Paedophile hunters are often abusers trying to reinvent themselves as ‘good people’, says former police chief…


Date: July 01, 2019

01) Paedophile hunters are often abusers trying to reinvent themselves as ‘good people’, says former police chief

“Online paedophile hunters are often abusers who are trying to reinvent themselves as “good people”, the UK’s former police child protection head has said.

Jim Gamble QPM, who ran the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) until 2010, said online vigilantism offered such people a chance to “mask” their past and garner a “status” on social media.

The 59-year-old criticised the effectiveness of some such groups saying he wouldn’t trust them to “walk my dog”.

He said: “They (paedophile hunter groups) attract people with domestic abuse records and coercive control. They give people the opportunity to reinvent themselves as a good person and create this status, to build a Facebook or a Twitter following.

“It makes them feel good about who they are and allows them to mask some of their other behaviours.”

Nothing that we don’t already know…Yet, it’s good to see this issue kept alive, in mainstream media.

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