the South Park Panderverse episode. Is Disney getting ready to take a lightsaber to Star Wars in an attempt to get this franchise profitable again?”



Understanding Jewish Disillusionment with Israel (w/ Gabor Maté)…

Date: December 23, 2023

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“Author, physician & trauma expert Gabor Maté joins Bad Faith to discuss how left disillusionment with Bernie Sanders style electoral movements, and Jewish disillusionment with Israel, are part of a painful yet positive progressive shift. He weighs in on 2024, Marianne & RFK Jr, holocaust trauma, and more.”


[Thanks For The MAP Publicity Tyler!] Tyler Fischer’s HILARIOUS “Woke Jordan Peterson” impression!…

Date: December 23, 2023

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“Watch actor and comedian Tyler Fischer perform his hilarious send-up of woke culture with this spot-on impression of Jordan Peterson.

Tyler Fischer on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TyTheFisch

Jordan Peterson teaches Woke Master Class

“Jordan Paterson has been “reeducated” and teaches his first Masterclass!”
