Daily Archives: October 12, 2017

How Other Countries & Cultures Care For The Dead…


Date: October 12, 2017

01) How Other Countries & Cultures Care For The Dead

02) Direct Download [MP3]

“Mortician Caitlin Doughty joins us to discuss her latest book From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death. She travels the world to explore how other countries and cultures take care of their dead. Doughty also compares these experiences to the American funeral industry, which she argues is particularly peculiar.”


A Call to Rebellion for Ontario Legal Professionals…

Date: October 12, 2017

01) A Call to Rebellion for Ontario Legal Professionals

“Ontario lawyers/paralegals: Indicate your objection to the Law Society demands (confidentiality ensured) at https://jordanbpeterson.com/compelled-speech-law-society-upper-canada/. Please forward this video URL to your colleagues.

Concerned non-lawyers, please contact the Law Society at: lawsociety@lsuc.on.ca

(It can be difficult for individual lawyers to stand up against such unwarranted intrusion singly. In consequence, we established the website to generate an estimate of the degree of dissatisfaction and resistance. The number of signatories will be made public, on that same website, within the first week–and updated regularly–but no personally identifying details will be released. )

Summary: Recently, the Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario) has made major revisions to their requirements for the annual submission for legal practitioners in that province. As part of a five-part strategic program known as “Accelerating Culture Shift,” all lawyers are now required to write, submit and abide by a “Statement of Principles.” The details can be viewed here https://www.lsuc.on.ca/EDI/ — a site which indicates what lawyers now need to “KNOW AND DO” (caps in the original) for 2017.

In this video, I discuss this new demand (enforced by the power of government and law) with practicing lawyer Jared Brown and Professor Bruce Pardy of Queen’s University, both of whom testified, along with me, last year at the Canadian Senate on the compelled speech required by federal Bill C-16.

The content of the now-mandatory “Statement of Principles” has been dictated and will be reviewed for compliance by the Law Society itself: Acknowledgement of the “obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally, and in… behavior towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.” This is part of a broader claim by the same society of systemic racism endemic in the legal profession in Ontario – a claim for which very little credible evidence has been collected and distributed.

Furthermore, the Society now requires every legal workplace of 10 or more licensees to “develop, implement and maintain a human rights/diversity policy” and to undergo an “equality, diversity and inclusion self-assessment for their legal workplace, to be provided to the Law Society” (which will also “encourage legal workplaces to conduct inclusion surveys by providing them with sample templates.”)

Failure to do comply brings with it the threat of serious penalties, including reputational damage and, more seriously, loss of the right to practice.

By implementing such requirements the Law Society has shifted from an organization ensuring competent practice to one dedicated to policing political and philosophical attitude and behavior. This is a clear and egregious example of compelled speech, and should be rejected as unacceptable by those at whom it is aimed.

To indicate your objections, once again (lawyers only, please, for this purpose): https://jordanbpeterson.com/compelled-speech-law-society-upper-canada/

Confidentiality is ensured.

Professor Pardy’s National Post article can be found at: http://nationalpost.com/opinion/bruce-pardy-law-societys-new-policy-compels-speech-crossing-line-that-must-not-be-crossed